Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/437

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YIN VIN Nary, os. 3 April, 3777, to William Hale, Req. of King’s I exchataged his manor of Hernahe with Thomas Cecil, Earl Waldou, and d. 9Apr11, 1846. She woe mother of William of Exeter, for lands In the vicluity of his wife’s estale. Hale, Faq. of King’s Walden. I This gentleman had the hononr of a visit, at Stoke, front Susannah-Askell, ci. 15 July, 1781, to John Wardc, F.eq. I Queen ELIZABETH, whesa her niajeoty conferred npsn him of Squsn’ies who d. 8 Dee. 1818. Shed. 28 May, 1842. the distinction of knighthood. Sir Thomas d. lie 1613, and PrancesCoele, ,1.4 Jan. 1848. I Charlotte-Jshsnna, 6. usia 19 Jan. 1837. I avaa s. by his eldest son, His lordship 6. 11 Dee. 1771, and was e. hy his eldest son, I i. SIR FRANCIs VINCeNT, Rot., ‘who was created a JAME5-BUCENALL, 3rd viscount, 8. 9 Hay, 1747; as. 38 haronet, 26 July, 1628, and represented the eo. of Surrey July, 1774, Haeriot, only dan. and heiress of Edward Walter, is parliament in the set year of the reign of CuARtrs I. Req. of Stalhridgo, co. Dorset (hy Harriet, 2nd dan. of I Sir Francis ci. let, Sarah, dan. of the llight l1,ss. Sir George Forrestor, 5th Baron Forrester, in the posrage of I Analas l’aslot, governor of Guernsey and Jersey, h3’ as hsssa Scotland), by whom (who d. 7 Nov. 1786) he hod issue, he had teens, with several sons (who all, cxcolt his sue- JAMES-WALTER, late eai’l. ecasor, d. young, us’s.), two d,s,ss., Elieobeth, ia. to John Harriet,d. 18 Oct. 1846. I Aeland, Req.; and Margaret, at. to Sir Francis C,doll, Rut. Charlotte, 6. ussr. 21 Jan. 1S31. I 14e as. Lndly, Nary, dau. of Sir usury Archer, lOut., lay His lordship was created a Peer of England as Bursts whom he had no issue; and 3rdly, Eloassor, dan. and Verulus,, s.f Gsi’ltasiiary, es. Heels, 8 July, 1790. Ho ,f. 1 heiress of Rohort llullott, Esq., and widow of Sir Arthur Jan. 1809, and was .i. by his son, Aclasd, Ent. He woe s. at his doeease by his only sur JAsiss-WALTER, 4th viscount, 8. 26 Sept. 3775, who isa- viring son, herited the Scottish harony of l”orreoter at the decease of 11. Sia ANTHONY. This gentleman served tho office of his matsrssal cousin, Anna-Ilaria, Baroness Furrester, to i sheriff of Surrey in the 12th 1., which eo. hal 1808, and was created RAOL Os VszautAor, 24 Nov. 1815. I previously been united with Sussex, and sue sheriff His lordship as. 11 Aug. 1807, Lady Charlotte Jenkinson, answered for both. Sir Anthony was attached to the raayol ian. of Charles, lot Earl of Liverpool, and by her (whoal canoe sluring tlao civil wars, and sssfferod in couoequeneo. 16 April, 1863) had issue, . He is. Elizabeth, doss. of Sir Arthur Acland, of Eillcrloaa, JAMEs-WALTER, prssssat peer. so. Sloven, and was s. at his decoaoe by Ins only so,,, Edward-Harbottle, MA., in holy orders; rector of Peb- ill. Sto FRANCI5 member for Dover in the Lorg Parliamarsh, Essex; 1.2 April, 1812,’ as. 15 June, 1842, Frances- mont, who ss. let, Caihorine, does, of George I’itt, Esq. of Horatia, eldest dais, of John-P. Nosier, Faq., and has a I Harrow-sntho-Hill, oerjoautat-1aw, and had issue. lie is. son, Edward-Walter, 8. 16 Nay, 1844, and two dons., I 2ndly, Elizabeth, dan. of Sir Henry Thue, Rut, of Hadlow, Charlotte, and Eleoner. co. Rent, as,d by her also had issue. Sir Francis was s. at Robsrt, 8. 15 Sept. 1810. his decease by his eldest son, Charles, capt. Coldotream-guards, 5. 3 Oct. 1818; 6. 8 Oct. I 1856. IV. Site ANTHONY, who so. Anne. dan. of Sir Jousos Franeis-Silvester, 8. SPec. 1892; in holy orders, roctor of I Ansten, Rut., .and had an only dan., Catharisac, Os. to the Wakescohas, Essex; u. 1 Feb. 1847, Oatharine-Goorgiasaa, Rev. hr. Warreu. Sir Anthony dying without male isauo, 4th do’s. of John-Philip illorier, Esq., assd 1.28 Oct. 1868, I the title devolved upos’ his brother, having had issue, George-Sylvester, Is. 31 hoc. 1847; I v. Sits Fetatecta, NP. for the co. of Surrey in the reigns Edward, 5. 24 July, 3851; Hugh-Francis, 8. 11 Feb. 1596; Cecil-Walter, t. 10 Dec. 1862, 6. H Feb. 1867; of King W5LLIAaI aud Quoeu Aaae. This gentleman o. Mary; Evelysa-iloratia; and lloa-garot-Cathartne. Rohoeca, dan. of Jossatlaan Ashe, Rsq. of the oily of London, Katherine, as. 1st, 34 Jan. 3834, to John Forster-Borham, by whom he had issue, Fsq., SIP., who d. 22 Nay, 1838; assd Dully, 4 June, 1510, I to George-William-Frederick, Earl of Clorendon, KG. I I hENRY, his soeceosor. Emily-Mary, ss.5 Sept. 3835, to William, 2nd Earl ofCravesa. ii Itichsnl. hlary’Angusia-Fredsrica, si. 3 Oct. 1840, to Visceusil I us. Wihism, as.a das. of Ibe Rev. Dr. ‘Warren, and left isssc, Folkastonc. I 1 William. Jane-Froderica-Horriot-Nary, is. 4 Sept. 1845, to tho hats I o Arthssr. Earl of Caledon. I 1 Disssa. i. Calhsrino, to. to George Phipps, Esq. He 6. 17 Nov. 3843. 2 Catherine. ii. Frascss, a. to William Ward, Req. Cs’ealiosts—llaronet, 2 Hatch, 1628. Viscount and Baron ssi. Flizatoth, at. to the Rev. Jehs butlerfield. of Ireland, 29 May, 1719. Baron of Scotland, 22 July, 1613. Sir Francis dying at the advauccd age of fO, ha 1786, woos. Damn of England, 9 July, 1798. Earl, Ac., of tho United Kingdom, 24 Nov. 1835. by his eldest surviving son, Aress—Quas-terly: 1st and 4th, 05g., on a feoso, so,, three VI. Site HENRY, H.P. for Guilford in 1727-8, who s. mullets, of six paints, pierced, or; in the dexter chief poiut Elizabeth, dan. of Dazaliel Sherman, Esq. of Lotadon, by an ermine spot, fsr GRSM5TON; 2t,d, sa., a fesos, daneettOs, wham he had issue, FRANcIs, his successor; Thomas, 6. in bctwoon two leopards’ faces, or, far LueRYN; 3rd, arg.,three bngle horns, sa, for FoaasoTer.. 1740; Elizahelh, a?. unse. ; Hester, at. to John Smyth, 11th Earl of Clanricards, and 6. 29 Dec. 1001; and Sarah. Sir Henry if. 20 Jan. 1707, and was s. hy his oanly surviving Seppss’ies-e—Dexter, a stag, regardant, ppr., attired, or; sot,, Vii. Sits FaAxcoss. This gsutlcnaan as. Elizabeth, dau. and laeireas of David Rilinoinc, Eoq. of London, haisker, lay whom he acquired a very considerable fortusae, but laad nn issue. hfe is. 2ndly, Nary, doss, of Lirut.-Gcn. Tbonaas howard, by whom he had two sons, Cs’esl—A stag’s head. oross’d, ppr., attired, or. sinister, a griffin, regardaent, or. Jllsffs—lfediocria firma. Seut—Gorhambury, near St. Alban’s, forte. l’sssn Hsssse—14, Great Staulaspe street, Park-lane. VINCENT. ViNCENT, SIR FRANCIS, sf llervey, ond a?. in 1033. leaving, srilh other ieaoo, licaav— Dobden Roll, Essex, lato H.P., is. in 1803; s. his father. as 10th and by lice 5who 6. 1839) has isotee. baronet, 17 Jan. 1809 ; so. 10 iv. Frederick, May, 1824, Augusta-Elizabeth, 5. Siary, as. to Neil, 3rd Earl of hiosebery, K.T. only child of the late Hon. Sir Frotacis tas. lrdly, Nary, don, and ca-heiress of Sir JaaIin Charles Herbert, RN., and granddau. Astley, Dart, of Potteehtasll, a,aai relict s,f Anthony Langley of Henry, lot Eorl of Carnarvon, Sxvinamcr, Req., by aahom he had 110 irasue. He 6. in 1775, and has issue, a clan., ILulcac. This ancient family ronaoved from the co. Northampton, FRANcIs, his successor. wherein it had been estahlisbed for oges, to the co. of Anna-Nario, as. 26 inly, 1011, to Csist. Whlliam-Johiason Surrey, sipsia the uaarriago of THoMAS VINCENT, Faq., in the roign of Etszaaevu, with Sir Frasacis dying baa 3791, woe a. lay his esI- son. .Tane, only dais. .nd heiress of Thomos Lyfield. Esq. of ix. 550 FOANa o, 8. 21 July, 1780. This gesstlemas, as. Stoke D’Anhet’n, in ihe latter ce., when the said Thomas 16 Jan. 1802, Jane, dan. sf the Hen. Eslavard lionveria ostd 1139 Blanche, 5 Fssoxcss, Ins heir. it. isenry.Dssaier, as. Isabella, dan. of the lion. Fellon W’ILLIAaI, of l.ily-llill, Broke, is. 1736; tas. 1810, ElizatothAcne, dau of Cal. Osorge Callander, of Craigfoslh, Scotland, su. henry. and was a. by his oldest sets, VIII. SIR Fa,aNets, who aaa. Marry, daat. of Richard-Nailmaas-Tresach Chiesrei, Faq., 31.P., and hod issuo, Canaphehl, son of the lois Lieui.-Gen. Colic Csoapbcll. 1 D 2