Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/354

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STE marriage of Margaret, dan. and laeirees of Mr. John Hntrheson, of Seetston. iii. Walter, who obtained the lands of Pardevan, by marriage of Elizabeth, dan. and boireso of Robert Stewart, of Pardovau, and had issne a son, WaIter. I. Annabel, cc. to Sir George Maxwell, of Pollook, and v. Patrick-Maxwell, t. in 1705; 31-P. for Lancaater from had issue, Sir Archibald S. in 1650, and was e. by his grandson, I. Aacu,aans Srewacr, Req. of lJlaekhall; who was i. Margaret, r,c. to Edward, 11th Duke of Somerset. create,] a Bareset ef Keen &slia, 27 March, 1667. He si. si Catharios, rn-to John Osborne, Esq., capt. in the 6th 1st, Anne, eldest dan. of Sir John Crawford, of Kilbirnie, by whom he had, i. John, (the representative, tbrengb his mother, of the cit. Eleonora, sr to Sir William Maxwell, Mart. of Mooreith, ancient family of Crawferd of Kilbnrms,) who predeeeased Ills father, leaving iseno, 1 Avemex,,o, 2nd hart. 2 Miruxet., 3rd hart. 1 Anne, so. to her cousin, Arehihald Stewart, of Stewart for the en. Ronfrew; rn. Eliza-Slary, only child of Robert Hall. And three ether daue. ii. Patrick, 5. op. iii. Walter, advocate, ancestor of Stewart of Stewart Hall. iv. Margaret, ‘a. to 1605, to Jshn Brisbane, of Bishepton, iii. Robert-Farqnhai, cs. 10 Feb. lOSS, Isabella-Jane, eldest anrestor of Brisbane of that ilk. He rn. lndly, Manse Agnes Dalmahey, who 5. a p. and Irdly, Mary, dan. ef Sir John Douglas, of Kilhead, by ii. Katharine-Slary, so. 2 May, 3845, to Major-Coneral the whom he had, Archibald, George, and two dana. Sir Archibald wae s. by his grandson, 11. Sm ARdninaLo; who, dying without issue, in 1724, sir. Rliea-3lary, whoef. young. was a. by his brother, Ill. Sin MLmsAcs,, member of the Faculty of Advocates, the present baronet. cc. Helen, dan. of Sir John Houston of that ilk (by hie £‘resliss—27 Slaceh, 1667. lady, Margaret Shaw, only dan. of Sir John Shaw, of Arscs—Qnarterly: let and 4th, or, a fesse, eheqny, an. and Greenock, and of Dame Eleanor Nicoleen, dan. of Sir org., overall, alion, rampaut, gn., forSTewAaTs,fBIoeI’toll; Thomas Nicoleas, of Carneck), and had issue, 1. Jones, who through his mother, earns to repreecot the Sod, a demi-saragr, s-reathed shoot the head and middle with ancient families ‘f Nicelsen ‘f flamed, Olonsten of that laurel, sod holding a club ever lus shoulder, ppr. ilk, and Shaw of Grceoeck. Upsu the death of his grand. Ssjrpsvlr i-s—-On Ihe texier a lion, rampant, gn.. armed and uncle, Sir John Shaw, of Greeooek. in 115], lie inherited langoati, ae, gorged seith s collar, ehesioy, org. and of the Ike entailed esl.ates of Gresnock, Eastsr Greeneek, and tub-u; sod on tire sinistes-, a savage, -,s-realhed s-oned tlrs head l0io’sart. ii. lleuet,so, whe e. to the autailed estate of Carosek, npou sltoolder, all ppr. the death of Sir John Ilenston, Hart., sod assumed the Jloltees ever the (‘u-ssf.s—°Spero melora;” and”] mean s-all.” additional surname ef Nicorence; is. in 1763, Margaret, den. ef Boyd Porterfield, Req. ef that ilk, and had iesns an only son, Micnses., 5th baronet. sit. Archibald, of Tobago, who, in tbeyearl790, waskilled STEWART, Sea WiLLIAM - DRUMMOIID, of Grandtully, io repulsing some American irivatesrs, who had landed and laid w.,ste several estates irs the island. s. Margaret, sr. ii, 1764, to Sir William Maxwell, Bart. of C’Isristiana-Mary Stenart, and has by her (isbn ci. 1 Sprisgk-ell, and bad icons. ci. Elsauora. Sir Michael d. in 1796, and was a. by his eldest ssn, IS’. Sic Joan SnAsv-STewAnT, of Grosnoek and Blackball, Sir William a. hio brother, ao 7th hart., 20 May, 1838. H.P. for es. Reofrcw, a men of distinguished abilities. He cc. in 1786, Frances, widow of Sir Janice Slaxwell, Bart. of Pellock; but dying witbont issue, in Aug. 1812, was a. by Areressors, 6th lerd-higls-stewarcl of Scotland, living in elm his nephew, V. Sin SlrenscL Snxw-&rcwaer, lord-lisnt. of the cc. arid heiress of Angus Slaersr-y, Lord Rule, and had with ens of Renfrew, only sen of H”nston Stewart-Nicholson, Esq. dan. two sons, of Carnoek (ride dsscendaole of Sir Michael, 3rd baronet); JAMES, 71h lord high-steward: from whom tics royal family who ‘is. in Sept. 1767, his cousin, Catherine. youngest dan. of Sir William Maxwell, Mart. of Sprinksll, and Isad issue, e. Mienare, his successor. ii. William, who d. young. Arid irs. lionstsn (Sir), admiral ‘if the blue, K. C’.B.,sa. Ilsetba, Sic Jeos STE5’AOT. of BonkHl, who fell at the beetle of Pal- dan. of Sir William Sliller, Dart. (Lord Glenlee), and has issne, 1 Willlsm-Honsten, rapt. R.N. ; rn. 20 Feb. 1830, Catherine-Elizabeth. Sir Alexander he Itonkill, eldest dan. of the late Eyre Coote, Req. Alesandes’, of Bastyil, ancestor of the Stewerts, Reels of of West Park, Slants. 2 Houston, an officer i]Slh light infantry. 3 .Tohn-Erskiee-fleuglas, rn. 17 lao. 1054, Jnlia, dan. of Alan, fr-,,m s-horn the Stewartr, Reels of Lennox, descended, the Rev. BeoryTnrten, SIR., by Harriet, his wife, eldest sod fhr-esrgur the rr,rfor’temste Rail of Darrsle (husband ef dan, of Francis Sliekin Nerthso, Req., 31.B., of Lea Hones, ce. Stafford, and has a dan., Harriet-Nina. 4 Patriek-Maxsvell-Sbav’. iv. John, a member of the Faculty of Advocates, and sheriff of Stirliugshirs; 1’. 24 Jnly, 1707; m. 15 Ang. 1027, Jenies, progenitor of the present family, of slisus prerently. his eonaio-germcn, ,faoe-Strrart, :ird dais. of Lient. -Gen. Sir John heron Maxwell, Bart. of Springkell )sss McRON Sic JAMES STrwART (the dthr son), of Pierston, sod of Wars-ieklull, 3lsxws.LL, MART., o’cts), and had issue, 1 Sliehasl-Jsbo, sssietant-esmmissisrrer in Seinde, t. 24 fell at the baltic of Duppliso in 1301, end feom him lineally Nv. 1828, Bombea-civilservice; sc. 11 April, 1667. at ;lsseeoded Madras, mBa, dan. of the late Augnstirs.ltermanrr Ae.axesoec STEWART, who flourished in the reign of King Kindsr,nann, Esq. 2 John-Morse-Maxwell, capt. 00.51. royal cngilreers, 9. ,lAsmes I. of Scotland, and obtained a charter (rem Amlsibeld, it Sept. ISIl. 3 Charlea-Esbert, 5. 10 trig. ISIS, agort 9. I hlary-Elieabeth, rn 6 March, 1056, to James Hewden, Al,erfeldie, do. l’ertls. From this gentleman s-s pass to his lineal Req., arid has had, Jehn-Miehsael ; ,tndrew-Mailland, it. deoeendenl. 1 April, lhOl ; Charles-Robert-Andrew; Helen-Louisa; Ste Wie,usn STEWART, of Grandto]hy, one of the gentlemen intl Jaoe-Stnart-Siary. 1056 S T E 2 Catharios Maxwell. 1 Jane-Charlotte. 4 Margaret-St. Slanr. 5 llelenora-Graee. Mr. Stewart S. in June, 1040, senivcrsally regretted for his many public and private virtues. 1031 to 1017, and for the es. of Benfrew in 1041; end d. 30 Oct. 15i6. vi, William-Maxwell. Inniskilling dragoons, and has iosns, 1 Catharine-Shaw-Stewart. 2 Eliaabeth-Nora. aiiM has issue. Sir Michael S. in Aug. 0525, and was s, by his oldest eon, VI. Sia MionAeL, M.P. for en. Lanark, and afterwards Parqnhar, Req. of Newark, Renfrowshire, and by her bad, e. MreBAeL-RooeRT, his enceesser-. ii. John-Archibald Stewsrt-Nicholeoo, now of Caroork, is. 37 Aug 1557, llelcoora-hlargaret-Aogols, dao. of Boyd Alexander, Req. of Balleehosyle she 5. 24 Jan. 1863. dan of the Hon. C. -W. Warner, CD., attorney-general of Trinidad, sod has issue. 1. Jane- Catharins, Hon. Robert llrnes, greo.-gnards, who d. 17 Jnne, 1862. Sir Sliehael d. in Dee. 1036, and was s. by his eldest oon, 2nd and3rd. ae., three covered cups, nr, for Sesaw s,f Greessrfe. C,vsf.’—lsl, a liso’s head, erased, gn., anned and langned, se.; and nriddle wilh lanrel-Isaves, and helding a club over his Ass f—Ardgowan, Bcsfreseslr,iee. 7’s-cia liv asr—12, Ilelgravo Sqoare. STEW ART. en. Perth; 0. 25 Dee. 1795; cc. iii May, 1830, Oct. 1856) s eon, Wrnvcssi-Geocos, ma(or in the army, V.C., 8. in Feb. 1831. 8Liiicagc. reigns of Asesarenea 11. and Asexxsoec Ill., ;,,. Jean, dan. of Sotart derived, to a direct male line, slows Is Jasres V., shose don. soil heiress seas the unlorlunate Macs, queen of Sr etc. kirk in 1196, leaving by his wife Stargarol, dan. sod heh’ess of Aoens. Qooen Stacy) the royal house of Stnsrl came dec-n to Ring lanes II. From this AMes also derive the STeWAR’rs of I ‘,,sllssi it. Walter, aneestar, tlreoisgb so heiress, of the Earls of Gallowo ’. Jolr,s. in the barooy of Cunirsghaoi and slreriffdom of Ayr, Earl of Douglas, of Ihe lends of Gr’andlnlly, Rylillich, and of tire bedehsnrber 10 Eimtg JAMEs VI., frorse s-hom he obtained