Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/478

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W H E JonN, 2nd baron; 6. 23 April, 1801 ;a. 12 Des. 1525, honour of being one of the gentlemeia eiat rusted to convey Geergiana-Elizabeth, 3rd dan. of Dudley, 1st Earl of Harrowby, the plate of the university to King Cu.ssaLco I. Me d. Sit and had issue, Enwnn-MoNnouz-GRANvILLE, present peer. FRANCIS - DUDLEy, 0. 21 July, 1829; m. 28 Aug. 1855. Widdy ingtou, by Dorothy hais wife, don, of Sir Thomas Maria-Elizabeth, eldrot dau. of the late William-Bonnet Martin, Esq. ofWeraburgh hall, and l’y herlias bailissue, Fi-anets-Jolan, 0.8 June, 1038; Edwsrd-Jameo, b. 31 July, 1857; Alan, 6. 2 Oct. 1818, d. 16 Jan. 1859; RalphGrauville, William it his 1705, and was s. by his son, 6.4 July, 1864; a ecu, 8. 20 Jan. 1868; Amy- dovolvcd upon his brother, Cozily, d. ass infant, 2 Starch, 1860; and Stary-Susau. ,Tameo-F’rcdoriek, 6. 16 Jan. 1833. Mary-Caroline, 10. 22 Aug. 1847, to llonry-Frsucit, present Glynne, Dart, of llawardau Castle, and bad, Slarqness of Drogheda. Ceeily-Susan, ., 5 Aug. 1885, to Lord Henry-John Scott 2nd son of Walter-Francis, 5th Duke of Buecleugh. His lordship 8. 22 Oct. 1855. Crrotioo—l2 Joly, 1826. Arao—Qoarlerly ; 1st and 4th, az., a stag’s head, caboshed, within two l,i’auches of laurel, or, for Slioceazie ; 2nd, for WORTLET, arg., on a bowl, bole-zen six tuartlets, gil., three bczsuls; a costOll charged with use arms of STUART, being those of the Sod quarter; 3rd, for STUART, or a fcsse thequy, az Sir William d. his 1765, and was s. by his eldest scsi, and arg-, wittun a dooble trestnro, flory-counterdory gu. Crests—lit, an eagle risiug from a rock, ppr., and, in an Giles Knightly, Eoq. of Weodforct, by whom ho had several nerd over, the moDe, Firma et Ardua, for 5lAcKENzle; Sod, on oagle’s leg, erased, or, issuant Ihorefrom three ostrich feathers, ppr., charged en llae thigh with a fetso, az. and or., for 1777, E.-S.-Wihmot Sitwell, Esq. of Stainstay, co. Derby. Sir Wosvrrv; 3rd, a lion ran,pant, go.,’ sod, in an eacrot over, thc William d. in 1752, wheta the haronetry and a considerable usotto, Nohilis ira, for STuAOT. .Soppsrtoro—Doatcr, a horse, arg., bridled, g,l. cloister, a portion of the estates devolved upon his brother, slag, ispr., ottitod, or; each gorged ss’ith a collar, ttory-eouuterdory who ics. Lssey, dan, and evesctually es-behest of Sir John of the second. Jfotto—Avito virot hoUore. Seals—Woetloy Itahl, Sheffield, Yorkshire; Belmont Cattle, Perthilure; and groom itahl, Sliddlesex. boo Haaoc—th, Curzou Streot, Stayfatr. WHELER. WltteLlztt, Stn Tngvon, ofLeamington Hastang, en. War. - r’a wick, major in tito as-mi-, anti late lt.-cul.-eucutnandant of tile North - Dovun tununted riffo yeumastry, is. 20 Doe. 1792 ; ass. let, 15 Oot.1S17, F - Lucy, only elats. of George Daudridge, Req. of The Commandory, Wuroeeter, and by her (who ci. 25 April, 1259), baa had iaauo, s. Trevnr, 6.1810; 8. 1015. I. Lucy-Penelope, m. 12 Jan, 1854, to Pierce-Wyiaue Yorke, Req. of liyffoyu Alod, 00. Dcubigh. is. Jane, so. 26 June, 1818, to E, Boydgco Willyams, Eaq., late H.P. for Truro, 2nd ton of Humphrey Willyaros, Eoq. of Carnauton, Cornwall. Sir Trovor so. 2udly, 1$ Dee. 1805, Frances, widow of the Rev. Jocelyn Wihloy, of Canableoforth Hall, Yorkahiro. I. Sin WILLIAM WurLen, Eat., SIP, for Queenborough (son of Sir Edm,and Whoter, of Riding Court, Bueko, by Elizabeth his wife, slau. aud co-heir of Richard Haiabnry, Sir Charles ct. 12 July, 1821, and was s. by his sor. Eoq.), was created a Baronet, 11 Aug. 1660, with special remainder to his cousin, Charles Whcler, Eaq. of Slartin Hussingtree. Sir William so. a lady of the royal housohoid, of whom the folloo’ing circumstance is related;—” King CuARLEO I., at the boginuing of hit troubIeo, delivered to Lady Wlaelcr a casket which she wao to take tare of, and to return it to lilt majcety on the delivery of a ring. The ovonhisg boforo the king woo beheaded, the ring was sent to Lady Witoler, anti the casket doltvercd to the metaenger.” Sir William fled frc,m the plague in Londois to Derlcy, where tae it, in 1688, mad as ho left no isssae, the baronetcy dcv, ,lvcd upon 11. Sm CIIA0LA5 WueLr.n, of Birherry, cc. Warwick, and e,f Martin ttuooicsgtree, cc. Worceoter, Thio geutlensais cc, Duruthy, Flail, of Sir Fraiscia Biudtossc, Kiat., sen and hoir of Sir lIed tart Dindlesse, Rict, of ilorwiele tlcdl, c,a. Lotacaster, and granctdau. maternally of Themas, 3rd Lord Do Ia Warr, Sir Trevor d. in 1520, by whom he hail tbroo soils and three daus.; of the former, the 3rd, l”raueis (Sir), a,hanral tiN., was wrecked in 185 3, losvisag issue. Sir Charles was col. of a rogissiout of foot, and governor of the Leeward tsiands in the reigia of Cu.seLca II., and SIP. for the university of Cambridge; he had the 1180 w ir E Aug. 1653, and s. by his 2nd taut eldest onrriyisag con, lit. Ho WILL,Aas, who cc. Theresa, dan. of Edward Widdrtugton, Esq. of Felton, sen and heir of the Mon. Edward lIoc’seley, Rut., and had four sons and five dans. Sir lv, Sm Tnevoo, who it in 171a, cool., when the title V. SIR WILLIAaa, who ‘a.Penelope, dan. of Sir Stephen WILLIAM, hio auecetsor. Francis, an officer in the arnay, ii. a. p. CnARLeO, a clergyman, u’ho o. in turn to the baronetcy. Edsvard, cc. lot, Silos Idarriet-Chiebelcy Plowden, sod Sndly, Charlotte, dan, of George Durnford, Esq. of Winchester. He left at his decease fat Calcutta, svhere ho was nsembcr of the suprome council), 10 Oct. 1783, two dons., Charlotte and Penelope. John, prebeudary of Westualnoter, d. isaco. S’l. SIR WILLIAM, who cs. Lucy, only don, and heiress of ohildren, but only one to survive, viz., Lucy, who ccl. in VII. The Rev. SIR Cosmos, St.A., prehendary of York, Strange, Kut., matter of the Rolls, and had, s. Toovue, his sccnensser. II. Charles-John, Ic,. lsabol, dan. ef John Close, Req. of Easthy, eo. York, assd laao isocse, 1 Edward, ccc. in 1545, Elizabeth-Anne, dacs. of the lato Samisel-Tertius Gallon, Esq. of Pnddeston House, no. Warwick, and has Edward Gaiton, is. 12 June, 1850; and a dan., Lucy-Elizabeth. 2 Chas-leaJohn, deccosctt. S Stepheu-Glynno, htent.-eni. RIG’s servico. 4 Henry-Trevor, in holy orders, a. Charlotte, 4th dan. of the Rev. Charles Ishana, of Polebrook, co. Northanapton, and has four suns and five ctans. 5 Thotnas-Trever, late capt. EtC’s oerviee, ti. 1847. 0 Fiwderiek, in holy erdera. 1 Isabella-Penelope, icc. ts the Rev, Percy Powlett. 2 5’ phia, a. to the Rev. Hervey-Wilmot Sitwell, Lramiogton-Shaotings. S Emma. 4 Elizabeth. iii. William, in holy orders, c’c. Charlotte, dan. of WiDiam Itarding, Eoq. of Baraset, co. Warwick, and ii. in 1834, basing issue, 1 William. 2 John. 1 Theresa, icc. 5 Nov. 1810, to the Rev. Georgo RndstonRead, St. A., netter of Suttonon-Derwent, 2nd son of the 61ev. Thomas-Cutler Rudstoia-Read, of Hayton, in Yc,i’kshire. 2 Charlotte. I. Penelope, ccc. to Wibiliam-Witherforee Bird, Req. of lbs Spring, ltoniiwssrth, Warwiekshiro, and ‘1.11Starch, 182-9. is. Jane, so. to George Dandnidge, Eaq. of The Commansiery, Worcester. ItT. Sarah, ci. to Abraham Ilnnae, Eoq of Rilton Grange, co, Warsvick, aicd if. 5Apr11, lola. iv. Lucy, cc. to the 11ev. Johic Wise, 2nd son of Statthew Wise. Esq. of Learniiagton I’rhcrs, SVarwickshire. v. Sophia, ,,s. to the Rev. John Ridduiph, who 8. 19 Aug. 1527. VIII. Sin Tocvoo, who a. harriet, dan. of Richard Beretford, Esq. of Ashbonraae, no, Derby, by whom he had, s. Yseven, present baronet. II. FRaNCIs, CR., ma)or-gen. Bengal cavalry, Is. in 1001; ci. 1st, isa Feb. 1827, Ccsrs’hf ice, dais, of the Rev.C. Fatmer, atcd has by her (who d. na Jan. 1833) one sots and a dan., vie., ‘frevor,ma)or Bengal staff corps, 6. in 3228; assd Hcsn-iet-Anue, cv. to Pr- ttemp. tt.E.I,C.’s ocrv:ce. Ho os 2ndly, 1841, Elizabeth, dais, of the late William Bishop, Esq., and by ben (who 8. in 18391 has two sons, Fmueis-Hsory, and Charies-Stciart, 5. Hcsrriot, ct, alas, Id Sept. 1848. ii. Lucy, cs in April, 1528, to James Stolony, Rsq. of Kiltacs’ ‘n,cc. Clare, and S. ia 1213. having had issue. (He BURKE’S boccdnl f7cc,bc’y.) III. Auns-Sharia. iv, Charlotte-Theresa, il, 28 Feb. 1867. v. Agnes. Cc’coliocc—ll Aug. 1880. A r,,co—Or, a ehev,, betwoesi three leopards’ faces, as. (‘cool—Out of a dneat coronet, en, a spread eagle, tssnaut, gis Jlstte—Faeie teuns.