Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/366

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Cceaflesss—Baron, 31 Jan. 1609. Viscount, Ac., 6 Sept. Tue 13ev. On. bennon CAMPBELL, was minister of Cnpar, 1690. Restoration, by act of parliament, 17 June. 1924. Avon—Quarterly: let and 4th, or, three bars, wavy, gu., pasipi thsn I y Isis otosusmncssls in polite literature. He tsr. for DnusrnoNo ; 2nd and Ird, or, a lion’s bead, erased, within irs sr7O, M;sgdalene, ossly dan. sf John Hallyburtsn, Esq a double-treasure, ilosy-eountorflory, gu.,as a coat of augmentation. of Tlss Fodriosesnee, a branch of the ancloist family of ths Cresl—A goohawk, wings expanded, ppr. Over this crest JlaLtvnun-roNs of’ SlIces’, alliod to the nohis houses sf is given the moths ‘‘virtutoju eurosat honos.” There is Morton, Aissyrse, and Northesk, asssl had issose, another cr.nt, viz. A falcon regsrlant wings displayed, ppr. I. Guoeor (Sir), of Rdenwsad, a. Margaret, dan. of .4. with books ring, or; anti over the crest, the motto, ‘‘Prius Cisriotie, Esq. of Ferrybonk, and 5. 20 May, 1854, leaving mon quans fidom failoro.” Sssjspsrlers—Tnw savages, wreathed ahont the head and iohss with oak-leaves, and holding in their exterior hands clubs over the shoulder, all ppr. Motto (t’ss’r,’ the sti, (0)—Lord, have mercy. ,Scal—Slrathallan Caotl,, Orion; Pcrthsbire. 1. Wis.m.sao-Feevrases, proseni peer. General Drnmmond d. usssa. in 1817, when the representattsn ii. llALLsBeovuN-Ge005e, licut.-coi. 40th Iliddlesex rids vslautoers, is. Is Oct. 1029; to. 24 Aug. 1881, Lenisa-Olary, eldest dan. of A.-J.-B. Seresfocd-tlopo, Esq., and Lady llildrcsl 1101)0, and has tssac, John-lisrcsfcrd, S. 20 Juno, 1000, and Olildrod-I,ooisa, 5. 20 Nov. 1007. its. Dudley, is. 24 55cc. 10.31. ills lordship, 5. 24 Starch, 1707, sa. 18 Jan. 1809, Lady I. Louise-Madeline, St. 11 Sept. 1810, Is use Rev. W.-S. White, Ameia-Soplaia Msmrray, don. of Johu, 4th Duke of Athsll, by of Tue Bras, rector of PulIcr-llanwsrtls, Lincslnshirc, ]atc vicar of Cisaddesly, Corbeit, W’orcsstcrshiee. 51. Slary-Scarlstt. ii, James-Robert, rsar-adm. RN., CD., lord of the Admiralty, sit. Cecilia, vs. 29 Jssly, 1002, Ic If.-R. Vanghan-Jslssssn, 5. 15 Sept. 1812; as. 3 Feb. 1855, Cotbanine, dau. of Naq., barrister-at-law, Irci son of usc Rev. John Johnson, LL.L)., rooter of Yaxham-ouns-Welbsrne, Norfolk csro asic, Cowrsss, EA5L, sssh), and has a son, 5. 24 Sepi. 1801; a son, 5. 13 May, 1000; suds dan. 5. 0 April, 1008. iv. Edona, so. 4 Oct. 1819, is the Rev. W.-A. Dnckwsrlls, 18 Nov. 1117, Julia-Mary, dan. of 1.-C-C. Sutherland, Esq. of Calcutta, and has issue, rector of Pattenlsasss, Surrey, eldest surviving san of William Dsckn’orth, of Orchard Lsigh, Park, Ssmcrsstshirs, ansi has issue. Lady Stratlssdcn was the cldcst dan. of the 1st Lord Alinger, by his wife, Louisa-Henrietta, 3rd dan. of Peter 1 Julho-Mary, ste. at Ca(csmtta, I llaroh, 1183, to HoraceA. Casupbcll, Esq. of Kilmsry, es. Argyll, of the Campbelis of Anchinlsrsck. She sI. 21 March, 1880, and was s. by her eldest son, WiLLsAas-Fnenenicn, prsssnt Raran Strathsden, and iv. Fmnois-Charles, 5. 9 Sept. 1835; tsr. 8 Feb. 1849, Baron Campbell. For fssrthsr details of Lady Strathodon’s Charloitc-Mas’y-Atboll, dan. of the late Sir Herbert Ooksley, Dart. fasnily, 500 BARON ABINOER. v. Robert-Andrew-John, Irsdian civil ssrvtes; 5. 4 Aug. 3LtlItagc of €alllpbf{I. This family, originally from Argyllshire, has horn settled 5. 1 Starch, 1858; Wsslter-Js’bss, 5. 24 June, 1061; ssearly tws centnries in tIre cs. of Fife. Nainee Tsil, India, 0 Jiay, 1804; Arthur-David, b-at Natsene Tol, 1:1 Oct. 1805 ; Mourtoe-Fredertch, 5. at Nainse ml, 22 Grsnnr UaasrsrLL, a steady adherent of his clan, and of ito chief, the 1st llarqueco of Argyll, by wlsiels his fsstuns vs. Frederick, H.E.I.C. CS. ; 5. 23 April, 1822; ,l. 13 beeanas considerably impaired, if not esstirely ruined, settled, isa 1052, at St. Androwo, and became proprietor of i. Marissuno-Jaus, so. 18 Jon. 1842, to Ceerge-Orummond the estate of Baltulla, hs the parish of Cures. His eldest Grxme, F.eq. of tuehbraehie, neajur in the Hannvertsn son, Jshn, took the degree of Master of Arts at St. AL5- drows, in the year 1087, and gained the highest hossoura of the smniversity, then of high reputation for aU branches of His lordship 0. 14 May, 1831, and was s. by his eldest son, learning. Ills gramsdson, arid ssts loss distinguished by his piety and elsqsressee hs ths issue, 1 George, 5. in 1829. 2 (‘harlos-llallylsnrtsn, II. 31. Pengal 0.5., to. 2 Aug. 1860, Evelyn, eldest dan. of henry Smart, Esq. of Crosbie, West f5allswoy, and graud-dan. of Adnsiral lbs late Lord (100. Slssarl, 0.11. 3 .3’ ,hss-Soarlell. I Margaret-Clsarlulte, so. 29 Jsrly, 1845, is D. Jones, Esq. of Pantglfts, SIP, for else cc. of Carssssrtlseo. 2 I-rococo, se. 27 Aug. 1010, Ia the Hen. Filegorald.&lgernen-C. Foley, leN., and 1. 23 Feb. 1807. is. Jsua, created BAsest CAMrsELL. 1. Jones, so. to Ilse lIev. Ito. ttlispir, I,L.tI. of SI. Andruws. Is. Ion,’, si. to Jassses Groig, Esq. of Balbarshe. in. Elba. iv. l,in,lsav. os. Is David Johnston, Esq. of Overtss. v.llagdalcne, as. Is Charles brace, Esq., M.ts. The fnd .ou, JossN COMPnL’LL, 5. 11 Sept. 1779 ; was a distinguished lawycs’, adv,e.ste, jn’lgo, an I l’isgraphical writer; he was e,lmseated s,t the Usnversitl’ of St ., ,lrews, where ho tonIc ths degree sf A.31.,’ he stndied law at Lissooha’s Inn, and was called to the bar, by the Jlon. Society of that Inn, in Sliebaelsssas Term, 1000 he event the Oxford Circuit, and hssviug attained a very high p’aitisss in the ps’ofessisn, ho was made king’s eorsissel in 1027: ha 18115, Ire was retnnrred STOATSIOOEN, BARON (William-Frederick Canopbells, to pssrlianasnt f’,r tlss lssressgl’ of Stafford, and, its 1t30, for of Crslaas’, so. Fife, Bas’ose Casssplsull of St. tlss borengis of Dmsdley ; in N,,vesssber of the sanac year, he Andrgw’a, en Fife; b. 15 Oct. 1824 ; o. lila mother was aplsuisstcd solioitor-gesseral to the King, and was STR S TR i. Margaret, is. to John-Augustus Holdane, Esq. aa Lord Stratlmsdsn, 25 March 1860, and his father ii. Elizabeth, d. urses. sn 1821. no 2nd Lord Campbell 23 Jssue 1861. The elder son, J.aeirs Bsrasasoxu, of Strathallan, of the RN., 5. rsssss. in 3LllIf’n;gc, 1779, when tIre sstate of Macbony, which had been purchased Tsme floss. MAuv-RLszAneTH CA5IBBBLL, ‘a-as created 21 Jan. by the family after the forfeiture, devolved upon his only 1826, Baroness Strathcden, of Csspar, so. Fits, with remalissurviving bruthsr, der to her hsiro male by her bnsbasad, Sir Johns Campbell, Asouusw-Joust Dauarssoesn, a gsmreral officer in the army, (see issfs-s), attarsaey-gesseral, and hIP. 0 or the city of Edisaeel, of the 11th veteran battalion in 1807, and govemse of hnrgh. Her ladyship was os. 8 Sept. 1821, to Sb- John CampDumbartsn Castle in 1818. This gentleman petitioned, but boll, sued by him (who was created Boron Canqsbcll, seoiafro) fruitlessly, in 3787, for a restoration ef the bonsurs. had, of the family devolved upon Isis csnstss, JAaiEa-ANnuow-Jossss.J,,ouneaon-CnARLE5 fluuoraioncn, Esq. (refer to Wuhians, esss of the 4th viscount), who was restored to his honsurs by act of parliament, 17 June, 1824. whom (who 0. 19 June, 1849) he had issue, I. WILLIAM-HeNRY, present peer. Adne. the Hon. Sir Geongs Elliot, and has issue, LassreuooGeorgo, 5. 11 Horde, 1861; Lilian; Rate; and Mary. ism. Edmund, I. 17 Jan. 1814; lt.-gsv. NW. Provinces; ss. 3 James-Sutherland, 5. 2 Sept. 1888, R.C.S. 2 Edmund, Slant. RN., 5. 4 Aug. 1841. 3 Fs’aneis-Cslbrooke, 5. 8 Nov. 1846. 4 ilaurtee-Henry, 5. 24 April, 1837, 1. 24 Oct. 1503. Cockerell, Esq., BbS, 2 Sfasianns-Amelia. 1820; so. 8 Nov. 1854, Anna-Maria, dan. of Csmptsn Rondo, Eoq., amsd has Isad issue, Fredsnieh, 5. 22 Des. 1859, ml. 21 Sept. 1856; lifalcs,jm, 5. 22 Slarsh, 1857; HenryMurray, Robcrt-Stsmgh, S. 25 May, 1862; Ralssrt-Clsarles, 5. at Doe. 1500, ,l. an in°anl Asisso—Euphomia. SLay, 1848. service; who ,f. 30 lIes. 1854. Ii. Emily-Anne, d. 17 Jusme, 1829. the present lacer. S T R A T H E D E N. UI 1068