Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/448

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WAL W AL S I N 0 H A L 11606 WtLslNnnsM, BARON (Thomas do Grey), of Walsiughana, Wilitans-Itrowntow, 5.27 July, 1865; ci. 18 Fob. 1819. no. Norfolk; is. 6 July. 1804; a. his father, Browntow-North-llsborn, t. 3 July, 1908; us. 11 Feb. 1958, as 5th baron, 7 Sept. 1539; an. 1st, 6 Aug. 1842, Frederick, P.2 Nov. 1913, in Isoly orders, roctec of Copdeck, Augusta-Louioa, eldest dan. of Sir Rubert.Franklancl Russell, Dart., .)nd by her (who ci. 1844) has a eon, 1. Tnostss, 31.P. fee West Nmfalk, b. 29 July, 1843. Ills lordship an. 2udly, 25 Oct. 1847, Emily-Elizabeth-Julia, eldest dan. ofJubn, 2nd Lord Rondloeham, Etteabetls-Augusta, r. 13 Attg. 1832, to Ricbaed-Hobee an,1 has by Iter, i. John-Augustus, 5. 21 Maccl,, 1849. is. Ama]d, 5. 11 Sept. 1956. its. Robort-Baynaul, 5. 29 March, 1858. s. Eoaily-A,sgststa—Looisa. ii. Beatrice. us. Mete]. iv. Elizabeth. kIncsgc. This is a branch from Ilte original stock of the very ancient three annnlets, get. family of Grey, Earls of Stamford, springing front 3Vstaias, 00 Goov, of Carendish, co. Suffolk, 3rd son of .S,ssjmoct,,a—Twa wyverns, regardont, arg., collared, na, Itenry do Grey, by tselda, sister or noire, and es-heiress of chained, or, each charged on use breast with three annnlota, to Robert ]3ardolph, wt,oss 2nd son, Sin Tooaraa ne GREY, so. about the year 1306, Alice, slate S,-,,t—Merton flail, Thetford, Norfolk. and heiress of Sir Itiehar,] do Cornerth, and acnired thereby Tosc,s Jloast—SS, Arlington Street. the estate of Cornerth, in Soffelk. This Sir Thonsat sl. in 1321, and was o. by Ins eldest son, Sin Tsoseao no Cnn, ohs to. Isabel, dan.nnd re-heiress of Fulk Jiaynar,t, Es. of Meeton, co. Norfolk, and obtaining that ancient soot of the Baynards, settled thore, and his descendants have over since made it the principal tdaoo of their ahodo. Sir Thomas was a. by his eldest son, Sin ROGER no GREY, of Slcrton, at the decease of whose son, Thomas, itt n,inorile, and Isis dons. isstsoless, the estates devolved opon his brother, Toosuss no Gaov, clerk, who 1. in the beginning of the 15th ecntttey, and seas o. ty isis ncplsese, Froso 00 GREY, who e,. Eleanor Barnadiston, a,,d from whaos 0-c pass, tlsrotsgh a long line of distingttisbcl ancestors, to Jasss no GREY, wIse so. Elteabotlt, dna. of Sir Martin Sts,loeitlo, of lsalt,aas, co. Sesifelk, and seas o. by his so,t, WtLLsoM no Gaov, Esq. of Morton, 3LP. for Thetfor,t, in Norfolk, its 1653. This gcnttenaan at. Etiaabetts, dais. and colsoiross This Anglo-Saxon family was amongst these who fled lesso of Thomas Bedingfeld, Rsq. ef Isarshoas, ro. Ssffatk, Scotland at the period of SIte Conquest, and heiog hospitably and was o. by Itis oldest son, Toosjos 00 GREY, k’sq. of Morton, SLP. for the co. of Nor- eeooived by King SInLeaLns CAN55ORR, settled in that kingelons. falls in time fiftis an’l sioth partiamciats of Great Britaitt, 5dm a. Of the Wordlaws, Cardinal Wardlaw compiled a genealogical Eltanboth, dan. of Wiltiana Wyndtsasn, Esq. of Fclhriggo, ut account from their first coming from Saxony tnto KnglaeI, 11,0 sonar en. and ‘lyin in 1765, was a. I’y his eldest son, Sin Wst.Lsaar er Gaov, Knt., a l,swyor of enunenoe, who was copy of which was in the royal library of France until time appsinte’l solicitor-general le the qstern in 1761, saticttor-gctsc— Revolution; and, according to fatuity tradition, the elder rat to tiac letsig 1st 1763, atb,r,oor-g,’norat t77S, ao,t ctevatc,t to branch of the Imonse, the WAnos.Aws of Torcte, had also a copy, Iho boncti, 26 Ja,s. till, as ehicf-jtsslice of has Cossrt of Co,s,non o’hich was carried down to his 00-n tints, the chose of lbs 15th Pleas, sslteu ho received the honour of kntgt,thsaod. Ste centssry, by Sir Ilenry Wardtnw. William rosigased his jseticial office 6 Jane, 1780, and seas Sin 3loNsY Wanoasse, Nnt. of Testis, cc. Fife, a. a niece of advanced te the peerage, 17 G,’s. following, by the title of Weller, great-steward of Scotland, and had issue, BARON WALsssotsnsi, ci Wolei”g7ssas, re. As-bib. Itis lordship Aannow, lila sncce050r. so. 12 Nov. 1713, Stacy, doss. ‘f Wtltiao, Cesepor, Esq. of Walter, the celebrated Cardinal Wardlaw, bisisop of Glasgea’, Time Pork, ca. lleetf,’rd, l’y ,cksm Iso hal issno, Cisaclotto, cs-Iso Christian, a’. to Sir Timomas htay, of Loeherwort, ancestor of to 1769, ,Josc1,ta Wyn’lttasn, Essi. of Earsha,n II atsss, es. Ellen, mm,. to Ihe Count do Rahan, ancestor oh the Doe do Norfolk, and 55, ttt 1510, amsd ata emily sttevivteg sass, Isis successor, in 1781, Tooassa, 2nd baron; ,. 14 July, 1716; so. 39 April, 1772, Sir llens’y aas a-by his elder onn, Amignsla-Georgtana-Elia,etsstl, only dan. of Sir W’tlttam Irhy, Sin Aoesnw WA000nw, TOnI. of Toreto, who ma. the dan. 1st l.oed Boston, by whoa, (alto 1. 28 Slay, 1818) Iso isod issue, and Isetress of Janses do Ynllonils (which alliance brengbt Gsaooo, his saccesaec. To,ssiss. late peer. Charls’tte, e,. 18 Sept. 1896, to Willlaus Gosling, Esq. of Roet WmLLmAsi, Isle suceesssr. tsnaptms, Sescrey ; cslts ‘1. 27 last. 1870. Attgasta-.Slary, l. memo. to 1639. 1150 W A H Lord Walsinghani filled for twenty yoars the ohltco of ehaiensan of Iho committees of tho Itsuso of Lords, and wan granted, by tho Prince Rogont, open retiring, in 1814, a pension of $2000 a-year for life. Ills Iordshtp was also eosnptroller of tho firstfrails and treibs. Ito ‘5. 16 Jan. tots, and was a. hy his oldorooe, Goonoo, 3rd haron; 5. II Juno, 1776; who as. 16 May, 1804, Stattida, eldest dan. of Paul-Cobb Mothuen, Esq. of Cershasn, hsst Isad no tssao. Ilis lordship having boon smfortssnatoly bssrnt to death, tegeiltor wttls Lady 1Vatstnghasn, at his henso in llarley-streot, 26 Apr11, 1831, the honostro of the family do’ votvod upon his brother, Tssosios, dtts baron, ha hely orders, archdeacon of SatYey, prebendary of Wtnchestor, a,ad rector of Pawloy, Rants, and of Morton, Norfolk; 8. 10Apr11, 1778; es.l2 Aug. 1802, Elizabeth, youngest don. of tlso lion, and Right Rev. tsrownlow North, bishop of 3Vt,ackostos, and by hor(who sd 8 Slay, 19-15) had isosse, Tnoamns, present poor. Emma, doss. of the late George Konyon, Esq. of Cefn, near W’roxhana, and 8. 8Apr11, 1868, at Torrttot, in Switaertand. Snifolk. George, 5. 15 Nov. 1911. Francis, 5. 12 Fob. 1815; drowned 25Apr11, 1836, in attempting to rescue somo persons adrift in a boat en the rtvor Sledsvay. W’rtgbtson, Esq. 3rd san of the Iota Wilban, OVrightoen, Esq. of Cuswortts. (See Bnaoo’s Lc,a,le,b Cc,,lt’y.) - tlonrietta-Staria, a,. 3 Dec. 1835, to tIme late Brass-nlow-North Gaessier. Esq., son of the 07ev. William Gamier, ef flookosbtsry, Ilassls Goorgina, a. 29 Juno, 1833, to Lord Kenyon. Ills lordship 1. in Sept. 1839. C,’cotiea—Ii Oct. 1783. .4t-ass——Barry of stx, arg. and no.; on a elsief, of tlso first C,-oel—A wyvern’s hood, ppr. fesse, no. ,SIasta—Excitaei ness Isebesecro. WARD, [ORB. Sf6 DUDLEY, EARL OF. W A It D L A XV, WABDLAW, SIR ABCIIIBALB, of Pitronsio, no. Fife; & 25 Jan. 1796; a. his brother, as 14th baronet, 23 Doe. 1863. 31 tlltitflt. about the beginning of the 6th eentnry, up to his own time, a and auai,nsorssloe to England in 1368. Ilse fmsssttly of Taseeddate. nohan. Ibe estate of Lecher tote the Wardiaw fnnsily), by whom be bad tsro sons, llenry, archiesleop of St. Aedre,vs, and one of the nsost cetobratcd ssaee of Isis tisac.