Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/385

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SYK In 1576 (10 Rota.), the wills of Richard and William Sykes, Sir Francis 4. 6 April, 1043, and seas e. by isis eldest son, of the Kirkgate in Leeds, clothiers, name William, their IV. SIR FaAscma.WILLIAIa, who was I. 18 Jane, 1022, and was father, as surviving: they also mention their brothers, an elSrer of Ike 07th segt , sod the 2nd life gds. ; he it. coed. James and Edmund, as living at Leeds. Richard, who was 1 Jan. 1006, and seas s. by his brother SIR Fneoeese Svass, the third eon, left (with other issue) a son, Richard, who the 5th ansI present baronet. was among the earlier Mayors of Lscdo, and founded tho Uncetieis—24 Starch, 1731. .Amrne—Argent, an eagle, rising great mercantile family of his name. In 1531, (23 Eliz.) between three sykes (syke is Anglo-Saxon for rivulet) or George Sykes, of Vicar Lane and the Kirk-gate, (bait before fountains, ppr.; on a canton, gnleo, a eadneens, of the first. the commencensent of the parish registers) married Elizabeth Crest—A demi-lady of Bengal. in the complete dress of that lledgoon and thoir youngest son, Go ‘rgo, baptized iu country, holding in her dexter hand a rose, gn., and in her 1585, became ancestor of the family of Sykes of J.tryglington, sinister, a rosary, ppr. Jlfslle—Sapienn qimi asaidnus. near Leeds. WILLIAM Sysas, Req. of Kirkbeaton, cs. York, said to have desoended from the Sykes, of Sykes t)yke and of Leeds, was fsthor of FRANCIs Svtcss, Eoq. of Thornhill, eo. York, who on 25 Sept. 1757, Martha Fsarnley, and hal, with other issue, an eldest son, William, of Aekworth l’ark, co. York, who d.c. p. in 1777; and a third son, I. Fnac:s Sxetso, Enq. of Aekworth Park, 1. 17,32, svbo amaooed a considerable fortune in India, where be was chief governor of Coesimbrizar, in Bengal, and purchased, upon bie return to England, the manor of Baeildon, in Berkshire, from tbe Countess of Sandwich and the Countess deSalis. It was then that the arms and crest need by this branch of the family were granted ; for it appe ire in a record at the College of Arms, datsd the 1st March, 1763, after reciting Timis famlly, originally from Saxony, was located at Sykes the descent of this gentleman from his ancestors at Kirkbeaton, Dyke, near Carlisle, at the comnoencement of the 15th Spoferth, and Leeds, in Yorkshire, whoss original esntnry, when Walter, of Sykes Bvke,wae retnmasod amonget was qf the ce. of Cumsmberl.mnd, and who bore for their the gentry of the shims of Cunsberlaiad. For a naorc detailed arsnorial ensigne—Arg. a ohevron, sable, between three statement, see sapra, and also BnnKE’s Loaded Ceafry. fonntains, orSrses, pps’.—tbat he wasdesis’one to boar the Rscnxan SYKEs, of Sykes Dyke, fosep. Heaax VI, bad, said arms, and a crest with some eariation or addition,so as with other elder leens, a son, to dietinguish his branch front all others of the name, and WILLIAM SYKEs, who eetablisbed bimself at Leeds as a accordingly the present arms and crest of this branch of the merchant, and acquired a considerable fortune. He bad family were then granted. He was created a Baronet 24 five sene, llsrcb, 1781. Sir Francis mist, 7 Feb. 1766, Catherine, dan. RICHARD, of whom presently. of John Ridley, Esq., and by her (who H 30 lIce. 1765) had William, who had issue. two sons, FaAacms-WILLIASI, his esmceessor. John, lt.N., ci. on board the “Granspns,” 14 Jan. 17Sf. Sir Fra’teis ma. fndly, 2 Sept. 1774, the Hen. Elizaboth Col. Sykes, F. ES., an’l of the late John Sykes, Req. of l,Iouektsn, eldest dan. of Willians, 2nd Viscount Galway The eldest eon, (which lady cc. 2ndly, Sir Bmmmond Smith, Bart., and ci. RICHARD SYKES, was also a merelmant at Leeds. He cc. 1803) be had a dan., Rlizabetb, si.27 Sept. 1707, to Richard Bonyon, Req . svba Rmenxnn SYKes, Esq., chief aldernean of Leeds at its first aaanmed the name of Us BeAovoma, and ci. 39 Oct. 1922. ioeerpom’ation. and lord of the manor (which manor of Sir Francis, woo waa high steward of Wallingford, represented I.esds be pnrebaeed of the Crawe in 1035); is 20 Jan. 1553, Shaftesbmsry, and onbseqnonlly, in five parliamento, Eliztbetb Stawson, and ci. 20 March, 1645, leaving issue, the borough of Walllngford, if. 11 Jan. 1104, and was z. by fonr cons and four dana. Of this gentleman, it is said by his eldest eon, II. SIR FecANoma-WmLtIAam, II P. for Wallingferd, and ccl. vast estates tS his sons, £10,080 a-piece to isis dans., from of the Berkshire militia, who, 8. 17f7, mc. 10 Nov. 1793, which four knights and baronets’ families are descenmied.” Mary-Anne, eldest dan. of the Hon. SIaj or Henniker, and s. henry, of Hnuslett Hall, eo.York, re. Mary, dsu. of Sir granddan. of John, let Lord Bcnnikor, by whom be had John Wood, of Beoston, and d.c. p. 1056. (with another son, John, ,I. an infant, 1804, of scarlet fever, Iv. WILLIAM, of whom we treat. and a dan. Catherine, 4. 16 May, 1817), two sommo, FRANCIs-WILLIAM, 3rd baronet. Wdliam, of the Grotto, Basildon, Perks, inholy orders, late WILLmAM Srssa, Req., lord of the nsanor of Leeds, ma. near of Callampton, Devon; 8. 23 Sept. 1800; cc. 7 flee. Grace, dau. and co-lesir of Josiae Jenkimsoon, Req. of Leeds. 1321, Anna-Slaria-Heath, only dan, of Edward Gattey, and by her (who ci. 21 Sept. 1035) he left at his decease, in Req. of Harefield House, co. Devon, and has had issue, 1052, besides dane., five sons, viz., 1 William-Benyon. 2 Francie-Henoiker, dee., late capt. 30th regt. 3 Edward-John, in holy orders, vicarof llasmlden, Perks, ‘a. and has icons. 4 .kngnstno-Jooeph, capt. 4th King’s Own regt. .3 Jehn-lleatb, in holy orders, rect’’r of llihlesley, Warwickabire, Tlsia Mr. Sykes was imnprieomsed,and eud’orod Imemseution, 8. 22 April. 0814 ca. 12 Aug. 1362, Frances- Amelia. 4th dan. of the Rev. Philip-henry Nind, MA., Johmm, whose daa. Adrmana, ma. Ser Greffith Boysmton, Part., vicar of Sonthatoke with W”odcate, and has issue. I Anna-Maria, Ia. 21 Jan. 1883, to tile Rev. H. Willmott, William, of Stockholm, merchant. MA., rector of Kirkisy, Lowestoift, Suffolk, and has DaNIEL, of whom presently. iasne. 2 Katherine, sI. ii Jan. 1083, ta Major Poreiral-Aakley Joseph, of Leeds, Is. Bathiab Pickering, niece of the last Brown, lO2mmd fnsiliera. L’ dy Sykes ml. of acarlst fever, 27 Feb. 1101, and Sir Francis TIme 4Gm son, of the same fatal malady on the 7tb of the following Ilarch. DANIEL SyKes, Req., t. 1631, was mayor of hull asmml a Ills eldoet can and onceessor, III. Sma Faa.mstts-WILLIASI Svwre, 31.A . 8. 0 Aug. 1790; cm. leaving, by Deborah, his wife, da,s, of Wimliam Gates, Esq., S Aug. 1821, Henrietta, dan. of Floury Villoboie, Req. of mayor of Pontefract, one enrvmving eon, Marbam Hall, eo. Norfolk, and by her (who d. 15 Slay, RIcHARD Sxsas, Esq., 8. in 1670; a nserehant of Hull, 1046) left, FRaNCIs-WILLIAM. 4th baronet. Fesr,ncmt-HeNRY, present baronet. HemeaY, late It.N., and subsequently capt. 1st dragoons; Sir Rsbcs’t Kirkby, Knt., settled at Cottingbam, near Hull, he has a medal for servces in tha Crimea. Eva-Maria. SYK ,*at—Isenhurst Ill asso, Slayfield, Sussex. SYKES. Syits, SIR TATTON, of Slcdmm-e, cc. York ; 3. 13 March, 1826; his father, as 5th baronet, 21 Mar. 3tilIraffr. James, had issue. Edward, if. s.p. George, of Brighlington, near Leeds. ancestor of Lient. Highhsmry. 10 June, 1561, Sybil Reme, by whens he bed one son, T1m’reoby, the antiquary and biatortsn, that lie left, “besides mm. Richard. The 4th son, Richard, of Ledsham Hall, cc. York, cm. Elizahetle, damm. of Thomas Scott, Rsq. of Westthorpe. Bncko, ono of the regicidos, and loft four dmma.. his co-heirs, one of whom, Anna, mm,. Ralph Thoreslsy, F’.R.S., the hioterian of Leeds. temp. JAMes II., for a supposed share in lllonmsnth’s rebellion. and rio. p. Baron Rnre; ml. in 1709. mnerehant of emidlemmee thers, where be if. I Sept. 1692, in the High Church of which towem there is a nsenimnseet to his memory. SIr. Sykes Ia. hat, Slary. dan. and oo-beir of hark Kirkhy, Req. of Sledesere, es. York, wboas ancestor, in 1540, was a descendant of tbe ancient and pswerfnh family of Kirkby of Kirk-by Trelantb, Cnmberland, and bad by her, 1087