Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/501

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i. Gsoaon, 0. 1 Nov. 1865. n. Stephvn•Fredericlc, 0. 18 Feb. 1867. s. Jolia-Oeorgiona-Sarah. is. Mabel-Caroline. iii. Cecilia.Cloinentioa. w 0 0 W 0 M Morley, Esq. of Ceibridge; and was a. at his decease in filled the chair of the East India Cempany, was created a 1780, by hia only son, Ill. Sin WILLIAM; at whose deeeaoe the title devolved on Baronet, 26 Alag. 1778. Sir George hi. Snsannah, only dan. IV. Toe Roy. Sia RIOHARn (son of the late Co1. Clement London, by whom be left issue, Woleeley, ofWoloeley Bridge, Co. Carlow), 8. 15 Jnne, 1760 whom. lot, in 1786, Mary-Anne, dan. of the late 00ev. Jeremiah Symes, of Ballybeg, cc. Wicklew; Sndly, Slurp, dau. of William-Riohard Middlemore, Eaq. of Granthani, es. Sir George ii. in 1700, and was s. by his son, Lincoln; ondlrdly, Elizabeth, dan.of William Smith, Req. of Golden Bridge Honoe, eo. Dublin. He 5. 0. p. 5 Slay, 5652, Lady Anne Belasysse, dan. of Henry, Sod carl of Fanconberg when the baronetcy devolved en his nephew, Sin CLEMENT Wocsos.r,v, 5th hart., only son of the late Slajor JohnRogorson Wolseloy, and grandson of the lato Col. Clement Wolsoloy, of Weloelsy Bridge, cc. Carlew, 8. 51 Oct. 1751 Ia. 50 April. 1833, Alice-Elizaboth, eldest da’i. of Peter Van Sir George in. 2odly, Elba, youngest dau. of the late T.-E. Homrigh, SEP. for Dregheda, by whom he had issue, JoHN-RIcHARD, present baronet. CLzaiEcsT-JAaIss, barrister-at-law, 8. 24 Jnly. 1857. Sir Clement served in India with the 00th regiment. lie 23 Feb. 1064. was major in the Carlew Militia, and was high-sheriff of the County of Carlow in 1552; he d. 30 Oct. 1857. Crealiea—19 Jan. 1744. AI’rno—Arg, a talbot, passant, gn.; a crescent for difference creel—Out of a ducal coronet, a well’s head, ppr. Mstts—Mors mihi vita eat. .Seal—lllomat Wolseley, co. Curlew. WOMBWELL. WOMRWELL, SIR GE0RHE-Onny, Linoeln, and had fenr sons, of Wombwell, eo. York, Mart., late limit. 17th lancers; served at Alma, Inkerman, and Balaelava; 5. 1832; s. his father as 3rd baronet, 1855; III. 3 Sept. 18611 Lady Jnlia-Sarah-Aliee Villiers, elder dan. of George - AugnstusFrederic, 6th Earl of Jersey, and has issne, of Sir Thomas Rawlinsen, Knt., Alderman of the city of Gconos, the 2nd baronet. Snsannah, rI. to Edward Roche, EM. Caroline-Frances, Es. te Richard Clay, Esq. II. Sin Goennr, 0. 14 March, 1769 ; rn. 1st, 19 Jsly, 1701, ;* and by her (who ii. 7 July, 1008) had isans, Gsooen, late baronet. Henry-Walter, 0. 04 Slay, 1705: ii. 17 Feb. 1815. Frederick-Richard, 0. 13 April, 1797; it. 24 Ang. 1807. Little, Esq. of Ilanilistead, and Isad by her (who 5. 21 March. 1816), with ether children (ef whem GeorgiansEliza and Alfred MArcy, beth ii. in 1834, and Caroline 5. Charles, 0. 3 April, 1813 ,‘ an officer 10th hnssars; who ta. 21 Slay, use, Charlotte, dan. of Orby Hunter, Req. of Crawland Abbey. in Liocelsisbire, and has had issne their eldest eon, Charles-Orby Wombwell, Erq., ci. 7 Sept. 10130, Frances-Jane, eldest dalI. of the late David BaUhie, Esq., soil has a son. 0. 4 July, 1966. Louisa, so. in Ang. 1840, to Henry Beaucleek, Esq. The eldest son, III. Sm Geenea, 8. 13 April, 1792, e. his father, as 3rd bart., 20 Oct. 1046; rn. 23 June, 1024, Georgians, 2nd dan. of the late Thomas OrhyHunter, Esq. of Crewland Abbey, cc. a. GroaumOnny, present baronet. ii. Adelphns-Ultrk, major 11th l000crsl 0. 1834; m. 31 Sept. 1802, Mary-Caroline, Sod dau. of Cot. Slyddclloo Biddelph, SIP., of Chtrk Castle. an. Henry-Herbert, lient. royal horse gnsrds, 0. 1840. iv. Froderirk-CLarles, 0. Ia43; ci. 12 Jan. 1868, Mddle. Slaria Beyer. Crceliems—26 Aug. 1778. .4 esn—Gn., a bend, between six ulnoerne’ heads,erased,srg. Cerse—Asi nntcern’s head, cenped, arg. MoOt s—In well beware. &at.,—Wembwell, and Newburgh Park, Essingwold, Yorkshire. WOOD, MART., see HALIFJX, VoseoCaT. ‘TOOD__________ Woo, SIR MATTHEW, of Hathorby House, in the eo. of Glouees—4—-—— ter’ S. Sept. 1857; s. his father as 4t1 ,21 April, 1863. WILLIAM Weon, of Exeter, and alterwards of Tiverten, Devon, 0. 32 Sept. 1738, si. 8 Dec. 1766, Catherine Cinse, and by her (whod. 12 Oct. 1788) had issne, 3 Michael, of Wakefield, killed by a fall fram his horse, a. Mnvvnrw, his heir, creatsd a Baronet in 1837. II. Philip-Western, of Londen, iO. a. p. in 1832. an. Wtitam, of Dublin, S. in 1836, leaving issue, 1 William-Charles. bin 1809. 2 Slatthcw, 0. in 1814. 3 Philip-Western, 8. in 1819. 4 Georgs-Augustns-Frederick, 0. in 1823. 1 Caroline. iv. Benjamin, of London, mn Slaria, dan. of Sampson itlichell, Esq., iON.; and it. II Ang. 1843, s. p. v. Rehert-Wrtgbt, of Liverpool, rn. Miss Trseman, snd has issue, 1 Willtam-Bnrteu-Persse•, 0. in 1816. 2 Robed, 8. in 1823. 3 James, 0. in 1828. 1 Catherine. 2 Anne. 3 Emily. a. Sarah, is. to John Rendsi, of Tiverten. ii. Eleanor, is. to Henry Dnnsford, of Penryn. an. Catherine, rn. to Richard Watkins, of Dublin. iv. Mary, ci. to George Stodort, of Slouot-strstt, Grasvenor .sqnare. Mr. Weed ii. 21 May, 1809. The eldest son, I. MATTHEW Woen, Esq., 8. 3 June, 176S, an alderman, and twice lord-mayer of the city of Londeu, was created a Baronet in 1837. He in. 5 Nov. 1795, Slaris, dan. of John IL fltraur, The first ancestor of this family upon record, ROBERT Dli WoasnivnLc, living temp. King STErIIEN, 5 person of eensideration in that era derived his surnamefrom the place of his restdsuce, Woiubwell, in the ca. of York. From tbis Robert descended Geonoz WOMnwELL, of Wombwell, who as. Hannah, dan. of William Woogh ; and dying in 1082, left two zoos, viz., a. WILLIAM, whom, in 1696, Elieabeth. eldest dan. of Sir Michael Wentworth, Knt. of Weilsy, Yorkshire, and bad, I William, 0. in 1700; who no. Margaret, dan. of Sir Thomas Standish, Bart., acid had two daus,, Margaret, rn. to Anthony St. Leger, Eeq. Elizabeth, re. to Charles Turner, Esq. 2 George, vicar of Norton; 5. seAm, in 1756. to 1742. im. Jonv. The 2nd son, JOHN WOMOwELL, Esq., 8. in 1672; 01, Elizabeth, don, of Richard Nsttinghana, and had issue, t. George, 0. 1701; sometime consul at Alicsnt, in Spain an. Anne, dan. and heir of John Nottingham, Cent., and had issne, John, 0. in 1749; and Anne, ais, to John Stra. obey, LL.D., F.S.A., archdeacon of Suffolk, Ii. William, 5. young. III. Roozn. Iv. Thomas, ii. 101740. The 3rd son, Menus WOMRWELL, of Barnetey, co. York, 0. 31 May, 1708; who an. Mary, dan. of J. Chadwick, Esq., and had, Gzoaoz, his hetr. John, a merchant at Alleont; rn. let, 24 Oct. 1781, Elizabeth, eldest dan. of Jeahna Grigaby, Req., H.P. for Suffolk; and 2ndly, Frances, dan. of Richard Bakel-, Raq.; by the latter hs had s dan., Fmuees. Mr. Wombwell, dying at sea, on a voyage to Gibraltar, wos a. by his eldest son, I. Qcieaoz WOMOWELL, Esq., who purchased and bronght back into the family the ano1cnt estate of Wombwell, which had been alienated by an heirosa. This gentleman having 1203 By Charlotte, aioter of Peniston, Viscount Slolbeeerue. 4 II 2