Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/430

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T A V Jonw (Sir), his successor. Mantle, on to Tin shald, onoostor of tire House of Ormondo, brothor of liaison, Aoolilrirhop of Canlerbaey. Sir Robert 1. 30th II raist Ill., ant was o. by Ins son, Sits JOHN CE V.ssaooa, KnI., 1, ‘ru of I laslowoed, svhO navo to lo Isis r’ ,ssstn, ilso all ol and tons out of ‘fisusristan, to the church ontI eatlons Tire Itura, Ensratsn-StAtsaeanunc STOL-aTON, 5. 0 lutisy, 1780, of SI. Pelor, in ltuswdee, shine trues ins quarry in TIres es—dale, 2sssl sets it Clsrrrhes-l’tnitp, 10th lord Stoarten, by Busy, Iris near Taloasler, to rebuild Iheir olson lit s, nssd rrpair atiser setfe, slurs. ssssl eu-Iseir itt Itssesssa’leske, itarun Langstale (a edusiers. I To or.Alire, dan. of Sir lbulo’rt Cuoltietsl, 1< of., by lururomsy sehts’Is exinirmrl in 1377), wIse assnnsorl by sigrs—uriannal, sehoso iso had, svilli a younger riOt, 31 cLods, and olor of lire its bets. 1b20, tire snnisanse of b’avaouuts osuty, seitli tlso aruns VA5 ,s500’as of Wore oiu, Sits WILLIAM Le VAvA5Oa, oct50 0. Ins bItter at Ilactosreod, created a ltarouel, 14 b’l’. 1028. lIe Os. 3 Ang. 1813, IlaretaIls’i’tgel, ss’tuols lie loot license to easlellatur trues King Puss moo I., in sehoso roign he seas oerptuiyeil its the Gaseotane and Seotols 00. York, by whtueo (wits ii. 10 Juno, 1820) he Isad issue, wars; ansi stat so eslressse,l sisal iso trail sssissonous to portia— s. Eusratsu, present t,anonet. nsonl aistoog the harsiss, fruits 2slts bMw sao 1. to Gilt Etuw coo 11. tIc gave to the antitesliop and ohaider of York, train else alioro—inonliooed quarry in ‘the eec-nab, tire oboe of ss hteti that outdo e litter, the 31 motor, 5’ as mooted. Ito also marIe ansi founusirit St. Lei uss.rril’s Chapel, in Ins castle at btaoiosreoit, schtick, en lho farertoing account, was made rvn’a—tsareehial by tire aeetitiislssp the king’s elranter for tire chapel is dated 2311s April, 1 200. F.nss’asn I.; the roisitrasatioti is daleil bets Jssne, 1452, being the 31st at Ileatsa Vt. Sir Thomas Vas’asnr, the liise,sl descendant of tIes lsaessn, so slistisogatohtoil lnniself, settli ottti’rs of list notsristy, try i’.esiisg firers aiet equipping vessels to defend Qnren ELszanevst against ike Spanists arasada, tisal iv. tloosge, 5. 10 Jsdy, 1821; nOOi’,’td’t. else tnt en, its resese’st of tins zeal ansI sot of 1nartietstar rngssrrl v. i’hflip, in holy sirders of the Chsu’eh of Rome, h. 20 Fob. for cisc of Iser mails of hoounnr, srlie semis a Vavaser, anti ito— kstoselentgert hi— Iser iaajmsty as tier kinsss sinus, senesist never i. Steroha, os.t2 Nec. 1833, to Withiasn-Constablo, Lord hordes. srslyer the etratsrl at tlasless soil to be iasdosled, srhere the si. Story, is. 3 dune, IbSO. ttsssnan Catlsistiss rites still renttssno C’s inc rsntetiratesl. Lord Vavaear sir .Nirtsola, dan. of Sir Stephen Watits, Rut, of Nesrten, Sir Edo’arrt nt. 13 STarch, 1847, and was o. by his eldest son, by sehosn ho trail issue, tlsree sees, I. WotTess, 2nd tent Vmss’asnnr, srlso ss’as liteseise oitupteyenl agaissnt use Souls, assit also trait ssossnsosss as a traress, ills Ams,rn—Qeiartonly: lot and 4th, or, a fesso, dancottde, sa., Ensvaan 11. lIe ‘I.e. t., aitd his niece, Elizabeth, seas his in bloc rioxter ehiet’, a erose-orosslek, fitehdo, of the first, for heir. it. Ibsborl (Sir), svlse ie. aird left an only etsilsl, Elizatseth, so. difference, for Vavesuun; bud and ird, so., a bend, or, hetweoss to Sir lichen Strelly, of Not tiegltainsiaco, in whose heirs it Cent of Yavaonuus—A cook gri., charged svtth a fanntain. is ssi1opesed this tsarnssy still exists. iii. Heane, ef sehroni see treat, TIre 2nd son, Sits Ifrassy dO ‘s’Av.ssots, e. his older brother at ttasltwoed, and was the direct aiseesler of I. Sits i’nosixs Vavasots, Rut. of ttaslewaad, us the cc. of York, ereatesi a ltarenet, 21 April, 1020. lIe ci. tjsxssta, dams. ef Walter Otifard, Esq. of Ctstlltssglen, in Staffordshire, and had issas, s. WALTers, his heir. is. Wtltiaar, esa(or Ia tho servire of ICing CHARLEs 1.; sf ussse. its, Ttsosssas, stain at 3Jas’stesi ileor. sr. John, 1, ssses. v. Peter, Sits, of York t es. Elizabeth, dan. of Philip Langdale, Essi. of Langlisuirpe, asssl had toe seas, 1 Wsuoeis, 4th b.sronet. 2 t’eler, sshose sea, W.surea, vs Iso e. as Ills harenet. i. Stacy, a nun. In Ts’isstty f’hssrrh, Coventry, en a brass plate, is rise fellosring issserit hess ‘‘ here yells Itse bosly of Ssu Hrsxev Vavasoun, IGnE, a set’ n of Ike old Vas’a.sonr SIrs. Mary Yaraser, etstest stats. ‘if Sir ‘thomas Vavasnnr, Ksse. family, ssao seated at ilaztesvusort, co. York, ieerja, HvsvaHes and hart., lisle leniglst—sss.srohsal sf tiso kiisg’s hesisetsold, setso Ill. Ills gneat.gnctrl-granrhsosa, derrased Otis life, 21 Os 0. 1021.’’ ii. Frances, em. lo Aii’honso Thweoge, Esq. of Ifilten Castle, Ssu WILLIAai Vavaooun, K,st,, m, Jonso, dams, of Sir John in Yes’kshire. Sir Thomas was w by his etdosl son, 11. Sits Wsi.Tn VAvassts, a eealons supporter of use royal Jeurs Vavaoouu, who so. in 1411, Isabel, only dan. of eassse, whit raised a regtseeist of horse and bseasls’d it, for the Thosnas do In Mayo, and orsie iseir of her grandfather, Sir servioe of King Cnatss.cs 1. ito a. Uressla, dssss. of Ttssnrssae, I at Peter ste la tdayo, of Spmsldington. By isen he rseqssiixd that Viscossnt Fassrontierg, amtd sras sat isis decease by Isis essty property, and woe ancestor of the VAVAuOUIrs of Spaiifttsgioo, surviving child, tI t. Sits Vu aLvets Vavasots, who as. Jane, dan. of Sir Jordan eteeeaoe of Cresslansl, Ksst., but sl. srtttsrssil issue, 10 Feb. 1712-13, wison he Tuesias VAvasouu, Bog. of Spatdingtsn, in 1070, when was 0. by (the older san ef Br, I’elor Vavasee, of York) bit Iris estates passert hy settlement to his only dan. arsd heir, eoissin. IV. Sits W’AeTcts Vavasots, wisa of. uaes. in Slay, 1710, aged Middleton, in Lancnshtre; and dying in 3004, had three eighty, ansI was e. isy Isis no 1dsese, V. Sits WAL’rets Vavasea, wtso as. 1st, Klteabeths, daes. of i’etor Esq. of Trasfferd; Siauv, us. to Sir Nathaniel Cnrzoms, Boot.; Vavasisr, Esq. ef Wilittoti, its mite en. of Yssrk, by wlsoni tue hail assd CaTnessiad, so. to Thomas Lister, Hsq. of Amoldebiggin. a slais. wlso a. yossssg. lIe ci, 2ndiy, l5oceltsy, slats. of Slarsssa The eldest dan., dsske, ltls Lent Langdale, and isy itsat lady hal, Oils and ieh haronels. i’eler a nenrral officer in Ike Austrian service; us. the Countess EdIzaissonu Tusernun, who tssoeocsled to Spaidingtnu, 01. de Paisbnrg; but d. s.js. ie 1818. Sir Walter ii. 13 April, 1700 aid sras o. by Isis eldest son, VI. Sits Was.’rris Vavasots, who srs. in 1707 Jane only dan. Asinte-Asssstsrsins Vanes, of Spsldiugtesa, m. Henry Nooth 1132 V A V and heir of William t,angdale, Essi. of Langthorpe, but si, s. p. 3 Nov. 1002, selsen tue seas o. try Isis brotlsee, bit. Sits Tnoamas Vavasots, who ci. sussie, 20 Jan. 1820, when thse isarossetey breatrse EXTINCT. Sir Thomas devised tlse ostistos of ‘ovsnossr uuass’tmniy seitis lisose of isis oseso tasssily t and seas ossiy darL sf .Ionru’s t,ann Fox. 0kg. of tlramnhain Park, ii. Ciranles, h. 13 .tprrl, 1817 t of. 21 Atoll, 3840. sss. W’ihliasn, k. Mt Fob. 1022; Au. 12 Jan. 1840, the lien. StoryCoisstanlia (‘litToist, tan, of lttrgh—Charbes, itls lard Clifford, anul 7. Jour. ISOD, lsnvtisg by tser (who iii. 2ndly, 8 Fob. 1003, 31.-Li. Kavanaghs, Eoq., barnistor-at-lase, of Chiffonat Hail, Finehley,) hat issue, I Whiuas-Itnuatsn, Is. 28 Nov. 1840. 2 Ossosbul Itisgls, lu. 3 ,iasio. I a45. 3 1 Iesony-tloestoss. 5, 10 ton, I 00,0. 4 Edw’ard-,tssseph-Evr reed, 5. i2 Sept. 1833. I Conobasone—Jlary, it. 3 Nov. 1011. 2 Slary-I airy. 3 Aogetn-Slas’y. 1820. ill. atisne. bite Isnesaist hsararoot. Creotfoo—14 Feb. ibis. six f’ ‘isnt’stsus, fssr STonisxost. Cr-cat of 03Tm5’tsTOiz—A demui-frtar,laahitedppe., and holMeg in tue niglst loasad a oeonrge. and in his left an npusn book. Seai—Hanlzwesd Caotle, Tadeastnr, Yorkshire. V A V A S 0 U R. YtYo.etsuet, Stit HuNttT-MlissYIN, of Spaldinwtou, on. York, 8. 17 Juno, 1814 ; u. his father, as 3rd luart., 4 Jots. 1838 us. 30 Jniae, 1853, the Hon. Tiorriea-Anne Neville, 2ntl don, of 1(iohard, 3rtl Lord Brayhrooke, and has had, Blassehe, ul. 14 Jealy, 1551. Constance. Itiiucagc. Langtosu, Rat., and Isad two eons, Henry, from svhnm the HanLdsvoan fanaily; and in Yerkshrire, who proeorvod a male osseeessiou until tho harry Yavasonn, who m. Sir Ralph Assheten, Mart, of dans. and co-heirs, viz., ArsNn, ,si. to Hnnaphroy Trafferd, CaTslessiusn Assneenre, wife of Humphrey Trafford, Esq. of Traffssrd, issheritesh her mother’s estate of Spaldingten, ansI hal, with other isssse, yoke sOc. p., a dart., to Mail Yatee, lCsq. of SImsil, in Lnoeashiro; and dying in i7hs, loft tlrree dons ; of whesu the eldest, Esq., lieut.-eol. 4th dragoon-gssards (2nd son of Henry