Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/481

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w I C i. RALPH, his heir. ii. hugh, DCL. 51. scam. ass. Robert, cc. Sarah, dan. and heir of Montague Lanshert, Esq., and had a Sen and dan., Robert and Sarah. s. Mary, so. 1st, lo John Stoyte, Esq. of Street, Woetuseath; each on the shoulder with a cross-crooslet, fiscbds, arg. and 2ndly, to the Hon. Robert Botler. Ii. Catherine, so. John, 1st Earl of Erne. The bishop dying in 1749, was o. by his eldest san, RALPH HOWARC, Esq., NP. for the cc. of Wicklow, and a mrnsher of the privy council in Ireland; srbo was elevated te the peerage of Ireland, as Baross Clossmore, of Clsss,oere c’a,slfe, dss Ike cs. of (‘adam, 21 July. 1778, and created Viscoassi Wick- low, 23 June, 1785. His lordship so. 1755, Alice (who was raised to the peerage as CouNvess or WicaLow, 20 Doe. 1793), only dan. and heiress of William Forward, Esq. of Castle Forward, co. Donegal, 31.2’., by whom ho had issue, aLWtL } successive peers. sit. Hugh, b. 1701; m. 1792, Catherine, 2nd dan. of il,e Very Rev. Robert Bligh, dean of Elphin, and niece of John, 1st Earl of Darnley, and if. 10 Nov. 1840, Isaving had issno, 1 Ralph (Sir), of Bushy Park, co. Wicklow, late SI.P. for that slsiro, and now cal. of its mihtia; created a Baronet in 1838. (Sec Howarsn, BARr. of Bushy Park.) 2 Robert, ci. in 1833. I Prances, so. in 1810, to IVilliam-Parnell Itayss, P.sq. of Avondale, co. Wicklow, brother of the 1st Lord Conglelon; and ci. 11 Aug. 1814. 2 lsabella, su. to Granville-I.cveson, 3rd Earl of Carysfort, his fathor, 1 Usc. 1830; and uo. lot, 27 May, 1828, and ci. 22 Jan. 1830. 3 Thoodasia, so. to Richard, 5th Viscount roworsrourt; and Charlotte-Mary, dan. of William-Lewis Hughes, Sat ci. 21 Dec. 1830. sv. Roleyne, in holy orders. v. Henry, hilled in battle in Flanders, in 1793. s. Stuarta, ci. uno,. in 1823. si. Isabella, ci. ban. in 1784. in. Katherine, ii.. in Feb.1942. sv. STacy. us. in t797, to the Rev. Thomao Hors, a younger had ioaue, ion of Walter Hors, Esq. of HssTsrstown, co Wtxford; and ci. in Feb. 1708. His lordship ,f.20 June, 1780, and was o. by his oldest son, Rouca’r, 2nd visconnt; who because EaRs. or Wscas.ow at the decease of his mother. 7 North, 3807; bat ci. usno. 23 Oct. 1815, when the honours devolved upon his brother, WsLs.sAsi, 2nd earl; who had assusued the surname and arms of FoRwARD sspon inheriting the eslote of his maiorna2 relatives, but resumed his family name of HowARn, by royal license, on succeeding to the peerage. His lordship soo. N Siarch, 1787, Eleanor, only don. of the Hon. Francis Canlfcild, granddass. of Sir Richard was appointsd lord-lieutenant of Caruarvonahiro James, 3rd Viscount Chaclemoni, by whom (who ci. 2 Aprll, 3907) he had issue, I Wett.sAs’s, present eari. is. Francis. in holy orders; cc. 1st, in 1824, Prances, dau. of the Right Rev. George Beresford, lord bishop of Eihuore, Tudor, Ls.oins of Flysisog, St000Aae of Galileo Grave, Loan and has by her (who ci. 17 Nov. 1833), 1 William-George, 1,. 25 April, 1825; so. 24 Feb. 1803, Slooa’rre, and other distiuguished lines, derives frena Ellen, dan. of Sir. Richardson, and step-dan. of the Rev. cotemporary with Rhodri Mawr, Ring of Wales, she a. to John Hulterfield, vicar of Lengnoy, near Gloucester, and the throne in 843, and ,l. in 877. Frana Starchndd (for icier- ss. Oct. 1804. 2 Robsrt-Boloyn, i. in 1829; ci. i850. 3 Frederick, 5. isa 1831 ; drowned on his passage from mediate line and amply details of his descendants, ocr LLoto of Hamburgh, in 1848. I Katherine-Charlotte, ci, in 1822. Re so. 2ndly, in June, 1830, Sarah, dan. of Charles Hamilton, a posreriul not,le of Isia those, who as, tsvico ; 1st, Tsngwystyl, Esq. of Hamwood, co. Slcath, and had issue, I CnAaLes-PoAwcis-AoNos.u, hoot. lltls hosoars, and aidode-casup hod, with other issue, to the lard-lieut. of Ireland, i, 1839. 2 Cecil-Ralph, I. 1842. 1 Caroline-Louisa. 2 Louisa-Prances. 3 Alice-Slary. He ii. 10 Feb. 1St?. itt Robert, lient. 2nd dragoons; if. in 1828. s. Isabella - Stacy. us. in 2815, Is the late William - Steade Smythe, Esq. of Barbavilla, co. Westmeath, and of Dccc Park, Devon; and ci. in 1840. at. Eleanor, os. 1st, Dcc. 2810, to Thomas-James Felliersionhaugh, Esq. of Bracklyn Castte, co. Wsslmcalh, who ci. 14 Dec. 1853: their only son, Howard Fealherslonhaugb, Esq. of Bracklyn Castle, was assossinated 15 April, 1808. Lady Eleanor m. 2ndly, 15 April, 1800, to Liestt.-Cstonel William- Frederick Johnstone, late of the grenadisr-gstords. sit. SIssy, so. 9 July, 1822, to the Rev. James-William Arnold, M.D., of Ashby St. Lodger’s, Northamptonshire, who d. 20 June, 1805. (Sec Bnsae’o Laa’fc,f Gco;rsj.) sv. Alicia, so. 11 Slay, 1830, toW. Dissett, Esq. of Lossondrusu, Aberdcenshire, who ci. S Jan. 2809: she ci. 9 Slay, 1820. His lordship d. 27 Sept. 1818. Cesolisus—Raron, 21 July, 1778. Viscount, 23 Juns, 1705. Earl, 20 Dec. 1793, As-cast—Quarterly: 1st and 4th, gsa., a bend, between six cross-crosslets, litchie, org.; 2nd and 3rd, arg., a lion, rainpant, gu. 1183 W I L Crcsl—Ou a chapoau, go., turned up, erm., a lion, statant guardont, or, ducally gorged, go., Isolding in his month an arrow, ppr. S,plarlcis—Two slugs, ppr., dsseslty gorged, and charged, JIelloe.s—” inoervi Doo ot 1lora;” and “Certumpate finem.’’ gcoio—Sbcltnn Aisbey, co. Wicklew; and Castle Forward, to. Donegal. Town Iioaos—2, Cavendish Square. WIGAN, BARON, sec EABL OF CnAwFugD AND BALCABBES. W I B B I A M S - B U L K E B E Y. W1LLIAMS-BULKELEY, Sm RICHABD-BULIOELET, of Possryhn, co. Carnarvon, NP. for Angle. asa ; 5. 23 Sept. 1801; asaumed, by sign-manual, 26 Juno, 1827, the additional aurname of BUIFFLEY, having inherited, in 1822, the property of Viscount Bulkulcy. Sir Ricbord s. aa 10th baronet, at the decouao of Lord Dinorben, by whom hobo ci. 11 May, 1829) ho had no iaoue. Sir Richard ssa. 2ndly, 20 Aug. 1832, Maria- Frances, only dau. of Sir Thomas Stanlay-Maaaey -Stanley, Bart. of Hootou, and baa s. Rsrndao-Lcwss-S005ns, late captain royal horse-guards; b. 20 Slay, 1823; a. 1st, 18 Slay, 1807, Mary-Emily, eldest dan. of Hcury-Ringhana Daring, Esq., and has had issue; he was divorced fram her on his petition Nor. 1804, Re s;s. 2ndly, 13 Aug. 2 tOO, Stargsrei-Elizabsth, eldest dan of Calonel Peers Willionss, of Tcn:plc House, Borks, H.P. ii. Robert-Stanley, capt. Sits hnssars ; 1. 17 April, 1830; ci, 1 Feb. 1801. iii. Thomas-James, liont. ltIh Isassars, 5. 13 Maccl,, 1840. iv. Charles, b. 29 Aug. 1811. in 1851, and resigned in 1866. 31(ltcioRc. Tlsis eminent family, in casmuou with the royal house of Slaacunnn AC CONAN, Lor,l of Aborgolcu, iii Carnarvon Plpia.g—Buaoe’a Lon’Ie,l flea Icy), derived EssNvr.-re.u VyeuArc, lard of Drynitenigi, in Denbighiand, dsu. of Llowarch ap Bran, lord of Stcnoi, in Aoglcsey, eoteis:porary with Owen Gwyncdd, Princo of North Wales, ansi by her a. TLuoa (Sir), Ar Eusyren VvCuAN; of whose line we have to treat. is. Kcndrivk op Ednyfed Vychon, seho bad a moiety of Creuihyu; from wlsons derived, t3tls in descent, Robert Lloyd. Esq. of l’lysuog in Tale, co. Dsnbigh, wlso u,. 25 Slay, 1584, Mono, don, and co-heir of Edward Davies, of Denbigh, Gent., a cadet of lIce ancient Denbighshiro Itonsc of Wygfair, derived from Ednowain Bondow, IMrd of Tegoingi. This lady, who rarried to the House of Flyusog cousitlsrot,le posscsoions in the town and county of Dcnhigh, 55. 21 Stsy, 1680. and was hurled at Whuiechnrcb, the parish chorch of Donlsigh, where Ihero is a n:onssnssnt to her mensos-y. Sly iser, Robert Lloyd (who was bnried 4 Fsh. 1059) hod on only son acid successor, Edward Lloyd, Esq. of Plysnag, leigh-sheriff of tlcrionelh in 1732, and of Rcnbtghsturo in 1730, who Os. (settlement dated 9 Dcc. 11 Gennue I) Dorothy, doss. and in her issue sole heiress of Siogh hughes, Esq. of Gwerclos, to. Morioncth, derived from sjwain Brogysslyn, lard of Edeirnion, Dmmacl, and Ahertanal, in t’owys, eon of Stadoc, lost Prince of Fosvys. SIr. Lloyd, who c5. 10 Slay, 1742, and was buried at Llongar, where there is a monument to his memory, hod issue, by the heiress of Gwerclos, who pro- deceased him, 27 Aug. 1732, an eldest son and heir, ltngh-ltugbss Lloyd, Esq. of Plysuog and Gworclas, high- sheriff of Slerioneth in 1747 This gentleman, 5. 22 Oct. 1720; 01. IS April, 1700, Margaret, dan, and heiros, of