Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/458

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W E B s. Jonw, his heir. i. Henrietta-Mary, so. 1815, to Sir James Gardinor Baird, Sir John ii. in 5706, when the titlo reverted to (the son of Bart. is. Anne-Brahms. 555. Jane-Alice, deceased. Sir. Waucltopo ii. in 1017, and wass. by his only son, Joco, whom be had an only son, HENnY, the present baronet; now Sin JOHN DON-WAt’oIiorr., BARr. Ccrriliss—7 June, 1607 A rico—Quarterly: 1st soil 4th, ac. two mulicta in chief, aol a garb in base, or, fir Waurssisrs-’ Did and 3rd, vert, on a fcssc, arg., three masclci, sa . for DON. Gnats—i, WAurnorr, a garb, or; 2, DON, a pontegranate, net, or. p7w. Jfotiois—Indnstria ditat ; and 7iaa dccrit alter Lard is. ,Sc’,la—Erlmonstaoe B imso, i,ilicrton, and Newton house, lineselburgh, hofh in Ibe ci. of lhidliithian. WEBB. L1ilfilt’. The founder of this family was, WILLIAM WEBB, of Salisbury, merchant, who lived UI the time of HENRY VIII, lie in. Catherine, dan. and heir into Chancery, in the 12th year sf King HENRY VI., among of John Barrow, Esq., and was a. by his elder son, Jonn WEBB, Esq. of Oldotock, co. Wilts, who was a. by the gentlemen of Derbyshire who made oath on behalf of his older eon, Sin JOHN Wooa, lOnt. of Canford, Co. Dorset, who was peace and of the king’s laws. Front this John lineally a. by his son (by Catharine, dan. of Sir Thomas Tresham, Knt. of Buebden, Northaniptonshire), I. Jouc Wane, 5sq. of Oldsroch. who waa created a Baronet, 2 April, 1611, in consideration, as stated in the at. Abigail, dan. and co-heiress of Thomas Gordon, Esq. of patent, of the sacrifices made by his family in the royal The Mere, cc. Stafford, and was a. by his son, cause. Sir John os. Mary, dan. of Sir John Carryl, Ent. of Hasting, Sussex, and was s. at his doceaso, in 1000, by his 21 Stay, 1701. This gentleman, about the year 1717, was sldsst son (his other three eons it. noes.) II. Sin Jona, who is. Mary. enly dan. of John Blomer, elected by the freeholders of Essex vorderer of the ancient Eeq. of Hathrap, in Gloneostershire, by the Hon. Frances forest of Waltham. in that connty, having purchased, in Browns, dan, of Anthony, Viscount Itontagn, and solo 1700, the noble mansion and estate of Waltham from Charles, heiress of hsr brothers, John and William Blomer, and Earl of Dos’set. Sir Thomas ot. Jane, dan. and heiress of was s. at his decease, in 1700, by his only son, III. Sin Jocn. This gentleman at. Barbara, dan. and by whom ha had issue, co-heiress ef John, Lord Belasyse (2nd son of Viscount Fanconbergl, and granddau., maternally, of John Powlett, 5th Marquess of Winehoeter, by whem be had issue, i. Jous, who es. 1st, Maholla, yenngost lao. of Sir ifeisryJeso 1ih Tictiborne, SarI., by whom lie had,eiro daus., I Mary, ii. a. p. 2 Sarbara. lie ci. 2aslly, Anne, stan. of Hoary, Lotd Toynham, but had of Battle. ITo it. witbont issne in 1766, when the title no ether issue. lie d. in the lifctirao ci Ins father. 15. Tuesss, successor to the baronetcy. i. Anita-Maria, -iii. to Jasses, hart of Dcre-antaarcr; d. in 1142. is. Story, in. to James, 1st Earl of Waldcgrare t sad d. 2 Gihbort Cooper, Esq., of Leekear, co. Derby, by whom he Jan. 1715. iii. Barbara, is. to Anthony Brmmc, 6th Viscenni Mentaga. only oon, his successor, Iv. W’ioifred, . to Sir Edward IlaIcs, ilart, v. Bridgat, S. stoic. Sir John it. in 1745, and was a. by his only surviving son, IV. Sin THOMAS, who in. Anne, dan. and co-heiress oi her ladyship ssi. subsequently, in 1757, Henry-Richard, Thomas Gybson, Esq. of Wellford, in hampshire, by whom late Lord tlollaind), by whom he bad issue, he had two sons, Jona, Ins successor. Joseph, ii. Mary, dan. of John White, Bsq., by wham ho had oiie sarriviag saa, ‘l’nsaias,who iaticrileil site hsaraaelcy, aail a dan., Aosc, trlii i was ii. in 1700, ti Asitsoso Janies Icadcli:te, lIlt Earl of Newhnrgh, and iLl Auc. 1061. Sir Thomas 5. 25 June, 1763, and was s. by his elder son, V. Sin JOHN. This gentleman at, Mary, sliest dan. of Thomas Salem, Esq., of Basingwonld, co. York, by whom Sir Godfrey 5. in 1000, and was s. by his son, he had aevoral children, lint none to survive, except BARBARA, who was at. to Aittltesy, 6th Earl of Sisaflesbury Charlotte, eldest don, of Robert Adamson, Faq. of Westnieatb, sail left an only itan. neil heiress, I.asx BARBARA AOL5LBY-CsOrrR, who was is, to the Baa. issue, William-Fraacis Ponsos by. Lady Tlartiai’a is asie of tIse ca-heirs to the ttareny of Sloatey, through the Salrists, and Br. Pcssonhy hoe recently been elevated ta the tiocrage OS BARON 150 MACLEn. mdc SrBKo’s Ealicci Psi’ci,7o.) Slot) W E B his deceased brother Joseph) his nephew, Vt. Ssn Tmissas. This gentleman ss. 1st, in I700, Charlotte-Frances, dan. of Charhoo, 12th Viscount Dillon, by and tndly, Otartha-illstilda, dan. of Sir Quathe Somervills, Dart., and relict of Gastavns, 5th Viscount Beyns, by whom ho bad ito chilil. Sir Thomas ii. Ii Starch, 1021. f’ciiiii”a—2 April, 1014. A ‘eO—Iis., across, bohrcen fear falcons, or. Ci’iul—A dcmi-cagle, djsplsyed, issuing out of a dsteah coro— disils—Oldstsclc, co. Wills. W B B S T E it WEEaTEII, Sf Ii .AuemsTl’s-FBEDSBICE-GEOBGE-DOUOLAS, of Battle Ai.ibcy, en. Sitsabx, eontm. RN., is. 19 April, 1819 a. his brother, as 7th hart, 4 May, 18:73 ; ci. 31 May, 1862, Aniclia-Sophia, 2nd dan. of Charles F. - A. Prosier - hastings, Eaq., anti laae a ems, s. Auausnsa-FEEDEBIeR-WALroLo-EowAass, 0. 10 Feb. 1864. Jonn WEBSTER, Esq. of Bolsaver, 00. Derby, was returned themsolrea and their retainers for the oboervancs of the descended PETER WEBSTER, Faq., who inherited a portion of Dotsover, and had, among other sons, Stis Gnnriorv WEBOTER, Rut, of Nelmee, 00. Essex, who 1, Tnotnoa Wr.B5TELL, Esq., who was created a Baronet Edward Cheek, Esq.. of Stamford-Orms, county Somerset, lVssssTLoB, Ins sscccssai. GoorRov, who e. Ins brother. Abigail, sL. I sl, to W’illi:nit, soil and heir of Sir Edward NoL-tlscy, Knt., attentey-gencrist; and 2ndly, to Sir Edmund Thonias, Bare. Jane, a. to Ihe hoc. Br. Blaell. Elieahetti, as. ta Catitaio Webste:’. Sir Thomas if. in 1710, and was a. by his elder son, II. Ssn WIOIOTLER, who as. Miss Naiane, dan. of the Dean devolved upon his brother, III. Sin Gonrnov. This gentleman so. Elizabeth, dan. of left s dan., Elizabeth, iso. to Thomas Cbophn, Faq., and an IV. S:a GOnEREY, who as. in 1706, Elicabeth, dan. and heiress of Richard Vassal, Esq., of the island of Jamaica (wInch marriage was disselved by act of parliament, and, Goorerv-Va.ssAL, his heir. Henry ioir), hot., a colonel ia the arts)’ srlio so. Grace, dasi. ol Saineol lloddisgios, Bsq. l and left at his decease Los sons, I lcnr’, and tharlos, solis iii 11 l7or. 000, i,oaiss, dau. of Sir lbcn,’y Colder. Part., and 5. 7 Sept. h866 his widose is. lsdly, 22 .tpril. 1607, Jahn Conphind, Esq. ilaiTiet, e’ife of ttse Hon. Ilear-Admiral Sir Fleetsreod tlraogtilon-llcynslds Pelhea’, RN., 2nd son of Edwsrd, Vis— eamit Etimoatli, and d. 7 Ang. 1040. V. Buss GonrREY-VAS5AL, hi. in 1700 ; ci- 22 Ang. 1014, hrsland, asid by her (who tIM Jsn. 1567) had s. tlanrarv-VAs5AL, Orb liarossot. Si. AroraTos-Fnenrsica, present baronet. iii. Frederick, Rut 1021. iv. Ilcary-ctrtltisr, hi. in 1022 if. S May, 1060. WEBB, Sin HENRY, of Old- stock, eo. Wilts, 6. 27 April, 1806 ; a. as 7th baronet, at the sieeeaao of his father, 26 March, 1823. 4*