Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/414

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TRE and by her had a son, lENNY MONO AN-CLIFFORD, Esq., CHANLEe t’a’sAN, Esq. of Tredegar; 0. 106 ; ni. Mary, 110W of Pcrni,,tone, eo. Ileroford, and Llanti’iis, co. Men— dan. and heir of Ihonias Parry, Esq. ; and 1. 1767, a, p. mooD- (I. P , and ciii. of the lloomiioth shire militia who anct was s. try hit hs,’otlier, is the present node reprs’sentdive of the Jiariw of Tredcgii-. Jotta MilanoN, Esq. of Tredcgar, lIP, for the cc. of lIonnronth, Cl. .Margan Ciiltls’d svis ii. in lIes, and ei. 12 Aug. 1 R.4 C 1rlo’rine—l1arrit, (‘lily (1,01. ol -Joseph Yiirki’, mccc of his Excellency William Matlaesv Bnrt, Governor Erg. of hurt salir1itoli Ii “irt, co. lilo,,ecstcr (ehiest son of of fhc Leeward Ishanils (Ste BURKE’S Loate I Ceafry). Jam’s, ilisioqiot I’ly, .nid ,4r.oiilsiin if hurl Chancellor I lardwicks 1, by C.ithis’rins, Ins ‘site, cld’st lao. iii J,u,i or loaN hlooo ON ul. a. p. 17112, when the Tredegar estate Cocks, 02 q , anil litece lii Chartes, 1st hi ‘rI Saoi,.rs, and has Stilt soc II onry—Siouero Morgan, F. in 1010, deco. i’s’l, Hid II. Irish, , 12 Inns’, 1800, to the I Ion 3 1HOi’s F ito— w.,ltei t’IiIT,sr I lintler, oldest cOli ‘‘1 Lord tiunboyne (s (hit (ill’ lush). hr William 31rpm was a, by his iDlest son, T,tos, Os lb i,, sq. ‘if Miol ci. ai,sl Tre’legir, who Kuso GOULD, Esq., deputy-judge-advocate, so. Elizabeth, lii. list, hia”hel, re’ist of David Remeys, EM., of Cefn dan. of t’ha.-hes Sliaw, Log. of Besthorpe, in Norfolk, and 31 alley, arid ilaui. if ft ‘bert I! upti ‘a (younlger ciii of Bohiert ii. ila 1 TOut, lear-lug issue, fl’gston, he’1 , sf Wi ni liii, c’s. So,iiersst, Iry lila wi°e J,suet, Carton, a eel, in the army, who oi. Anne dan. of Benjamin lou. and e c—heir if B, ,wlanil Keni ‘ye, ltsi i if the Oosnilre, cii. Mi ‘miii’ ni h)..ui’ I sister and cit—heir of ltal1ih , 1,ei it II, ‘lit, in, of ot ,-il tss’n, is whom lie hail .in icily ruth1 , hlliz:ol ott,, Anne, its, to lIe, Gee. l,ciress,,f lice iii’ 01’ er, 01111 wife’ ‘if Sir ‘l’res ‘‘r W’illiams, The elder sun, li.irt., wIne Ii Elitist ‘ctii l.a 1 isoue, moss’ represented by I. Mn. t’NAtsLns Gout_n, an en,ine,,t rivilian, having heen W’illis,si .t l’inso Williams, Erg. if fslonjibv t’asmle. Mr. aPlslsi.ted jn’hgc-advi rate, soil jndge-nsao’slial of the forces, Ths’ ‘mac hl’’rg in, is. 2n’lly, eth, dan. and heir of cud sra’,irhi of the p.’ivy e,iunieil, rereiverl, in 1771, the Francis Win’lls,ois, Log. of S,inilhill, ci. Some, set, a,,rl liy hi ‘isiase i,f kuightlsiuoil, and was created a Baronet 11 Nuuv. lice (as liii 1. 16116), hail tsv,, is ‘use, Wn.. I.e it his heir, a,md 1702. Sm Cn.iacEo had uii. Feb. 1733, Jove (see oajini’), 3dm if itiqierra, whi I 1. 171;. Mr. Thi,mas Morgan, d. ol,lcst slaus. of Thontmss Morgan, Fog. of Ruperva, co GItsmorgao, 13 May, 1664. and wa.s is. by his euler cot, WtLm..tast hfora’..srs, Fig. of Tre’1.cgar, win, cc. lot, Blanche, Micron, and brother of Sir William Morgan, KB., of dan. if Wilhi’im Mi ‘rg.sil, ‘loll. if Tlierr, ar ro. Brass’,,, which, by n’l,om (svho a. 14 Fsh. 1797) he had issus, ho’ly a. 1673 and lndly, Llie,iliclh, don. a..’l 0 i-heir ef P1w ard Lewis, Bog., of Van P.irk, es. tilaniiirga,i, and CnANLCS, tnd baronet. relict of Sir F’ranris Darell, of Bucks, lfsi. William Nor— John, ansidohipnsan, killed in the wemenable engagement ga’i ii in 1000, leaving liv his let wife, a s’oi s,,il succcssar, Jane, is. let, to Capt. Ball, RN.; and Sndly, to Samuel lena hotness, Lag ‘f Tredegaranil Ruperra, bird Dent. of ci’s. II’ l,shiiiolth awl ltrocsn, 0. 16, 0, wbii is Martha, do,,. of tisu 5’li Vaugham,, hog. of Trebsrricd, es. lirerots, and han, Elis,sbeth, us. to Rvwbc3 Lascelles, Esq., and has issue, with, other issne, W1LLI,e,o, his hrtr. THoMAs, heir to his nephew. John Morau was a great snpp irtrr of the Wing lislereot, Sir Charles assnnred, in conformity with the testamentary and dying 1710 wag s. Jiy his ci lest s is, Sia WlLr.l.sM Mi,noo a-. ‘if Tredrgar, It, B ; 0, 2700 who iojulmrdion of his brothor-io-lasv, John, Peg., and ri. tiachel, ehilest clan, of Willi;sm, liii fluke i Devonshire, by royal permission, the sm,cuame and aimoidal bearings of KB. (‘sy his wife, Rachel, el,I’st do,,. of the eelel’roted the fiinnly of ltoeesN ‘ T’c,higai’. lIe rrpresente 2, in William, Lord Basrell) and by her (who a. 1700) had issue, three parhiansents, clue cc. of Brersn ; and at his retirement 1. WiLt_i OSt, his heir. 1,. ]1dsrard, a. 7 l’eb. 1741, cr1. 16, s, p. ,. Rachel, it 01,10. 11 llarch, 1736. ii. Eioaheth, 0. Ii March, 1 72l1 ,a. in the parish of St. only child of George Stonry, P5g., captain RN., and by lice, Liinilois, 6 .1 iily, 1707, to Williaio Jones, (whs 0. 24 March, lots) has isaue, Esq. of tllytba I louse, co. llonmon.tb, 4th son of ,Jolsn CM ..isLcs-MonoAn- ROBINSON, led baronet, created Loco J lines, Keg. ci hltniarti, Court, hi the s mis cou,,tv. She ii. withsot issne, 14 Jan. 1787, age 1 17. lIe a. 1003. Sir William ii. 1711, ageil 10, and was s. by his eldest son Geo,pe-Bouihd, M.D. foe Breren, hi. 12 July, 1794; ci. and heir, IVILLIAaI M0N,IAN. Esq. of Trodrgrr, hi. 28 March, 1721; who d. 16 .iuly, 17i13, nil ii,, svheu sis sister kIlo slieth, wife d. in 1847; acd Selina-Rose-Cstherine, is. It ApP’ 1 810, of William 4’ net, F,si1. of t ‘lydia, became sole remaining child anit heiress if Sir IVillitin, Morga,i, ICE. ; and he was a. in the Tredeg:ir estate by isis uncle, Toooes Miioi,ea’, Log. of Ropcrra, and of Tredeg..r, at the death of Ins nephew William 5. 1:02; u-ho iii. hose, 1800; s. 20 April, 1837, Frsaces, dati. of Rowley hascelles, tin1 dam and es-heir ‘if Maynard Coholiester, Eoq. of W’estbnry-on-Severn, I iy whom lie hod, Tons, as, Isis heir. I, C IANLi5, hsir to liii brother. in Jon’s, heir tii his broiher Charles. i. Jaoe. si. t,i lie. t’tl intes flout_n, svho, npan his wife Charlocte-Geoegiamua, is. 07 Feb. 1819, te George, 3rd Lord hec’inuog posoessel of the Tredegar eot’,le, took the none of Connate ti. Katherine h 1731; ii,. Angi,ot, 1714, Ch’.rleo Van, Keg. Angclina-M’sria Cecilia, nI. 12 April, 3889, ts Sir Hugh of Liasiwerus, eo,Mouraeohh, ; d. 1781, h.iving bach iasoe else son and three dams., vic., I Thiim,is’Va,i, Beg. P. 1711.1, leaving a sot,, ChanceJohn, Sir Charles d. 3 Dee. 1846. sadie ii, 1708. 1 Itatlierin ‘-Vos, ,.i. May, 1700, Sir Robert S.llnialsltry Cren’isn—Rart., hONor. 17t2; Baron, 10 April, 1839. Bs,rt. (who bee iwo of Ll,smise rn ii right if his s’s ife ehe ‘I. 21 July, l’10, Ieariu,. issue Out Ssdosb iry of LI uisven n). I Jimo, ii. Rev, Elms set Ctsgo. 3 1 ‘i,arli,tte, iii. lot, Major John S.,yer ; fndly, John field. C,vsl—A reitidser’s head, eouped, or, attired, gus. W,itehiirso, Esq. Tls’,oas Miurgan, a. 12 April, I7itJ, and was a. l’y mo ehihest So]flolrfss’s’—Bcxter, a lien, sa., charged on the shoulder sun, Tnoat_oc Moan sN Eoq. of 1 0. 1737; M.P. for the I,, like manner, will, a thistle, slipped, or. eo. of Monmonth, a. goal. 11 May, 1771; and ,vaa o. liy his brothcr, TRE svhe o,. Louisa, dan. of Charles.Fym-Burt, Req. went to his eldest sister JANE, wife of Be. CNANLEO GOULD, 3Ltlltagc of otiTt, CHARLEe. Itollowell, Lsq. of Beoton. in America; cud ci. in 1782, hesving a son, James, an officer in the E.I.C.S, lord-hieuscenaut of the roe, of llbi’nmonth, and of hoed Rodney. Het,ufray, htsg. of Penydarren, co. Glamorgan. She ci. 22 lIce. 1046. Charles F-Rowley, oot in the foot-gnarls. Anna, Fanny, is. to her cousin, the Rev. Angustt.s Morgan. it’ 18ff, t’ereived the ul,’snimous thanks of his constituents. Sir Cbsrles a. i Dee. 1806, and was S. by tie eldest son, II. Sic CHARLES, 0. 4 Feb. 1700 ; as-ho is. Mary-Margaret, TavDnoAN. 7 July, 1834, Eliza, dan. of this Rev. William Beville; and 1. 21 Amp 1843, having by her (seho si. 2odly, Capt. Clariulge) had issue, Ehioa Angelina, ma. 11 Dee. 1816, to Licuit.-Colo,icl G.-tI. W,hlis, 77th regt.; Geongina-Franres, to the Itev. 1V.-tt.-Tilson Sbarsh, MA., incumbent of St. James’s, Ryde. Ch-,rles-Augusstus-Samuel, in holy orders. obaneshlsr of Llandaff Cathedr,,I, rector of Machen, in llsnmonthshire, and rhajd’,in in ordinary to ll,e Queen, 0. 2 Sept. Eoq. of Upper Grooreoor Street, who ,b, 16 Feb. 1867. Chanles-Oetaviuss-Swioocrto,., 31. P. for Monmouthshire, 0. It Sept. 181111. Mari..-Margmsretca, is. Shbarrh, 1817, to the late LiettienantGenoval Francis-Miles lhiho’an, 2nd son of the hats Sir Frahscis 31 il,nan, hart. Rh Inry. as-ho ii’ 21 June, 1542. Owe,,, l2arL, and ii, 4 Sept. 1844. Sehin’s-Ai,ne, ‘I. an inltint. ..4coss—Qoa,’terly: let and ith, OIOBGON, or, a gryphon, eeg cant, so. ; 2nd and led, GooLn, or, on a chevron, betsocen three noses, so., as many thisthes, slipped, of the with a thistle, slipped, or; sinister, a gryphon, sa., charged Se’ufs—Tredegar Cs,, k, lionmouthshire; Rnperra Castle, Gla’niingausbire. TSNII Jlssoe—39, Psrtman Square. llh