Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/351

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ST A issuelese; the 2nd, Edmund, was governor of Merle in the STAVORDALE, Loun, ace ILCIIESTER1 EARL OF. reign of ChARLEs Ii., he also d. e. p.; the 3rd, WiLLIAM, WC ore ahosst to treat of; and the 4th, Edmozsd, who was governor of Montserrat, temp. Cnns.m 31. and Jasers ii., left a dan. Honora The 3rd son, I. Sin WILLIAM STAPLETON, Ent., followed the fortunes of CnA1sLEs 11. into exile, and was ronstitoled, after the Itestoratten, captain-general and gevernor-in-risief of the Leesoard Islands, and rreated a Baronet, 20 flee. 0679. its xis. Anne, stan. of Colonel Randslpls Rossel, sonssttmo governor of the island of Nevis, by seham he had (sritls dons.), U. WILLIA5I,f sneeeosis’sly baeonets. iii. Miles, who so. Elizabeth, dan. and solo heir of Six Charles Gerard, Bart., ef Harrow-an-the-hill (by Ilonora, dan. of Charles, Toed Seymonr, and by her (who so. 2ndly, Warwick Leek, Ksg. of Canons), he had issne, 1 Miles, who sf. moos. 1 Anna. 2 Frances. Sir William 4. 3 Ang. 3600, and was s. by his eldest son, II. Ssa .Jossr.a, 0. 21 Sept. t672; at whose decoase, op. the Sir John-MaxWell, by royol licence dated 30 July, tile devolved sxpon his brother, Ill. Sue WILLIAM, 0. 14 Nov. 1674. This gentleman, who 1862, hos, for lsirnoolf, lais wife, and tlseir ioonn, resided in lbs Isle of Nevis, a. Fmnees, the 3rd dan. of Sir ‘aessimed the sssrnanaa of GuAvEs in adolition to oasd Janses Russell, by whom (wlso a. hndly, Calossel Walter after that of STEELE. Hn woo usade high-sheriff of Hamilton, governor of the Leeward Islands) he had two sacs, Gloutoaterobiro in 1866. WILLIAM, Isis successor. James-Russell, a colonel in the guards; who so. Penelope, dan. and heiress of Sir John Conway, Ban, of Bodryiian, cc. I. Purnaisn SvnELe, Esq. of an ancient English famBy, 2nd Flint, and left four dons., his co-heirs, viz., I Penelope, so. son of Robert Steele, 14551. of Soossoer’s Cove, near Kinsale; to Ellis Young. Esq., of Arlon a Catherine; 3 Elizabeth, settlesl at Hampstead, co. l4nblin, and sraa ereatesl a Baronet of so. to Watkisxs Williams, Esq. of Peresyd ; and 4 Frances, lrelnnd, 2 Aug. 1700. lIe ox. lot, in 1730, Jane Arinstead, sod as. to Robert Cotton, EM., son of Sir Lynrh Cotton of Llenay. hast basso, llirlsard, iso Ihe arsssy, s1. 00001.; I’aeaen, successor Sir Wiiam was s. by his elder son, IV. SIR WsLa.sAsI, H.P., en. Oxford, who so. Cailserine, doss to Isis father; Fredenirk sI under age; Harriet, sss. to her and heir of William Pool, Eoq. of P,raywiek, eo. Perks, by eosssin, Major Steele, of Sssnsnser’s Cave; and Ieorolloea, os. to Catherine, dan. of Vero Pane, Earl of Westmorelond; ansI -had, James Ihutler, Rig. of Fethard. Sir Richard so. Indhy, Margaret with other issne, sslso 4. yosmg, William, a lienlenant on board the “isis,” killed by the Ssnith, who as. Aasgehina, iou. of Sir Olieiseel Smith, Rant. bursting of a rannon, at l’ort Royal, in .Iasnaieo. Thomas, soeeessor to his father. 00155, 4. moos. Catherine, so. to Sir Jassses Wright, Isis majesty’s residnnt Sir Itiehard dying in 1753, was a. by isis eldest sucriving son, minister at Venice. Frances. Sir WiBiam ri. 12 Jan. 1739-40, and woos, by his eldest son, V. Sso Tnosxas, of Rothorfield Greys, eo. tlxford, 0. 24 Feb. and soas severely srossnslod at the tzking of Itesse Cassol. Sir 1727; so. 27 Nov. 1761, Mary. dao. of henry Fsoe, Esg. of Parker s,s. in 1771 or 1774, Mori;s, lao. of John Verity, Esq. of Wormoley, in the same sisire, and niece of tim Earl of Weotesorland, Bowling If all, iss Yorkshire, by sehosn he had, by whom he had issue, I. ToossAs, 0. 10 Nov. 1766, his soceeseor. is. William, 0. 5 June, 1770; a hoot -gooerr.l in tlse army; so. in 1790, Anna-llaria (svlso ‘i. 1036), eldest dan. of Ihe lion. Frederick Keppel, biolsop of Exeter, and left at his decease, in 1026, on only son, John-Thomas-Ferdinand, n-ho as. 1st, in 1814, OsorgiassaMaria, Fredes’ick-Fes’dinnnd-Aresstead (christened Fredes’jels-Fzrdinand elsiest dan. of George, 2nd Lord Seolhasnpton; and 2ndly, in 1031, Clsarlott s-Georgians, dan. of the late lion. Sir Wilhhlans Pensonby. Hod. 7 Nov. iSIS. on. James-henry, 0.29 June, 1777; 4. 184J. s. Olasia, si. at Olareh, 1505. ii. Cathes-ine, 4. April, 1063. Sir Thomas was s. by his eldest non, VI. Ssa Toossas, in whose favour the abeyanre of the Barony Le Despeneer terminated in 1700 (inherited thressgh his hlnrio, oss. to the late Joshua Snsitb, Ksq., barrister-at-lam-, and ‘wot-grandsuother, Lady Catlserine Pool, dan. of Vero Fans, LILEOrI of Westsssorelood). Jtio lordship so, in 1791, Elizabeth, Sir Parker rI. 13 blay, 1707, and was z. by his son, Jan. of Sansoel Eliot, SEq. of Anligua, and by hex (who so. 1040) III. Sin IdsessAnn, 0. 4 Aug. l77O so. 20 llarch, 1798, had (wills dans. for whosn see Le Dcoznaeors), 1. Tnouas, 0.24 itpril, 1792; so. 2 Feb. 1810, llaria-Wynne, (a lientenant-general in the Austrian serrloe, ss’iso fell at the 2nd dan. of Henry Olanks, Esq. of Kingston Honse, co. I Ioeset, siege of Dnnkirk, in 1791, eosnspassd.°ng the isssperiai troops), by by whom (srho 4. 10 Oct. 1d23) he loft at isis dorease, I Jane, srhons (a-ho of. 15 Jsdy, 1807) he bad iasrse, 1829, MAOT.FRANeLO-ELIZAJ5ETn, who s. her father in ilse Boooay Richard, who sf. in the Plod year of his age. or LO Deseeseen; and as. in 1049, Evelyn Boseawen, Esq., 4 ooo-1laxws.s, present baronet. now Vsaeoua’p FALsioeTn. Is. Willions, on officer in the army; a. at Sept. 1026. Its. lliles-John, in holy ordees; of. in 3030, leaving four dons. Frances, sss. to John Synge, SEq. of Glenmuro Castle, eo. (See Re Deseooeeo.j iv. FssAaess-JAovae, vho inherited the baronetcy. His lordship 4. 3 Get. 1031, when the Barony of Le Desprneer Harriet, as. 1 Oct. 1835, to the Rev. Rda’ard-B. Elliott, of devolved upon hjs granddoss., and tise Baronetcy oposs Isis only Ensily, so. to the Isle 11ev. Edward Synge. surviving son, FoArxeso-Joovas, present baronet. Us’eoeisn—IO Dee. 3768. Arass—Qnarterly I lot, org., o Boss, rampanl, 55.; 2nd, no., Ehizabetls, of. young. three rigbt-hapd ganntlolo, with tlseir tacks forward. sr ‘.hrsl, go., on a saltior, arg., a rose, of the Odd, barbed and seeded, ppr.; 4111, qparterly, arg. and go., in the 2nd and 3rd qssarters a fret, or; over all a bend, so. Creel—Out of a doeal coronet, or, a Saraeso’s head, olfrosstde Isro liens’ heads, erased, go.; ona chief, ar., tisree billets, gold, i’pr., wreathed about the temples, org. and so. JIolla—Pso 91ngn1 ChartS. Seot—Oroy’o Court, Oxfoedshiee. 102 3 S T E STEELE - GRAVES. STEELE . GnATES, StE JOUNMAXWELL, of Hasnpateoti, Co. Dublin, J.P. and DL.; Is. 4 May, 18:12; 8. 00 4th baronet, 2 Atsg. 1850; no. 31 July, 1538, Elizaboth-Ann Graveo, of Miekletoia Manor House, Glouttotershire, eldeat don. and eo.heir of tho lote John Groves, Eoq. of Stickle- ton Manor, Glooreetershire, and hoo one dan., Franres-Elizabeth. 3L incagc. Smith, Isy srliom Iso Isasi issue. his widow as. Indly, W. Rorrosres, Esq. Hargaret, -six, to Jasnes Fethorston, Rag. of Beaeklyn, co Westmeath. Ii. Ssa PARKER, 0 usihitary officer, who served under Fnrpenira TilE GREAT, irtng of Pnsssia, throoglsont the whole seven years’ wor, and srho participated in the glories of Minden, in 1709, RaenAan, late baronet. Robes-t, in holy ordem, rector of Mssndeshey and Trimiogham, Nos-folb es. sod sl. boring had three sans; Parker; Richard, deceased; and Arsnslead. deceased sod several doas., of whom Elizabeth, u-as as. 10 Doe. 1030, to T.-llartio, Esq. of Loodon, and the yongeot, Elleu-Georgiana, u-as sxs.21 April, 1sf 0, to the tier. 0.-P. Hauled, of Osbouroby, Lineolnoisire. after Frederick the Greal, sod lois brother, Ferdinand), as. lot, 24 Oct. 1809, Ann, only dan. of Robert Rrerord, Esq. of Bnidgev’nler, Sanserset, nosl by her (who ‘1. 19 Arsg. 1544) lsad iso-ce eons and three dana. Ho so. Indly, 4 3lsreh 1053, Ann-Mary, youngest dais, of tlse isle Samuel tlardncr, of Red Hill house, Sheffield, Yorkshire. Ehiznbelh. ri.s’oas. is deceased. Frances-Olary-Collette, dan. of the late Edward, Count M’Alfan Edoard, CR., lieot.-oolonel in Ilse army, 93rd regiasesst; 1814; 4.4 Assg. 1061. Wickloor, and 7, his widoss’, 5 June, 1561. Bertha, 4. in 1047. Lucy. Cove house, Torsnay, Bevon. Cotlserine, os. to the Rev. Clsristophser Bowan, rector of St. ‘rlsousas’s, Winclsesler. Sir Richard 4. 2 Aug. 1800. Csvalio,s—2 Aug. 1700. .drssso—Arg., a bend, cannIer conspony, sa. and or, between f’srol—A denol-eaglo, displayed, holding in Isis besk a snake, aB ppr. JIoIIo—(ofdopted by the present baronet.) Aquilo non csptat nssaOL’ss.