Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/493

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W I L itt. Spcneer-3taryon, d. onto. in 1620. ,. Jane-Elizabeth, 2. 10 April, 1828. is. Slaria-Margaretta, to. in 1830, to the late Rev. Arthur Drummond, and 0. in 1004. itt. Julia-Pellew-Holford, so. 10 April, 1827, to the Rev. Spencer-Dod Wilde, rector of Pletching, Sussex Sir Thomas ci. in 1821. Creatioo—4 March, 2660. A,’ocs—Sa., a wolf,rsmpant; in chief litres eatoilca, or. Cc’eat—A do,ni-wolf, as in the arms. Wallets—” Ros non vcrhn,” and “Prolegihuo 00 r. gibsto.” Lodge, Shelton Slew-bray. ,ceo’s—Searlee, Sussex; and Charlton tionoo, Reid. WiLTON, EARL OF (Sir Thomas Egerton, G.C.H., P.C.), and Viscount Grey de Wilton, of Wilton Cnetle, Hereford ; 5. 30 Dec. 1799 ; inherited, as 2nd earl, at the decease of his maternal grandfather, of Hampahire. anti nol. of the Hampshire militia; 23 Sept. 1814; and assumed, by sign-manual, in 5.3 June, 1801; lient.-col. in the army; e. his father, 1821, the surname and arms of that nobleman, EOERTON, instead of those of his paternal family, GnoavENoa. FDa lordship ass. 1st, 29 Nov. 1821, Lady Rokeby, and by her (who of. S Sept. 1868) has, Mary-Margaret Stanley, dan. of Edward, 12th Earl of Derby, and by her (who d. 16 Dee. 1858) has, c. Asmsya -Entvaso- HOLLANO -Obey- Gsosvmeos, P’itcooa,t Grey do Wiliest, late 01.?., 0.20 Nov. 1833; to. II Aug. His lordship is premier Marquess of England. 1858, Eliaalseth-Charlolte-Lsuisa, eltiest dan. of Willta,n, 2,a,l Earl Craven, and has aeon, 0. 1064. it. Seymour-John-Grey, capt. tat life-guards, 0.20 Jan. 1839; a,. 9 Aug. 1002, Laura-Caroline, dat,. of W’illian, itussell, Esq. (are neoroan, 0. or), and has, Arthnr-Grorge, is. 17 lordship of Paulel, in So,asorsotahire, whereof its progenitor. Stay, 1863; and Elizabeth. a. Eliaabeth-Grcy, so. 12 Oct. 1003, is the IIsn. Duslley Fitzgerald settling in Englaasd, in Ilse reign of Ideasy I. Rot, Isy Cuilisen’s Dr Its’s, only son of Lord do Rot. it. Katlserins-G,iy, so. 22 July, 1861, the lion. henry Colts, thio lordstoip in tian Osase of lIar Cexorraoa, end that front him b,-otlaer to Ilte Earl ci Leiceslcr. at,. Alice-Grey, as. 17 Aug. 1863, to Itenry-Dalrynapir Des Vmnx, Esq. The Earl of Wilton sat. 2ndly, 12 Sept. 1863, SusanLabella, took their snmanao. only child and heir of Major Elton Smith, of Jotan Creedy. of Creody, asad dying in 1378, left two sons, Sir the Madras army and of Ilminster, Sethersetshiro. 3Li,tcagc. Tico family represented by this peerags and the house of Somoraetalairo, oeajoant at-low, fnsiaa whom slsrang the extinct Chs;mondcley derive from a rontmen progenitor, namely, BasEst Fttz1100H, of Italpas, in Cheshi,’e, one of the ba,’ons by Constance do Poynings, one of tlan co-heiresses of her of hugh Lupns, Earl of Chester, hoop- Wss.tsas, the Cotaqossee. brother Sir Thomas do Pasynings, Lord Si. Jolan of Basing (at 12cc Eosstoa of Egec isa and Osllon, Ban.) Sin TnoatAs EosstoN, of Egerton and Oniton, 7tla baronet Basing and Poyninga fell into abeyance, (see Ru,sse’s Extiorl (fs,’precedisg details, see Eousvo,o, Rant.), was elevated to the Peeroge). This Sir Willions enjoying iho confidence of King peerage, 15 Slay, 1784, by the title of Beros Grey sic Wiliest, of tieaav VIII., was elevated by that oaonarch to the peerage, Wiliest (‘salle, its Ike re Hrr_fers8. Ilis lordship so. in 1769, 9 7laroh, 1730-9, as Bare,s St. John of Bosissy, and at his Eleansr, youngest dan. and co-heiress of Sir Ralph Ast,olsn, hdajesty’s decease was a1spcinled one of tlae executors to his Rant., by whom he had several claildrrn, lsnl ace only to survive; will Lord St. John contbening a leading political character, namely, Es.sAsooa, who so. in 1754, Raberl, Viscoasat lidgrave, was created in the ensuing roiga, 12 Jan 104900, Rorl of sfterwanls Stasqussa or Wsa’ranostos. in cease,jne000 Wibohire, and 12 Oct. 1111, Maeqreao or Wtsrnearcs. Ito was of thai decease of Lord de Grey ole Wilton’s elder clsil,lren, installed a knight of the Garter, and held the important office of his lordalaip eblainrd a nest’ patent, 28 June, 1871, creating hord-Treaouror of England during the reigns of Enwoan Vt., and Isim Viscount Grey ole ii ill stt and Eons, or W,s.yos, with Queens Stoat sad Es,,aaee’r,t. Tue Marquess being asked how special s’omaiudir to the 2nd and to all llae yossngar semis seeceasively lao hsti contrived to preserve the treannrorship theangts so of his dan., by Iser theta husband, Lord Rolgraro, or to long a series of changeable years, roplied, “Bytoeing a willow, lair male loans Isy any future husband. Itis los’dslaiit ti 23 Sept not an oak.” This nobleman eroded liii boautiful and magnificent .1814, when iho baronetcy reverted to John-Grey Egerlon, Eaq. of Oulton Park, in the cc. Cheater, the lineal descendant of Sir as,. Elleabeth, dau. of Aldomsan Sir Williao, Capel, Knt. of the Rowland Egonton, Ihi 1st baronet, through his 2nd son, Sir oily of London; and dying at tlae adraneod age of ninety-seven, Philip Egrrton, Ant.; the Barony of Grey do Wiliest, created in It Starch, 1172, svaa a. by his eldest son, 1704, expired; but rico oarldom and viseonnly of 1801, devolved, according to limitation, upon his lordship’s grandson, the MON. 1195 W I N Tnoasos f”soovoaos, aercnd un of Robert, 1st Marquess of Wealt,a;notrr. Crenil’ o—26 Jnne, P-al. Arsea—Arg., a lioo, racopaat, gs, , laelsroen three pit eons, so. Cicat—Tlaree arrows, points slose,swarda, one in talc, and Iwo in saltier, or, laeadod esad feallses-osh, so., tied togotlsen with a ribbon, go. - Scpparlese—Dexler, a styvern, wings inverted, or; sinister, a lion, org., ducally coon ned, or. .Ofotlo—Virtstli, non arstais, Ode. ,Scalo—lieaton I ln,,ee, near Maorlaeater, Lancashire; Egorton Toas’n Haceo—7, Grosvenor Sqnaro. WINCHESTER, MARQUESS OF (John Panlet), Earl of Wiltshire, auel Baron St. Jo,lsn, of Basiasg; lord-lient. as 14th marquess, 29 Nov. 1843; las. 29 Nov. 1855, the Hon. Mary Montagno, dan. of Henry, 6th Lord a. An’onsTca-Jnnn-HEleav-Rbouaaosov, Earl of Wiltshire, I. 6 Fob. 1808. II. hienry.Willism-Mnntago, 0. 30 Oot. 1862. a. Liliaaa. ltitocitcjc. This fauaily is said by Collins to dorivo 110 sumaane from the Hercules, Lord of Tsurncn, in Picardy, lsrra,,te props’irlor, sapon history of that county, it appears Ilsat Wailer de Doo-ai earned it descended lo the Paganelo, Pilalaanlioga, Gaunis, end Grnrnays. It is oea’tain, however, tlaat the l’asolets enjoyed, from a very oerly period, a manor in this parish, asad hence doubtless Saa Jans PAt-LET, Knt., so. Eliaabrlh, dan, mad laoiresa of Sir Tlaomas, the elder, progenitor of tlae Earls Poalrtt; and Wss.a.sos, ForLet (llae yaoaager son), of Ste-bomb Pantct, in dncol house of Jlolton, and Sta WJLL5ACt PAt-LeT, great -grandson of John Paulet, Esq., the decease of wiatch noblonsan, lisa Barony of St. John of seat called nasing, in the co. Southampton. Mis lordship Joust, 2nd anarqnoss; who had been summoned to panliameat in the lifetime of his father, as Lord St. John, and W I L T 0 N. W I N OH E S T E B.