Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/408

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TIC Joins Michael, 5. 22 Feb. 1788; slain y the insurgents in a mutiny at Vellore, near Madras, in 1890. He ci. asiso. George. 5, 15 April, 1789; ci. eon. in 1682. Iloger-Robert., 5. 15 Feb. 1791; so. 16 July, 1822, Rebecca, dau. of A-P. Nnnez, Eoq. of Belmont Park, co. Rants. and of Amsterdam; and ci. at Slalvern, 3 Nov. 1819: hie widow ./. 26 Jass. 1859. Lncy-Elieabeth. sss. to George Nongle Req., eoss of Vs alter Nangle, Req. of Kildalkey, ce. illeath, and baossa children. Sir Henry si. li June, 1521, and woos. by his eldest eon, flit Sse Rexey, 5. 5 Jan. 1779; wlso Os. 1800, Anne, 4th dan. of the late Sir Thomas Ilnrko, Part, of Marble hill (and sisterof Eliz:s,Coontess of Clans’iear’le, ossd Flless,Vssennntoes Strangford), and by her (svhe sI. 12 Aug. 1853), had issue. Elba-Anne, sss.5 May, I 829, Josoph-Thaddens, Lord Dormer, aosl has iossss. Franees-Catherisse,os. 22 Sept. 1829, to Henry-Benediet,Lord ToRpnbcnnN, BARON (Robert Sasssblaueia), or, of ArnndellofWardonr;andsl.19 April,lS2S,leavingtwosooo. Saint Jsbn of Turphichen, Weet’Lothian, in the Jsshia, so. lot, in 1030, to Charlos-Th,smaoTalbot, Keq.,consin peerage of Scotland, late capt. in the Seoto fnoilier of tlse Earl of S1,rewsbnry, isy whom she Isas ls:sd, wills two gssardo; b. 3 Aug. 1807 ; .c, Joe father as 1 Itia baron sla’ss., a a’ ‘is, Berlrasn, 17th [7cr1 ‘if Shrewohssrs’ (Os c si,,t,’, anti 18th feudal baron of Calder, 22 March, 1862 Sssnesvoouuv), and fndly, 10 Jan. 1519, to Washington nt.25 July, 1865, helen, yonugcat dan. of the into Hihhort, Esq. ‘if Bilton Grange, Warwickshire, by whom she baa ole., issno. Mary, ci. iii 1817, coos. Catherine-Cassaline. mM April, 1047, to William Greenwood, Esq.nfllreokavssod, Slants, late lient.-col. gronadier-gdo. Lucy-Ellen. us. 2$ Oct. 1040, to John Towneloy, Esq., Sod son of P. Towasoloy, Esq. of Tewneley, en. Lanrootor. Emily-Blassehe, us. 1st, 10 July. 1026, John, eldest son of This fussily, driven irons E:sglond by Tee Coxueaoo, John Benett, Ksq., SIP. of Pyt Hnssse, Wilto, lsy whons added io Scotland in Ohe reign of 3l.utenusm Ill. (who to deceased;’ she has issue; she es. Sndly, 2 Joly, Sin Janos Saxnss.amcuo, the immediate ancestor nf this 1850, Slatthew-Jnmes Iliggisso, Esq. of Lowndes-sqnare. aneirsst fimosity, liring iemssjs. Daymn 11., 1336, from sshons he Sir Henry ci. in 1811, and was s. by his brother, IX. Sm Enwoen, t. 27 March, 1781, who assumed the v’ife, Dornogihta, clan, of John Comyn of Badenoeb, by esirname of Dnuossvy in 1526, on succeeding to the estates Slasjory, shIer of Jona Bas.aet, King of Sestlnnd) of of the late 5[ies Dossghty, of Suarford Hall, en. Liueole, and Archibald Donglas, of Domsglaa, only sister of William, Richmond lull, co. Surrey. lie so, 26 June, 1527, Katharine, lot Earl of tienglas, and relict of Alexander 3lmsys, Reel dais, of James Evenard, 5th Lord Arundell of Wardonr, and of Carrirk (neplscsv of Ems unsEnT THE Deuce), by had teine, Benry Tichhorsse-Donglsty, t. SAng. 1829; ml. 39 hay, 1825, l)ussmglas, the male line having liecome extinct in James, 2nd Kstheriue-Slary-Eliaabeth-Dnnghly, us. 18 (Oct. 0854, to Rarl ol Douglas, the hero of Ollerbnrn, his sisler hoabelin, Jnseph-Pereical-Pickford-Badeliffs, Eoq., eldest eon of Cosniless ef 31cr, also dying v’ilhout issne, For this reason Sir J. Radcliffe, Dart., ef IlTiliseslas-idge Mouse, Yes’kshiro, the fanuily Isaac always borne the chief and nndiffereneed arms Sir Edward ci. 3 March, 183.1, and was a. by his brother, X. Sm Jaoss’a-Paaacsn, svlso was 5. 3 Oct. 1754, and sic of the House of Dangles quartered ss’ith their own, Sir James I Aug. 1627, llarriotto-Pelicita, dao. of Henry Seymour, by lists sssarm’iage had isosuc, Janns, Patm’ich, amsd Slarinn, wife Esq. of Kneylo, ce. Wilts, and by her (who d. 12 hlarch, of Sir (3illiert Kennedy of Imnnnre (ancestor of the Earls of 1968) had issue, s. Roger-Charles, S. 0 Jan. 1529, lost at sea off the coast of dams. of Rssscemsx 11., from ss’lsich smionarcis Ice received several South Asscriea in Ihe spring iii 1804. mm. Atrosn-Jnsersi, II cli barosiet. s. Slalselts-Lisssisa-Fclicila, ii, in Paris, 22 Slareh, 1831. is. Alice-htary.l’er1icsmns, ii. in loris, 20 Oct. 1819. Sir James who abtaisied, in Slay, 1631, a royal licence for fir Kisg ,lassrs I,, when lhat prince sm-as allowed le visit Scotland, himself and his lseis’o, to bear the name of Dsut’ossav before that if Tscnsnasse, ci. 01 Jnsse, 18mB, and was 0. icy his son, and Oariech, nmccce 1419, the representation of the line, as Xl. Sic As.raen-Jssm’n, oLe seas 8. 4 Sept. 1839, sad iii. 17 above stotcd, of Douglas slesceniled Is Sir James, and hocame April, 1661, Teresa-Mary, eldest dan. of henry Benedict, 11th rested in his descendanlo, as heirs-gessecal of that ilinstriena Lord Arondell of Wardoor, sn,l hal, F.versrd-Fraseis, 5. 22 Dee. 1602; 4. 22 SepI. 1863. I Iseax-Aursen-Jesern, present baronet. Sir Alfred ci, 22 Feb. 1806, Creslion—6 March, 1629. Ar,ao—Vair, a chief, or, fur Tsruscsnxe ; quartering, Sr., dan. of Jassea tmnndas, if Dssndss, ci. l4b9, having hod issue, tsvo bars between three nmulleto of six points, ma., pierced, or, a canton, 00 , for PorosiTy, Cresl—A hind’eheod, comsped, ppr., between a pairof wings, gn., for Tmcuseooseo, Sod Crest—A eshit arm, erect, vested, per pale, crenellstm, or, and ar. ; thereoss a Maltese cmos, go., H. JonEs, 5th of Cabler, rnffed, of tha first, holding in the hood, ppr., a mullet, as in m. Alisnn, as. 10 Sir Alexander Rosseell, of Raimnldo, o’lss fell she arms, for Dououvy, 3rd scia cap of :uaintsnanee, a wing, erect, ricarged with the arms of Tscsssonmco; thie crest is said to pertain by riglst to tise eldest men and has been so horns frous lesep. h6uwann Ill. Smsppsrlere—Tw.i li-ins, guordant, gem. Jfeshio—Pngssa pro patria. Ssola—Tiehborne Park, Alresford, Hants; Upton llossse Dorset. - TITCUFIELD, Mar.qo’ttos OF, nec PORTLAND, DUKE OF. TOR T 0 R P H I C H E N. Tbosssao isinitiamod, Eeq. of Desnslrennnms, eulieitorgeneral for Scotland. (See Bonex’s Londeet Gentry.) 3Lihtcge I oblained several territorial granss,so. 1340, Eleaner,dsn. (by his whom he acqoired lice barony ef Weal Udder. Ily this nsacriage tise faeiily he-caine heira-gcn.erai of time Boese of Cassihis). Sir Joeses ci. prier 10 1300, and o’ao s. by his elder son, Sin Jaasrs Saanstaans, as-he sic. 1385, the Princess Jolsanns, territorial grants, 4. ci ‘co l4e6, and sess s. by isis sssly son, Sic Jouro Saxnsuaaus, 3rd of Colder, us. prier Is 1 Feb. 1-121, Jonela, as appcama from a ehacter onder the Great Seal from hlordseh, flake of Altmany. He usa one of the hestoges 31 hay, 1-121. tIn the death of Isabella, Countess of Mar fansily, ii. prier to 701cc, 1420, leaving issue, 5, Jena’, 4th of Colder, is. Jamimes, assassinated along v’ith his nephow Jolsn, 21 Aug. 1401. PIe was o. by his elder son, 8cc Jnna’ Soanstaxos. 41h of Colder, svhs us. Christian, 2nd s, ,tehs, assassinaled macar Dmmbssrtosm, along wttls Isis uncle Janmes, 21 Mug. 1401, sslsesc arty 20 years ef age (huy Fstrick ‘l’hos’smton, a secret tsvistmrer of lice tionglss facisen) on account of lice unshaken loyalty of his famdy for King taxes II. at Flndulen, 1313. lIe s-ass, by his 2nd san, Sma Jones Saensm,.aeno, 01h of Cables’, uo. 1st, Olargarel, dan. and heiress ofJotun Einles’ls, of Crucie, by svhom he had oneeoss, s.Js’Ise, s-ho mci, Eliaahsclls, dan, of Sir Jnmes Scrinsegonr, of Dadisuspe, esumsslatcle of I ‘usmselee, ss he, dying tcefore Isis falhec, left an only souc, Jones5 aflenvardo 6th of Calden Sir Janses is. 2ndly, hlargscrcl, dan ssfdndresvliets, sfAnldtonburn (sneestor of the flake of Roxbmsrglc), ci, 1567, leaving issne also by her, lie seas .s, by his grandson, Sin Jasuro Soanctoans, 6th fendal baron of Cshder, who s-as lice inlissuate friend of Ihe reformer, John Eeoc, snd was arcpoints’d Icy tice refornsero to sohicil the support ol the Qaeen regent. lie mci. htariet, ossly don. of strehibald Ferrester, of Comlom-phine, and ml, 1506, lcaeing, with toca doss., m. Jsne, ohs a, his faiher iso Ph of CaNer; uui.1 at, July, 1124, Dlargarol, don. of Sir Robert Barton, of Ores I’uartsn, high- 1110