Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/349

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iii. Tnoasss, of whom presently. iv. Edward. v. TOenry. ,. A dan., the wife of 1tamilton, of Ireland. is. Dorothy, a non, at Brnges. The 3rd son, T,sowos EtsusNoTow, Esq. of Erriogton and Beanfront, Os. sccnded, Ssa TnouAs STANLEY, Rnt. of Weever and Alderley, highsheriff 1st, Eltoaheth Sutton, which lady sf3 May, 17t2, and woo buried at St. John Ley; and 2odly, Mary, dan. of John gentleaann a. Elizalmelh, d,os. and ca-heiress of Sir Peter Warhnffon, Dooglas, of Italton, and by her (who was hurled at Newcastleupon-Tyno) had issue, I. JoHN, of whons presently. ii. W’illiasss, of Sandhoe, 5. Feb. 1766, ussos., and seas buried I. T000sAs STAaLEv, Rag. of Alderley, who was created a at St John Ley. 5. Alice, 5. 24 Feb. 1702; us. to John Fenwick, of Bywell. is. Slary, os. to John Bradford, of Hexhans, M.D. iii. Anne, os. to Taylor While, of Lincoln’s Inn, son of tlradsisaigh, Rag. ansi Isad issue; Jassses, ‘a. Elizabeth, dan. aisd Thomas White, of Toxford, eo. Nods. The eldest oon and heir, Joow Entssaovow, Esq., who 5. v.p. 2 Feb. 1740-1, os. Mary, Vcnal,les, Esq. ; Frances, 5. s’asa.; llary, as. to Prier Oil— dan. of James Levcsy, of London, and widow of Joseph Griffin, brahasa, Rag.; and Slargaret, ‘sm to Tlsan,as Swettenbans, Ess1. of Bieknsarsh, co. Warwick, and by her (seho so. 2ndly, tton. of S,vettenhatn. Sir Thosssas seas a. in 1672 by his eldest son, Thomas 3lolyoessx, of Caoa.teth, to. Lancaster) had issoc, I. SooN, heir to Isis grandfathe; of Errington and Beanfront, Isle of W’ight, and Isad isss,e, too sans ansi six dans. Sir Peter 6. 11 Get. l739 5. a. p. it. Itoaav, of whom presently. 5. Mary, who so. 11 Sept. 1733, Walter Ssnythe, Esq. of III. Sits THomas, who as. Christians, don. of Sir Stephen Brambridge, hauls, and sl. 26 Jan. lOtS, leaving, with other I.ennard, Part. of Wost Wicisham, and had two sans, selso a. to issue, a dan., Faanees, h. 18 April, 1702, who an 3 Aug. 175h, the ssaranefcy; and two dana., who 5. oasis, lie was a. in 1721 Sir Carnaby Haggerstun, Hart. of Haggorsion Castle, Northumberland, by his elder son, and left ad oaly dan. a,sd heir, Mary, sa. in 1533, IV. Ssa JoasEa, ohs as. in Nov. 1740, Frances, yossngest dan. Sir Thomas Stanley-Massey-Stanley, hart, of Hoolon, co. of George Bntler, Esq. of Batlyragget, eo. Eilheonssy; hut dying Chester; and their second son, Roa’land Stanley, assumed the name of Rutsiaovoes, in compliance with the will of his withant issue, in 1740, tisc title deceived sspon his hretlser, mother’s grand-uncle, Ilenry Erringlon, Esq. of Sandlsoe, iss V. Sm Enwoan, who s. Itary, only dna. of Tbensas Ward, 1820, and is now Sir Rowland Errington. The 2nd son, HENRY EvRsanToN, Esq. of Sandhoo, en. Norlhmnberland, Vi. Ssa Jana-Tnoataa, b-in 1733, one of the gentlemen of his and Red Rice, Ilants, b. 31 Bee. 1740; as. Aug. 1760, Staria, dan. majesty’s privy-chamber; who a. iss 3763, Margaret, dan. and of Thomas hilt, Esq, of Tern, eo. Salop, and relict of Sir Bryan heiress of hugh Owen, Esq. of PcnrhOa, in Aagleaey; by wbosss Bronghton, Part., but by ber, wha ml. 8 Jan. 1813, he had no (who at. 2 Feb. 1818) he had, issue. Ito 5. 13 Dcc. 18t9, and nuder his wilt the present SIR i. Jona-Tnoasos, created a peer in 0839. BOwEAND RS5RINOTON (his great grand-nephew) takes his namo, it. Edward, D.D., Bishop at Naroich, 3.1 Jan. 1779; so. 8 Slay, arms, and estate. Ammo of Eerinpton—Arg., two bars, and in chief, three nsmllops, aa. (a crescent for difference). Octal—sO nnic000’s head, erased, arg., arsncd, maned and crined or (a crescent for difforonec). STANLEY. STANLEy, BArbIe (Sir Edward-John Stanley, P.C.), the peerage as BARON STANLEY, efAtdeeteF, 9 Stay, 1839. Hsn nf Alderley, and Baron Eddiabury, of Winnington, lordslsip as. 11 Oct. 1796, Lady Staria-Josepha Itolroyd, dan. of both its Cheahire, and a Baronet; 8. 13 Nov. 1802 John, hat Earl of Sheffield, and by her (who ml. 1 Nov, 1863, sin, at Florence, 6 Oct. 1826, Henrietta.Maria, dan. Enwoan-J0HN, formerly lIP. for North Ciseshire, b. 13 Nov. of llenry-Augustua, 13th Viscount Dillon, and Isas, i. MEssav-RnwARn-Jen,c, b. It July, 1827, baa filled various diplomatic appointnscnts, and was sec. to the special William-Owen, tiP, for Beaumaris, b. 13 Nov. 1802, twin mission in the Danubian. Provinces front l83e to 1838. n. ,Iohn-Conslantinc, lieot-eol. gren.-gds., h. 30 Sept. 1837. Iso. Edo’ard-Lyulph, b. 16 Slay, 1839. xv. Atgernon-Charles, b. 16 Sept. 1843. t. Alice-Margaret, so. $ Feb. 1833, to Cot. Augustus-Henry Lane-Fox, grenadier-guards. It. Henrietta-Blanche, sa, 23 Sept. 1891, to the Earl of Airlie. in. Cecilia, 5. in 1039. iv. Intand-Alethea. v. Katharine-Louisa, as. 8 Nov. 1864, to Viscaunt Amberley, Istatilda-Abtgail, us. 0 Oct. 1828, to Ilessry-John Adeane, Rag. (ace oanle, RUsSELL, E.) vi. Hosaliad - Frances, as. 4 Oct. 1804, to George - James Howard, Log. (ace ussie, CAar.saLE, It. or). Lord Stanley was appointed, in 1860, pnatmaaterenoral, and retired in 1866. 1051 S T A Llltc-gc. Sum JOHN STANLEY, Knt. of Hoover, co. Chester, living tca,p. EsaseAan IV. (third son of Sir Jabs, Stanley, E.G., Lord Stanley —see Easddaas eftsEaav), ma. Elizabeth, dan. and heiress of Sir ‘f’hansas Weever, Knt.; and from this marriage lineally dc of Cheshire in the 7th year of King (‘nonEs I. This ttnt. of Grafoon, en. (‘hester, one of lime jsslges of the Court of Cansnscn Pleas, and was a. by his eldest san, Baronet, 23 June, 1068. Sir Than,as as. Ehioabeth, dan. of Sir Janses Pytis, of Kyre, en. Wsrceslor, by whona iso Isad issue, Pnvna, his snreessar ; Tisonsas, s’s. Penelope, dan. of Jahsa co-heiress of Joins Byrois, Rag. and had isssse; Jane, 5. a’saa,. Elizabeth, so. lot, to J,shn Leigh, Log. ansi Indly, to Hobert 11. Ssts Povra, highs-sheriff of Clseshire in 1678. This genlieman aa. Elizabeth, dan. of Sir Jaisn Leigh, of Nortlseosnt, in tlse was a. in 1701, by Isis oldest san, Esg. of London, banker; and was a. at his decease, in 1733, by his only surviving son, 1810, Catherine, daa. of the ilev. Ossrald Leyeoster, rector sif Slake. Salap; and ,i. 6 Sept. 1849, haviosg by her (a-ho ,t. 3 Slarch. 3862) had issue, I Owen, b. 13 Jnne, 1011; capt. RN.; 5.13 Starch, 1330. 2 Arthnr-Pcnhryn, DO., Isste canon of Christchsss’eh, Oxford, hon. ehaplaiss to the Prince of iPales, and now dean of V estmninater, sri. 16 Dcc. 1803, Assgosia-Frederica-Eliaaboth dan at Thonsas, 7th Earl of Kigin. I Chatles-Rdsrard, eaploin royal engineers; -as. 30 April, 1846, Eliza-Dnlby, eldest dan. of William Clayton, Esq of Lostack Hall, Laneashiro; mind 5.13 Ang. 1849. 1 Stary. 9 Catherine-Maria, sss. 2 April, 1830, to the Rev. Dr. Vaughan, head master of Harrow Sahool. ,. Isahefla-Eliaabeth, on. 19 Oct. 1812, to Charles Gihson, Bag. of Qnernsoore Park, Laiseasbire; assd sI. 8 Starch, 1849. it. Lonisa-Margnrot, as. 21 Nov. 18t2, to General Sir B. Leiglston. Hart., who 5. in 1828, leaving one son; she 5. 8 Jan. 1842. us. Emma, ro. in 1810, to Capt. Dighy-Thosna, Carpenter, Esq.; and oh. in Aug. 1842. Sir John ml. 29 Nov. 1827, and was a. by his son, VII. Sso Jona-Tuoaiaa, b. 28 Nov. 1700, who was elevated to aged 92) hod issne, 1802, who was created ItassoN Ennsasrav, 12 Slay 1848, and succeeding isis father in 1830, is the present Losnn STANLEy, of Aldcrley. with his brother; as. 14 Feb. 1832, Ellen, youngest dan. of Sir John Williams, Bard. of Bodelwyddan, Flinlshire. Maria-Ilargaret. Lucy-Anne, so. 24 Sept. 1833, to llarens-Theodore Hare, Rag., BK. (who 5. to 1843), and lsaa issne, Insaisa-Dorothea. Isabella-Lonisa, as. 23 Oct. iSle. ta Sir Willians-Edward Parry, Ent., captain R.N.; and dyiag 13 May, 1019, left issne. Harriett-Aiethea, as. 10 Oct. 1813, to Licnt -Gen. WOliam Henry Scott, and has isnne. of Babraham, Cssmbridocshire, and by Isim (wlso ml. 11 May, 1847) h,sd issue; she 5.28 .Inly, IblO. Emsneline, as 30 April, 1844, to AlbertHay, Esq. of Wood - ham litanor, Surrey. His lordship 5. 23 Oct. 1830. S TA