Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/374

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5. JOlla, 1H5 line. ii. Bliss, its. Katherine Pickhurst, and had issue. iii. Kiiwanl. Is’. Francis, v. Nicholas. 5. Eleanor, m. In Anthony Kingston, Eoq. The eldest san, Sin Jun25 TRACY, of Toddiugton, sheriff of and SIP. for Keyt, Dart. of Edningtsn, and by Iser (whe sI In 3710) bad Glsuccstsroleire, was knighted by Queen ELIZABrTI5 in 1574. Vs’illiaaa, ci a. p. rild 1salria. Us us. Anna, sian. of Sir Thomas Theorkmart. n of (‘ares Tsisssss-CnaeLus, heir is the title. Court, ant by her (svhe ci. 21 Slay, 1.561), bad, with uthe, Jane, svlie in. 7 (Id. 1743, Caliel ltanhus’y, Faq. of Pentypsal issue Jons (She), lila lirir. William, who 555. Mary, dna. of Sir John Conway, Ksit. Lord Tracy us. 2ndly, Trances, eldest day, of Sir John Arroir. Thomas (Sir), nras,I usher In thin Q,iren, if. a. s. Mary, in. 1st, to William 11 shy, Esq. awl Saul,-, Is lteralio, (sobs a. 23 April, 1711) had issue, hoist yore, sf Tiltsarv, I lie fssassae geaersl. Sir John ii. in 1591, ansi was a. by his son, Sin Jons TuAcv, of Tuddingtuu, who received knight. II zanY, Slit viscsssist. hood fruua King Jaasns I. in 1609, and was advanced, by Frances, hedrhiusniher ss’sman Is Queen Charlslte, ci. Rein. letters-patent, dated 12 Jan. 1642, to the peerage of Ireland Anise, iss. to Jshis Sisailhs, Esg. el Csisbhay, es. Sanserset. as Barsie and Vhrsaiul Tu’aey, sf Jlalluesste. Rn ci Anne, dais, of Sir Thomas Shirley, Hut. sf Isfield, no. Sussex, and was s. at his decease by his sun, TiaannrTnncv, SndV(sannntTraey,waaknightedhyKjng TnoatAs.CutisLus TnACY, 6th viscount, 0. in Jnly, 1719, 1070 SUD CHARLes I., and sat in parliament as member fur Glueseestershire. is. RiruAsn, srlss oblaissed fisiss Ins father thin sssaner of The lss’dship as. 1st, Bridget, dan. of John Lyttelten, Esq. of Frankley Ceurt, es. Worcester, by ItlerinI his wife, dan. sf Sir Thosuss Bruinley, lord chancellor, and had abbey ef ‘lesrtsbssry, self elm clime to miss l’s grant frens by her, nshiealed, ausd sri-ale earnestly of Isis follies’s fssibls several I. Joan, Isis heir. treatises in thin Eisglisls tusssgse, and thsal inset remsrkahulc is. lIchen, d. s.j,. - ean, entitle-il Prejaas-alisnsfsr IOn C,’sos, smiles oshserimentally, sic. Tlieasas, d. a-p. hiavisug sasfereul nsnels is I is estate fur hits fatiiee’s iv. th’illians, 2. s.p. relasstnui hierehirah ,,-ihl s lsn cuss ss’rsie hsrshdseilessihv, assss’, 5. Anne, wlss is. William Somerville, Eug. of Edslon, es. 1390, (fese years hiefere the bealsining of tlannis itlnnv) Warwick, anti seas graachastlser of the anlhor ef St e Ctsse, and oilier peenis. n - ,tlrriel, as. to Sir Vihliaas Poole, of Ssperlon. fnlseha- asesibesh hi- the eslitne Ic lie coiiipsseib 1’)- .1 elsa h’riih, us. Frances, m. to Dr. Ii liclsley, being siss of the Ihis’ne hliah was tiussach iii the hello of a cssh is’. Sian, d 550 is. Stir lasalshi1s sa. tudly, Dnrstliy, dais, of Thomas Cucks, Esq. cinas fisIs ph isssdere,l mat of Ike locket of s,uusie shill ocia’elscsh of Csstleilileh, no. Hereford. and had by her, seaissass.’’ ha use mu of KLss.ssnvis, lie sue., sheriff of (ilessresteralni’e, s. Robert, of Caaeonsh, one of Ike jnslges of the Court ef Esq. uf Cisarlcrobe, hissd sri hi three daiis., (Is i-er snea, PAm, Kiisg’s tielirli, and a cniaasissieiscr of use Great Seal m. Aims, dais, of William I1isieilu snail, Esq. sf I’ssll Court, es. Wercesterl and 2. 11 Sept. I 73, aged 00, has-lag boil issue, I Ilirisxnn, of Caseaush, srhs us. Margaret, clan, of Oss’cn Salsshurr, Esq. sf1 Ifin, Cs. 81 erioseels aad intl at Isle decease, in 1784, as only cinld, Resnsv, of Cnseansh, sslso 2. e.p. in 1796. 2 Robert, ‘if 11w .Mid’Oc Tessside, 2. siam. 1782 1 Dorellsy, es. Is John Pralt, Fsq. 2 Anus, m. lot, In Clsas’ies I sssedessrell, Fig. ef I’erlis— amplsu Court, es. Gleucesler; aisd’Saihiy, Is Clissrlnn While, Esq. is. Resajaasin. s. Dorothy, in. Ic WiUiaia Hi6fsrd, Esq. of Diston, no. Gleaeesler. The 2nd viacsnnt 2. in 1662, and was e. by his eldest son, JoHN Tan cc, 3rd viscount, who in. Elizabeth, eldest surviving Sin Rscisnna i’uacv, schis 1usd received Ilse hsonsur eI dun. of Tlsnmas, tat Lord Leigh, of Steneleigh, and by her (whs el. in 1665) hail, with a dan., the wife of Sir kiaiglstlsoait, in the hifelinse of his fallier, such seas shseeilf of tilsucesbenslnre, in the 4th of thiseen SInus’. ito in. John Every, three sons, viz., Aaun, dais, of Sir ‘5’Iissnas Csaingsby, of II aissyulen, isa thin so. nf herd ccii, oumul haul hhren sons, Ihuasrsinuv, lticisnun,, sisd 1. W5LLIAaC, Ins heir. 55. Charles, a. ansi. 3 Slav, 1676. Sun IIu,sienans ‘luncv, shonE of thleneestershsiie in Ilso in. Ferdinanda, b-in it93 u n-Isa became possessed of Slaasray 1311s of Cusasrus I, selso snhfeu-ed severe-by for tam loyally l’y I ic seill sf Sir hIm ‘tracy, last barsnel of that t,rassehi .1Cc us. in 1660, KssIlienioe, dais, of Sir Anilinisy Keels slid cd dsniisg use rohuellisia, lcssviusg hsid In pss’ to seilsueatiauhos-s in 1652, lravissg ass saly child. Jon,,, of Staasray, ache s’s. Anise, only dan. of Sir Robert Allsvas,of Sapenise, (Thief Itaisu ef the Etselserisier asid a. in 1719, leasing issue, I lIsbon5 Ml’., cia. p. 2 Anllssa;-, ‘rho asssinsesl she surisame of Kncn lie rn Laity Ssssaia Haisullen, dan. sf Jassses, diii Bake of hlasssilten assd dviisg In Slav, 176!), left tssn dssis., lIen— ririlo-Charlstlr, iii. In Kdseani, Viscssssst ilereford aad Susan, rn. Is Francis, l.srd KIcIss. 3 Tlionsss, sf Sandvu-ell. SIP. ci. np. 4 John, s, lie assamed the siinisame of ATRSN5, and seas Cersitsr Baron of rIse Kxebc,1ni’r d. a. p. I Anise, is. Is Jelsu Tras-clI, °‘l 2 I-’naisees, us - In Gisstas-sss-G ii> I5icksiss, Esq., celensl ef time 3rd s’egiissent of geards. ParIs, SIP. for Slennsusstlsslnre; and ci. 7 Starch, t7s7, leaving issue. Paleingtun, Dart. sf Westwi’sd, cu. Wureaster, and by her J,,us, successor Is hits half-bother as 7th s-iscsunt. llobert-Pakingtsa, an. p. at lisashay, 1740. Dsrelhiy 2. young. Elizabeth,, a. young. The 5th viscount ci. 4 June, 1796, and was a. by his eldest son, SUD I. 1i1’ILLlAsI, Isis heir. Stanscay, us the es. of (hlosseeslei’, last of hue lands of Ilie else cresrn. ‘ lists Itielsard,” says ass sld seitter, ‘‘ssss seelh sustlsnr Irralise. Sn Tear/s One Is isle, snitch is ssuiaexcuh tn Ins J’reparannna to Ide C,-sss, selnrls seas ru’1irtisl:e4, ansi besuglsu into Ike ussanlsnt to be sold al (‘asnhini,l ge na’. 1636, srrapped sib, ash seills canvas, s-er)- surelushdy selssut Ilisit and has-is g us. ilaelinrui, ,l:sis. cut ‘Ihsiusnuss 3,eev. Nathssssnct I ssud Smistiel. lIe svas n. Icy lice elslcst, PAUL ‘tune-n, h!sq. of Slanway) iii Slur en. of Gloucester, high siserid’ ha the SOths of KLizAsnTss, svhss scas created a Baronet by King ,I.sssrs 1., iS June, 1611 Sir t’ssuil as. Aiim’, dass. sf I Iat1ili Slsakcrtcy, Faq., such sail ten nsuss asud as ninny class., of seisaiss, Ihsess.snu (Hi’), thin ehuhest, e. Isis fahlser. Anne, rn Is Kila’aed 1 taIl, ksq. of his es. of Worceslcn. Lucy, us. to Ila,- .Ayiscnnlhu, Ilosi. of Ayhscusnlti, his Ike co. of Glsssrcsten. Alter. Ilcshlucr, is. Is b’raiscis, eldest san of Jshssu Ks-i-ic, Log. of hlssets 11 arelr, Ia Iies’efosabshsis’e Elheabetli. Susan, sn 10 E’ihhiasss Price, Keg. 56 Winchester IIau-bias-a. Iltargau-et. iTs 2. sb,usnt 1626, and seas n. by Isis eldest son, Jossa. lie 2. atusist lIme year 1637, a’s,l seas e. liy Ibm eldnnf, £1610, tsr csusmhiussilien for hits estate. lhn ci sri Ibanust issue Ia 1611, assul seas s. hi)- Isis Isrolluer, Sits lIsi-ansu ‘luscy, soPs lihsesniae 2. np., aisd snas 5. aluosst 1636, Ps- Is is only sssrviviisg brother, Sua boss Taacs-, srho 2. hssaelnss in 1677, sehseis thse luaroneley rxninunu, Its. ltsherl, ,f. nj’. 1. ttas’gas’vt, as. Is ftiehiarsh hlysueiev, lisq. of Chmatletsuu, do. Ivarvesler. is. Alice, as. Is — Wegan, Faq. The eldest s,ns, Wt’.muasi Tnvea-, Es.1. of Tnduhissgton, ci Agnes, dan. of Sir Ssmen Dighy, of Coleahill, co. Warwick, snd had (with (vs disas., Stargery, usc. to Johis Scratfuund, For1., arid Mar garet, us. (us Jnbn 9t’asbbonrnc, Esu1, of Wyeliyuefss-d), a son ion .1 saeeeossr, , His lordship was e. by his eldest son, Hstnnv Tnacc, Faq. of Toulduugtous, ssbo s,s. Eiiaabeth, - WanLInal Te.acv 4tb viscount who is, Sat, Franese, dan. dais, of John Brusges, lot Lord Chandos nf Sndeley, and 5 Leiesster Devercnx 6th Viacsanat htereferd, by whom be dys ig in 1 (s—ill datnd 3 Feb 1 5 and psoved 1 5 ) leIt had an ousiy doss (‘1 eaheth mis lot to Eobei t Encdet Eaq sosne, 2ssdly, to P.sulpb lbolden, Esq. of Aatsn, co. Docby. tIle lordship us. 2ndly, Jane, 3rd dan. of the lion, Sir Thomas Leigh, eon nf Theisisa, 2usd Lord Leigh, and 2. in 1712, leaving by hers dan., Annn, es, to Sir Wilhiana ileyt, Dart., and a son and heir, Tmessns-CnARLns Tunev, 5th viscount, who ma. let, Ehscabetls, eldest dan. of William Enyt, Esq., sass of Sir William issue,