Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/361

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STR The elder son, 1. Mcmiv STRACHEY, Req., NP. of Sutton Court, 8. admiral of Snifolk. He vs. 26 May, 1857, Angnata, 55 May, 1737, was created a Baronet, 15 Jnns, 1801. Me vs. widow of Colonel Bonhana, 10th llnemars, and 2nd 23 Slay, 1770, Jane, only dan. of John Kelesil, Req. of clan, of the late Rev. Sir Christopher-John Slnegrave, Greenwich, and relict of Captain Latham, RN., and had, Bart. of Eden Hall, Cnmherland, and has, HENRY, the 2nd baronet. Edward, o. is Dec. 1774, of the Bengal civil service; va in 5. Angnsla-Fanny. Oct. 1800, Julia, youngest dan. ofCel. Kirkpatrick, of the Bengal Army; and 5. 5 Jan. 1832, leaving issue, I EDWARD, the present hart., 2 Henry, lieut.-eol. Bengal army, u. C Sept. 1859, Joanna-Catherine, 2nd dan. of Rudolph CloetJ, of Newlands, Cape of Good Slope; 3 Richird, col. royal Bengal engineers, ci. let, 27 Dec. 1854, Caroline, dau. of the Rev. George Bawlee, which Sin AR-rnoNv Rova, Knt. of Bennington, pnrehased lady d. Sept. 1855; ai. lndly, 4 Jan. 1539, Jane-Ilaria, 2ad Henham Hall, Suffolk, from Sir Arthur Ilept’ n, in 1514; dan. ef Sir John-Peter Grant, K C B., governor of Jamaica, and from hian lineally descended, and has had Richard-John, 0. 19 hay, 1861 ; a son, 1. Sin JonN Rove, of Heaham Hall, NP., who svas 6. at Simla, 20 Sept, 1085; Edina ; Caroline, it. at sea, 21 created a Baronet 17 Slay, 1660, and was s. by his only son Nov. 1862; and two oilier dana., of whona the yonnger, Olivia, d. 10 Jan 1067; 4 William, of the Colonial Office; 3 John, of the Bengal C.S , so. 8 Oct. 1856, KatherineAnne, ef Aahwell-Therp, co. Norfolk. dan. 01 George Batten, Esq., Beng. C.S., and hoe IT. Sia Jones, high-ahcriff of Snifolk in 1661. This gentleman a son, 6. Sept. 1857; a son, ii. 8 Dec. 1558; and a dan.; 6 George, secretary Ca H. 31. diplomatic service at Baraham Hall, co. Suffolk, eiater and co-heiress of Thomas Vienna, am. let, 5 June, 1857, Anne - Maria - Geergiana, Bedingfeld, Req., and granddan. of Sir Thomas Msdingfeld. oldest dan. of Richard Strachey, Eaq. of Aehwick Grove, which lady it. 21 Jan. 1818; and 2nmlly, Catharine, eldest dan. of the Rev. J. - Baeett Doveton, reetmr of he had two sons. Sir John vs. Sndly, Anne, dan. of Robert Burnett, Someroet, and hy her has a son, 8.50 jan. 1864; a Wood, Req., by whom he had fonr sons and three dana. He son, 6. at Vienna, ‘49 Srpt. 1865; anita Eon, 8.3 Jnne,1907; it. in 1730, and waa c. by his eldest son, 1 Jane, vs. 15 Oct. 1842, to John Hare, Req. of Rrtstol. Richard, of Aohwick Grove, co. Somerset, 8. 51 May, 1781; ItT. Sin Jones, SIP. ; at whose dercaaa, mmci., the titls ci. 1 June, 1630, Anne-Maria, dais, of Alexander Powell, devolved npon his half-brother, Meg. of Hurdcott Honso, Wilts, and it. 5 May, 1647, IV. Sin RoBEnr, who ci. Lydia, dan. of John Smith, Esq. leaving (with eight dane , vie.: Anne-Slaria-Georgiana, efHolten, ce. Snilbik, and was e. by his only enrviving eon, deceased, wife of her cousin, George Strachey, Req.; V. Sin Jones, SIP, for co. Snffelk in 1768. Thia gentleman Jeanne, ma. 5 Jnly, 1829, to the Rev. Geo.-Rdward-F. as. in 57i0, Judith, dan. and heiress of John Bedingfeld, Masters, inenmbent of .tlerrington, Salop, nephew of Sir Robert Grant, Dart. ; Helen, it. 89 Dec. 1816; Mary- Augusta ; Charlotte-Margaret, is. 2 geb. 1861, to Capt. John-J. Phillipps, 60th rifles ; Harriet—Octavia, iii. 10 Sept. 1562. to a -v. Law, Rvq., son of the Rev. K-V. Frances, vs. to Sir Henry Pcytan, Bert. Law, rector of Chriatian-Mnlferd, and grandson of the lato Bi’. Law, Biahep ef Bath and Wells ; Katharine, Charlotte, who it. nasa. iii. Dec. 1062, to John-Francee-MatrWinteracale, Loniea-Jndith, vs. in 1791, Ca John Birch, Roq. Bent. 3rd battalion. P.C. 0. rifle brigade; and laabella); He it. 31 Get. 1771, and woes, by his son! two sons, I Richard-Charles, of Ashwick Grovo, 8. 2 Nov. VI. Sin Jones, 6. 30 Slay, 1736, SIP. fer ee. Snifelk; who 1655, es. 25 March, 1857, Charlotte-Lindsay, dan. of— was elevated to the peerage 20 Slay, 1706, as Pares fleas, ef Hawkins, Req., and has a son, 8. 1 Sept. 1861 a son, 6. .Decciaglsc; a,id created, 18 Jnly, 1501, Vieeoemal .Dunscirh 28 Nov. 1066; a son, ii. 1 Peb. 1668; and two dane.; and and EMiL ov Svaancnoae. His lordship is. 1st, in Jan. 2 Alexander. Charlotte-Margaret, it. in 1801. Lucy, vs. to Colonel Wellaston, of Shenten Hall, Leiceetershire, Rdward-Warter Wilson, Raq. of Bilboa, eo. Limerick, by and it. his widow, 10 March, 1063. Sir Henry was private secretary to Lord Clive, in 1764, and s, Fraucea.Anne-Jnlians, ai. 6 July, 1516, te Vice-Admiral enbseqnently joint-secretary to the Treaenry, one of the nndsr-seeretaries of state, and master of the honeehold, He d. 3 Jan. 1810, and was e. by his elder son, Ii. Sm HENRY, 8. 6 Dec. 1772, who it. asses. 11 April, 1628, Whittaker, Eeq., by whom, who it. 15 Jan. 1016, ho had, and woe e. by his nephew, the present hart. Creation—I8 Jnne, 1501. .,4s”imee—Arg., a cross, between mm. Henry-John, admiral RN., late SIP. far Westminster; fonreaglee, diaplayed, gn.,for STnAcnar, quartering Honors, or, two crescente, so., on a canton of the second, a ducal ceronet, gold. Crest—An eagle, displayed, gu., charged on the breast with a cress fitchile, pat4e. Motle—Ccelnm non en. Williani-Rnfns, 6. 1 Aug. 1796; vs. 27 13cc. 1822, Leniea, animnm. Seal—Sutton Conrt, Pensford, Semereetahire. ST R AD B R 0 K E. STRADEROKE, EARL oa (Sir John-Edward-Cornwaffle vive en espoir. Seats—Henham Hall, Wangford, Suffolk Eons), Viaconnt I)nno’ich, and Baron Eons, of Sqnare. Dennington, all in the no. Suffolk; antI a baronet; b. 13 Fob, 1794; s. as 2nd earl, at the decease of his father, 17 Ang. 1827; and is lord-lieut. and vice- 1063 STR i. Gaeaaa-Jona--Ems’Asn-Mowaeav, VieccmmRl Dmmesoirh, 6. 10 Nay. 1861. is. Seplna-Rvelyn. ems. Adele-Charlotte, iv. A dan. Iisragc. by his 2nd wife, Eieabeth, dan. of Thomas Knyvett, Req. sam. let, Philippi, den, of Thomas Bedingfald, Req. of i’ne of the jndgee of the Court of Common Pleas, by whom Raq. of Meesten, co. Norfolk, by whom (who vs. 2ndly, in 1772, the Rev. Edward Lockwood, of Bows Hall, Essex) he had one eon, JOHN, and three dana., 1788, Franeee-Jnliana-Warter, only dan. and heiress of whom (who it. 20 Jnne, 1790) he had an only dan., Hon. Sir Henry Hothavo, K.C.B., who d. 1815: shed. 31 Jan. 1859. The earl cm. 2ndly, 21 Feb. 1752, Charlotte-Slaria, dan. of A. s. Jona-Enwxnn-Connwxoizss, present peer. 8. 23 Jan. 1705; vs. 2 Jan. 1536, Sophia, only surviving dan. of the late Janace-Ramsay Cnthbea’t, Req. of Grosvenor Square. youngest dan. of the late James Hatch, Rsq. of Clsbary Hall, co. Easex, and has had isaue, 1 William-John, heat. -col. Scets fneilier-guards; 8. in Oct. 1833. I Lasdaa, it. in 1016. 2 Henrietta. iv- hugh-Anthony, 8. 15 July, 1600; it. 29 Sept. 1020. v. Thomas-Manners, 8. 4 Aug. 1810; in hely orders; it. 31 Slay, 1841. s. Charlette-Marianne-flarriet, cm. 27 Dec. 1910, to Nathaniel Slicklethwsit, Esq. of Taverham and Meeston, Norfolk; and ii. 29 April, 1010. vs. Lenisa-Msrta-Jndith, vs. 23 Feb. 1024, to Spencerhterst’y Be Roreay, Esq., H.P., who it. 20 hay, 1800: she ii. 24 hOards, 1043. His lordship it. 17 Aug. 1827. Creslismaa—Maronet, 17 Slay, 1660. Baroh, 25 May, 1796. Earl, he., 18 July, 1621. Arems—Sa., a fesas, daneettie, or, between three crescents, arg. Creel—A pys’vmid of bayleavea, in the form of a cone, vert. .Smpparmers—Dexter, a lion, am-g., monad and tufted, or; sinister, a sea-horse, arg., maned and Snoed, or, the tail round an anchor, av., each supporter gorged with a wreath of hay, vert. Afollo—Je Glenahirey Lodge, co. Waterferd. TameR Hsmmsc—21,Belgrave