Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/425

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TYR L’rcafioa—25 Sept. 1809. A roto—Arg., two chevronels, ao., within a bordure, ongrailed, gu. Creel—A bears head, cooped and erect, arg., cut of the month a peacock’s tail, mr. Motto—Sans cratnte. &at—lioreham house, Essex. TYRONE, EARL OF, coo WATERFOt1D, IlLtitQuEsS OF. T Y RW HIT T. TYRWBITT, SIR HENItY-TR0I5IAS,of Stanley Hall, co. Salop, 8. 16 April, 1824, late lieutenant in the rifle- brigade; o. his father, 5 Oct. 1839, ott. 3 Nov. 1853, Emma - Harriet, a. Elizahelhi, it. assists. in 1812. only dan. of the late Hon. and Rev. mm. Catherine, ,t. itt 1541. Robert Wilson, and niece of HenryWilliam, iv. Frances, 4. in 18-13. present Lord Berners, and The oldest eon, has ioone, 1. HARRY, 0. 7 Aug. 1804. H. Raymond-Robert, 0. 22 July, 1855. iii. Hugh, 0. 14 July, 1016. iv. Clement, 0. 21 Oct. 1837. V. Ruport, 0. 25 Slay, 1859. vi. Philip-Bourohier, 0. in 1862. vu. Leonard-Francis, 0. in 1863. yin. Thontas-Knyvet, 0. in 1884. a Ardyn-Slary. ii. Sibyl-Grace. 3itllcilgc. This is a very ancient family of the coo. Nerthmnberland hIarriet-Emnia, so. in 1510, to John Styttsn, Req. of Italatan and Lincoln, descended lineally from Sir hercules Tyrwhitt, Charlotte, so, ito 1819, to James Bmdsltaw, Esq., and a. in floe living in 1100. THE REV. RoannT TvnwmT’r, M.D., residentiary of St. The eldest son, Paul’s, and canon of Windsor (‘2nd son of liolert Tyrwhitt. Stn Tnoosao-Joma T’,-RwmvT, 0. 12 July, 1792; sheriff of Raq. of Camo-ing, ce. Linc&n), so. Rlioaboth, davt. of Ihe Sha-opohire, 1816; soon’s time SIP. ftsr llridgotorth; nt. in Right Rev. Rdmund Giboon, M.D., Lord Biohop of London, April, 1821, Ehiea-Walwyn, youngest don, of John Maenantara, by Stargaret his wife, dan. and co-heir oi 11w Rev. John Joneo, D.D., rector of Selatyn, oo. Salop ; a. in 2742, and her (who d. 2-1 Jnno, 1553), left (with other issue), a. Thomas, A.St., the annotator on Chaucer and Shalcoapeat-e; Edotond-’fyrwhitt,so. 10 Fob. 1851, Story-Jane, don. of Richard St. UitOt. it. Rdi,snnst, ia holy orders, prehondary of St. Paul’s so. Stargaret, Gem’go-Baoth-Tyrwhitt. 0. 1430. dao. sf Thomas Gilbert, Esq. (brother to the Stoat Rev. Loilo, os ht 1040, to tbto late Capt. hlylton Jolliffe, eldest eon John Gilbert, archbishop of York). and had (witit a yoooger harriet-Anne, too. -lAng. 1046, to John-G, Sheppard, Rag. o eon, Edmond, who a. eon, in 1826), Sin Tnoxae Tynwnivp, Ent., ooher of the black rod, some Charlatte-Francos, soS Aug 1050, to Albert Ricardo, Eoq. time lord wardett of the Stannarios; tf. moo. in 1834. its. Robert, in holy orders; 4. ann. in 1817. iv. William, in the army killed at Looisborgh, tows. The 5th oats was, Jono vvnwntvv, Req. of Nothorolay Houoo, cc. Somerset, for Joans; qoartoring t hroe lapwingo (tyrwhitte, or powito a naval officer; at. Katherine, only child and heir of Ponyaton or, on a field, go., for TynwoLy’r. Booth, M.D., Dean of Windoor, grandoon of Francis Creofs—-Joxea, on a wrealh, tloe otin in splendour, each ray Clinton, 6th Earl of Linooln, and a. in 1812. his issue wore, inflamed, or; Tvawoomv, a oavogo, ppr., wreathed and cinetured, 1. Tnoeao, his heir (aftero’ards Sir ‘l’homas Joaos, Bart.). at. John, of Gibraltar, sonic titoe nsatshal is the admiralty there. Mottoes—Rote ool testis, for JONES; Time iryeth troth, for to. Sophia, dan. of the late lion. Champion John Dymoke, Tyawnivr. and had issue, 1 John, a. nan. at Bomoo, in Africa. 2 Jamoa-Rradshaw, in holy ardors; as. in 1827, Anne, only dan. of James Barrett, Faq., and has had issue, ReginaldHenry-Dymoke, deco. ISSJ; Stontagn-Dyntoko t Cecil, UFFINGTON, VISCOUNT, 800 CRAVEN, EARL OF. so. 1855, to William Ffarington, Em.; Sophia, ut. 1062, to 12.-B. Drewitt, Eaq.; Margaret; and Laura. 3 Slariha-Sophia, relict of Capt. Walkor, hoe isstio two eons, John-’l’yronhitt Ilalicer, in holy orders: Wihiiam-Tyrwhitt Walker, late Inniskitling dragoons. iii. Richard, of Nantyr Hall, recorder of Chester; so. in 1797, ULSTER, EARL OF, floe cttsfe, ROYAL FAMILY, and Rlieaheih, dan. of the Rev. Jonathan Lepyoaft, MA., rector of Groat Hallingbnry, Essex, ood a. in 1836, leaving (with five other children, cow deceased), 1 Babert-Phih’p, bar-at-law, one of the metropolitan police magistrates; 0. 15 Josly, 1798; at. 30 Sept. 1824, CatherineWigley, don- of Henry St. John, Esq., youngest son of the Ron. St. Andrew St. John, some time dean of Worcester (see Sv. Jonx), and has hone three tans, I Itiehard St. Jaho, in holy orders, 0. 19 March, 1827; as. let, 28 Jane, 1838, Eli-ea-Anoo, daa. of John-Spencer Stonhopc, Eaq. of Cannon 1127 TYR Itail, Bovasley, Yorkshire, and by lserftcha :1.8 Sept. ISiS has a son, Woltor-Speocor.Staohepv, 0. 6 Sept. 1059; ho oa. lndty, 2 Jan 1861, Caitdii:o, v000gor doss. of tho late John Yorke, Eat. of lleo-o’l.’y, Y,:rlwl:iro (on broKc’o Lond,’,l Groin), and by liar has, Creil-ttabcrt, R 23 Dre. 18621 2 llraacltaiop, so Italy ardors, 0,31 Stay. 1530; 3 Robert-Fox. 0.20 Stay, 1834. 2 Thomas, to holy ar:toro, All., prri:etittary of Saran:; no. in 1817, Stargarottontnno, da,o. of the Rev. Nathamoi Itridces, viror of ltonotcidt’o, cc. Samoersot, an,t ot. leaving seven children, of whont 8 vo stin lvi:, yb., thwo sons and itno daao. ‘rho oldost oon, 1.t, Tltooaat-Rnraght-Porcy, :1. in tho Pttnjanh, 20 Asic. 1868. S Ricltord-Edonond, Alt., in holy ordors, and on the retired los,fla list; ot. Slsorett, 1819, lfliemd:oth—ltoatnr, dots. af Andi-ass’ Peterson, Roq of Mesnil anti Jonoollo, in Bolgian Looxoeibtos-g. 4 Henry, a barrittor-ot-law; of. 30 Slay’, 1830, too sto. 5 William, of Uppor Canada, scho ,,,. —, dan. of Armstrong, Req., and it. leaving to-a soot and a dots. 6 Septimno, of Uptier Caea,ta, trite, to mark tite origin of his family, gave the nam000 of Kotttot:y to a 111000 which is so morkol in tite maps of Canada (Stanford’s Pocket Slop for inslatoco). on .Starganot. THOMAS TvawtlsTT, Req., 0. 3703, sometime M.P. for Denhigh and Shrowohnry, inherited, in 1700, the estates of his maternal cousin, Sir Tho,ostao Jottee, Knt., heir of Sir l’hostooa Joitcn, rhiof -justice of tho eoomrt of C:,mmsn Pleas, testy. JAMEs It,, anti aooumed by aign-mamtal tho omnanto attd arms of Joxna emily, undor mo rolatiott’s o’itl. Of 0 woe created a Raronot 3 Oct. 1404; a,. in 1791, tlarrict-Rohoeca, dan. of Edward Williams, E0q, of Eaton, co. Salop; who a. in 1024. Sir Thomas of. 24 Nov. 1811, leaving ioane, Tooomso-Jons, his hoir. Chartes-Tyros-hilt, 0. 24 Starch, 1801; ol, isl Emily, dan. of Admiral Itotlidoy, :t. S Dee. 1821; and to, Srily. 19 Starch, 1838, Jane-ltania, daa. of Jt:hn Clerk, Eoq. Edmnead, bin 1802; :1. in 1820, twos. eo. .Oatop, and ‘1. in 1520- santo year. Roq. of St. Kitto, at:tl of. 5 Oct. 1859, loavisog by Sin hlexav Tvoovnrry, the present baronet. Fam’d. Roq. of lTilliooo, Lerd Hylton. high Hotose, Campoey Ash, SaBOlk, Creafion—3 Get. 1808. Artoo—Arg., a lion, rampant, yen, -rosined in the mouh, ppr., vert; in dexter hand a club, ppr. Seal—Stanley hall, Shropohiro. EB0NBuRGR, UCEE OF. UXBRTDOE, EARL OT, Ott ANGLESEY, MARQUESS OF.