Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/422

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T W E several occasions in the reign of ItearuT ill., and donna the rgrccy f tile hunt is’ ALE i’IV. Sir William was iLe fnuinicr, in ii to, cf the eollcgbttc church of Venter, lie mantel, awl left tea sales, i rein, his heir. L’dmasd, ,‘il3dln and Lirspiam, sneeslor of the Hairs at A liii raison, new represented liv Asaa—1t,n’ta. Lane Ii en— careen—i sins tan, ci itnisbanc and Mackersida. The clIent sin, Si a ii.,vii, I lay, of Teeter, e,. I ely Mans’ it aglas, relict cf Alcxan,icr, let Li ri Foci ‘cs, all’t ‘iiil’ dasi. if I ie’’ryc, tnt Earl f egna, t’y liary, dan. f Kisly lii ‘El liT ill., and sins c. by his a. ‘ii, .1 ciii 11ev, ,,f Tonic e, wi, , mao es’r,d oil a liner be s,,lciaau iii. Alcxaadcr, nflrott, a. Iliss Catherine Chartens, and left, investiture ill piriiiitt iii, by the title if’t Hay of )‘,at, i 6.1 .1111. 111,-S. ii is ianilahit a.. 1st, Man’, dan. if I ‘he Li ‘nit Liii,h’sav, ‘if lvi’, s, by ash’ in, ha h’ed nil iiiiiy son. hue,, l,in nil ‘ci soiti’. lie ii lii’ lie, ithn,dcei h, d,i,i. neil a’ In heir ,.ft,, ‘roe t’eia,ii,,’l,oiui, a in of Sir Wilihis,, tjuio,iiiyh,nn of ilelti’n, b, s, h,,iil tin hal tw,i oilier nuns aid two dreas. lie sv,i c. I,, Inn elJO5t a is’, j, ‘iii, tnt I, ‘r 1; wi,, fell at Fled. lee is, 1111, aisil was n. by his ci lest si,, ,1,,sse,lr, I I, ni. Thin uiitdei,,an i, let, Elizabeth D,as— gins, dan. if IL ‘rye, Ii inter ‘if Al,yiis, mci sister cit .lrei,ihaul, Clii 11, rI if Al’yns, by v, hi an lie had II s, n ,usil dasi. lie ci. andly, lice ‘Ian. nil nile heiress if — iheks,,n, if is’. Oiuh,eri, alud ‘ttdiinis, t’olh 1. l’nni. Sniitl,f ciii, cs. feJ lea, by wh’au he lent a son, ,,i,d a dau., u. Iiangani’t, ci. ta Ilolcenl, Inst Earl f Ecu. i,arghie. J,d,e, win’ iuhenii,’il his n, 1 lien’s coral os; and from him I’he ruin, whsa filled thin offices of a e,uunsnissioner ci tius ,lesoes,ds Sir ,lnhs, lla • Part, of Ss,titnield. Jean, ii,. Is tiei’i’ge llrnun, at C’,,islnm,, aureslor if the Treasall)’, mmd eec of the exti-aio-dinany l,,nds of Session llr,,i,lla, liara,,el s i,t Calcl’aun. ‘l’he ,l,,serv of Ins icily sras hcfore thn Rcr’olmutioa, w,ms eelbntttntnd, after that evesit, the famens tat,; eu, 1c,,,r, selneh, ‘a legen’i innisis, was L,,nni Un sineortun tin Storraai,, svhcls lie ,ibtained his ri,rhanle,t liv Sir I high Gilfard, of neereaioint in eeiehry, 1iremiitii,,n to tha peerage. Ma it in 1617, and reuse a. by ache tienrisliesl al,c’at hue ini,i,hie of tIm 11th cent ‘iry. Bin i’.rlsl.i was e. ut his deec’,msn 1.3’ his el,ier simm, ,loni, Itt, b,ini ‘ii whii ci. liar’yaree, eh,ieet dan. ‘if Wil— 1 tOO, Laity Anlue Maitlanri, enly chilti ,as,it tininess af Joiun, hani, I th bird l.i ringst. ii, 1 cc’ as i,esn tin bait Iwo 5,5,15 neil Duike of Laiu,hnndsin, ,ciiti hati, s’,’ith two dana., theec cells, a ,i,u,. l’his n’ ‘blenn,n scums taleen, 1,rrn,,muer at the I,’, tIle of i. Cisanons, iris successor. Pinkie, 10 Sept 1117, antI sns,t ti the I aver of L’a,’l’ci,, ii. lobs, bnig.-na. aaidcr the Dahme of Marlborough; 1. 5. v. wl,ere lie n,s,,aiee,i uhmtii Peace was n’ inelisilial, ss’iieii be oh— Ill. William, of Nnsehall, a Lrig.-gen. in the army, and tahiei I Lie hberty. lie ii iii 1317, lOll1 iVan a. by ins cider nice, Wi ELI cM Cub barer tIm lordship em. Margaret, dnl. cf hicol —cal, of lhuc 1st fi’ot—gn,,rds i.’. Ilsngnnel, only rhsild Sir this Kerr, ,,f Feenihirot ; 111,1 dytny in 1b0, was s. by hit euler still, WiLua ‘ as, 6th baron. Tisis ii, ,t,ie’iirn ,,, . Mary Ii axsvtll, dan. if .1, dill, herd liemes, 11511 ti,iii bone, i. lila ‘gaivs. Ii lean, .o. to Alexan’ler Himrsbnrgli, cc. Peebtea, and had U 5i’il, ,ii,lia. lii. Ares’s. lv. Clariono,,, ,,,. i,c A. Nerd en, of Newton, en. I iad,beghiin. V. Ehteat ‘nh, ,,‘ . r ‘ ‘h’svrl-’tic’ ,,t iii alnlimnlzier, ea. l’ei’lchei, VI. Print, ;;.. to I icerge I taf , of Ai,terslnn. Ills ii.rrlsbip, at his cleeeaan, ivan a. ill bin i,,ai,inrs I,1’ his br tlu, u’, .1 isa, a, ‘7th 1 or’ .e. Ills liirdship it. Ii ,lrtaret, 3rd la,,. if Mark—, 1 at Earl ,,f L,ihi,iall ,‘aeud ilyiul ill I hid), noon, by bin el,ler s,,i,, ,i,iiaa, th,i oil, 1 ‘ills ‘Ii whmi ryan Cr, atisl, I tice. 7041;, Rail gO Twin’ isle, to Ia “as, if neat kin heirs mate fi ‘r nver, ills i,,r,lsloj, it’d the e’ ‘luii’iinid ‘if a cc ‘ irui,’imt ill the ri’s-mi au-my at the ci flail eimet ii nut if the true) lies ill King Iii elien’nc 1. rd ca lie a . is,, .ini,, ‘i’m. lit A I, x,nnier, E,,l’l ‘ f hiuli— fer,,,lirse, in- ash,, its lie Lit ‘tee na, .1’ na’ ‘an’ 1 dell,-, Lt,,rgaret , bin. if Alexander, 6th Earl if Egiinton, by * Thin Niehets of Di,-iaten and timese Camphnhls worn wi,,en he 1l,iul iOsilO, VI luau,, it llrsaillin let, r, ssh,,se ,trseni,danl, Pc.l,ert Hay, of sshicic family, lhmma-llcsada, dasu. anl rn-heir ef the late Ihnq., 1,71 seaL (liii,,,’ is’i1ir, W ihlt,n, ilts>’, ks,. el t’iseze (‘,.stIi’, nit 13,1 cr1 II,,; , Es’1. of Lias7dssel, 10111 nf sebom sn,,ru’ie’l sm,l lit,,1 iselle-. l’,l,,rsui,l, if il.upn’-, uin,’i’,t,cr ,,f Iti, pn Sent Major bIb— ii. 1520. ‘the liarshal’s grand-non, Aloxaisder-Lna,s Joseph C’llarlae lIar iii lii ‘Its, ci,. 1, I 1’. Ills l,,rdst,i1, it. in 1011, ciii svas n. ba’ Jim rl,lcr sin, I’ ‘isa, 11,11 e,irl ; ssi,,, aeon eta auiee’l. 17 lIne, 10111, to the Iii,, dueat haiuse of Argyle), romptrihler-geeeral ci the excliequier di’’nities if J’ia,’o’sees Wahle,,, Rail sf (tiffei’ii, ‘ii ‘i lii iliilU000 or Twi SlimIEr, as-it h rel,ctiilli icr ii, lila lue’ti’a main syhiat— 5,ieve,’. H is I’ iruisliip,i. lou’ lv lane Sc, itt. don, of Walter, 1st Earl if ihi,celeueb, liv ss h. iii lie hail iosee, I. bus, lie snem’m’’s ,r, Ii. lIar-id, sPIn ,ilirainc’,l fr,,ar his father i ha esial e if Be)— d’,eibt, at the time grratlyreEcvr the ,histreasnd ronditian of tc,n. lie •i. is LI,, leasing is,, sass, I .1’ ‘liii, if llehtiia, /, - p. and ass a. hr his l,ralher, 2 ,Jani, a. iii Lu-bar, c,, I )ai’c,tlica, ‘Ian. if ,l,dni lion, if Ii, ,t ,‘,un,cd ae’ niasy, the trends Isenlals themscirss, rat ieee ta,’s’hall ,a,c,i,/. a lOtla, lea, iii (siGh is ,l,mim., iii, Ii, ,l,,ha than Lise, were answerable, Lasv, whose personal hnneaiy lllui,’ks,’eii, cit., s, hn is ‘lcs’e.ia,si) s,,i ,imslv ‘i’ll, Jcnnes, ‘ ‘f U, Itiun, is nr c,’l,eiural lu.N., 5 tie c. N, ‘e. 1814, the enns,ne,as sreaith lie Lad realized iii Frailes only suuthcant Mary, Liii ‘tan, if Pehert-Ilathuarn Slesnarl L’sq, of and he d. at Venice, in 1729. llfl T W E Physgihi, by his wife Isaheua, dan. of Sir Slain Agnew, Earl .,,‘sn,l ,1. 3 l’eb. I s17, lszsing hail issue, I JAdesP n,,scin, bless of Leilcin, Ia. 11 Sept. 1520, ci. 17 Jeine, lad, Jane, eldest dan. of William haled, Faq. of Etin, cii. I ito; I llehnrtJohn. major Il_Ia., 1. April, illS, iTs. 20 A1a’il, lad, tleorgina-I]ani of, 3onuugest dan, of Sir A. liasinay, haul., asid huus tn-a sans ; 3 1.aeidrrdale, an al,een Madras infantry, b-Il Oct. iSIS, sill Sept. tIll 4 1 ‘acid, 11, ngat Infunlry, 0. It May, 1813, nt. 6 Jane, l1o 1 Lda’ai-d, eoliui,iaslder U.N.. t. 11 Feb. 1831, 1.10 Ai’nii, loot; I isabelia-Ageese, so. S Dcc. 1119, to Janies luaird, asil. of Anetnncddan; 2 hltary-Stewenl, ie. 4 Jaly, I sf0. In Caplaha Ileney-Lenhe Main; 3 AgnesMuirgali, ci. 25 Nov. loGo, to C,d. E,iss’aed-Heebeet Ilaxs,c’li ‘1 ilara-Itele,,, 1.37 bce, 1831 1 Susan-Mosutags o Adeiaide-L,usiisc,; 7 Laau’a ilanhali, I latin, of Lasefield, ‘t a. i’ 2 Wilhiase, of Las Seiil and Spntt,’a.EhzahcIh, dan. nflirR. Sinclair, at Sins enslon, by snirens lie licid, seieh other issse, Eaiert, of Lassdei’l an’i 5pm t, ci. in loll, Cnhlsneine, 01113’ dciii. lit Pudluti Ealanel,cis, Esq. ; aad ‘I. ill 1044, lens ing, snitli oIlier issue ,a see, w’iliiiasn, P.13., ea]it. in tire aneiy and eamnsisstonee at lire lieirmileThtlals l’chec ; 1. in 1794 ; is,. in 1829, lanai,, ,l,ii. of Ihiebard Spark-es, Faq.; and ml. 29 Aag. 1011, incising a dc,u., Saroh-Cathmcni,,e-issl,eila, ‘5.1 O,t. 1501, ii F’eedecick-hlcnry Wood, Esq., L’ehtmn hail, ‘l’ork’hiirc. 11. Jeasi, m,i, to W’tiilune, lit Earl of llsreh, his eldest si’si, J nun, 2i,d naarqncat, t. in I d41. lOis lordship Cl. in 1700. of John Hay, Esq. of Lilirimisusi, and hami, cdlii oilier ieaac, I louis, of lOoss-tsalh, antic ml. in 1771, leasing inaime, Vilham, of Neseirali. ii. 1st, 23 April, 1774, Lady t1ahli’rille itar’, ‘Ill) suurvis’ing u’lsiu,t of John, 4th liariuness of Tss’ecdmtaho, liy 55110551 (nba 1. 11 Jidy, 177’);, he hi’,d a class., S’r,saets, cm. in 1797, to I lie lisa. C-Manners Ti’llelmiaehe; and 1, in 1901, Ibis 2edly, 6 March, 1779, Mary, “ely dan. of Vu iiliam Nhsbct, Esq. of litrhnton, en, Iiaddingtnn; which lady is, lndly, Walter Cauiu1,beil, Esq.5 Mr. Hay ii. in 1791. Ononnn, who inherited ‘e 7th marquess. Edward, wha sssismnd, upon his marriage, 3 May, 1790, with the Ross. Pianin’Msurray Maekesinie, enhnlrms of the Cenelarty estates, (who it. bUnt, 1811,) the additional sni-nanme uin,i arms ci 1L,eennazis, Mr. Hccy-Maekcnzic iclt at his decease, loire HAT M,ensnnazre, Esq. of Newhati mod Pronrarty, cc. lii April, 1520, Anne, led dan. of Sir James Gibsn,m Craie, Bait.; and d. 9 July. 1849, lnavblmg aim only child, Arnie, Pretense or SI TOT ns yn, and, in her own right, Cnts’Tnaa 01’ t’neauasTln, At. (a,c lhnne liii a). related to the C’arniathcrs of the nsa. flnmfnics and Darset hr. Geange-Edwardes Cuirn,athnrs, is hors’ a relrreseillstive, and In, Wihltsm Lacy, of Lanrinton, whose grcuttffiraeadson, 1.-A -Eeroard Law, Iiarqnis al La,urinle Ii, 31.,rshai of France, Law, In,l Marquis ef Lanristen, is the present represenhdivn of the Ihumily. Of this lmmiiy of Lmlrv wan the erIebmfod fium,,eeunr, isbn Lriw maternally at the blood of in Frcincc, 8. at l2dhnhnrgh, April, 1671; raho, nnder the mairenagc i’f the liegent, Duke of Orleans, cstabhshed, ii march’ the iteflcienny at the circulating medium, a Royal hank am I’anis, ss itli i’apcn issnes. His sr’at,em, whirls ban been siub)etmed in nm,,ch acrinionjeuns eomnknt, did, without the, helium fnimihs, ‘cud rest on tlme mernauutile and nsannfar— Inning ebmtrgb, e sf F,’anee, i”e,r the exeesnes to which this o3’atern gave rune, and nstieciaily far the Ilissionippi scheme, and ic’iem,nr has-c ni,t l,enn dispuited, teak with btm from to llVc ,cn, sd,, n ii,’ left Ihat country, Id Dee, 1721;