Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/508

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W Y N ingham, and aunt of the present Duke of Eockingham, hysohom Elnian Biell, Lord of Cynllaetls, younger son of Otadee, last (who d. in 1832) ho loft issue, Prince of Pssvys : by Ilsis lady, who trassssssilled Clascoed to 1. WATR1S5. isis heir. is. Chorlos’OVatlsiss (Right Hon.), of Llangodwin, Dcnhsghshioo, a privy cosmr,lIov, Ml’. for the co. of Montgomery, DCL. oust F.S.A.; 6. 9 Oct. 1275; so. 9 April, 1806, Mary, elsiost stoss. of Sir Footer Csssstilfo, hart., and by hor (wise d. 11 ,isssso, 1839,) had isssso, I Ovatkio—l tessry, Si. 29 June, 1816; sI.. 9 Tidy, 1832. 2 Chartes-Watkin, of Pentrogo, ro. Montgonsevy, 911’. for Islonluomeryolsire, 0. 1 Oct. 1822 so. 18 Aug. 1803, Aossora.CIsarlnlle, younger stats, of Ctsarloo—Iieobert, Inst Earl .Otassvcro, ansi lsao hail, Arlltnr—tvothin, ii. 2 Jone, I 856; Charlos—Ilssgh—W’oilsiss, it. ass issiassi, 18 Jsily, 1898; llonoy-Contilpe, 6.26 lusty, 1969; a son, ii. 19 Feb. 1865; Otary; Agnes’, Annssra ; and Conolaoce. I (‘hselotte. 2 Mary, vs. 16 May, 1832, in Jamos-Mitnes Oaskell, Esq., NP.. ssf Thssrssos Dense, Yecksisire. 0 ilarviat-Hestes’, s. 31 iotsy, 1936, In Jolsss Lindsay, Bug. of Lossglsry, ‘isTa rone. 4 Sislney, so. in 1042, iss Sir Francis-hastings Doyle, Earl., ansi ii. in Nov. 1007. 5 Essssaa, d. yoassg its 1824. Tue Right hess. Chaelos-W. Wynss 51. its 1850. lit. hlens’y-Wssttsin. tlse hhight lion. (Sir), 0.0.10., B.C.E., foroses’ty eos’ny iss the costrt of I senmarl; ; h. 1784; is;. 1813, heats 5’— Franrrs (is his ii. 1024). OIls dass. of Ilobos C, Lorsi Car— riogtaa, assd 5. 28 Olarch, 1050. Isaving hash, 1 firnnvflte-Watkits, Is. in 1916; 51. 7 Jan. 1865. 2 Artlsasr-W’atlsiss, h. iss 1919. O ltenry—Bertia-Walhin, h. 1820 as. 1841, Otarien, sian. of isiajor-slen. Sir J;snses Limonsi, CR., sad has, hester— lllssrissss ; Slarie—,Tessa ; assotltcr clnist, 0. 1853; and a dan. I Clsarhsstte—l henrietta, iii, is 1947, to Count Bissnack. 2 Katlsarino, is, in 1810, to Otajar Stndhotsoc Brasenrigg. 3 Olssria-Entily, as. in 1002, to her cousin, Sir 00’atkin O’illianss-W’yssn, use present haronet. 4 Cecilia, it. an issfant. I. Frances, 1. 21 June, 1827. ii. Charlotte. is. so 1906, to f.ieast.-Cal. William Shipley, eldest son of the dean of St. Asaph, sail has issna. is,. tlessrietta-Eliaalseth. is, in 1910, taThamas Cholmondeley, Esq. of us]e lloya, ro Chester. svlsa has beets elevated to the peerage, as Lord Delamere. (‘Sc’ that sflgss 0g.) Sir Wathin 5. in July, 1759, ansI was a. hy his son, V. Ste W,sTcsts, NP. for tlse en. of I senhigh, ansi lord-lient.. ansi n,sslos-retsslarnm of that Co. ansi of the Cs). of Oterinneth; cv. De,slsigls (se t’ULEsTiN o,( .02,’;’ 1, hart.), and svas nsother of hen sinus. assst ea—heis’s, 0. 26 Oct. 1772; is. 4 Pals. 1.017, Lady Ilenriolta-Antania Clivo, Aevalsella, is. 1st, Ia Pslss’arsl-Lhnyd Llaysl, Bug (fornsas’ly aislast dan. of F.dss’ssrsl, 1st Earl of Posvis, ansI by her (who ci. Kcvyvn), of h’essyhan, svhia asatimest, Sn conspl 5- 22 Dee. 15351 had issue. asses ssihhs lisa soil I of 00’athsio OVillia,sss, Bag., above esets— V5’A’rsssrs, preselst tsaronei. ilerhiert-Watlsin, 11.1’. for islentganseryshire; 1’. 29 April, 1822; ,ss. us13’, 1955, Assssa, dan. aasl heir of the tate J. Lloyd, SOs;. of Cola, co. Denlsigh, oust 4. 22 June, 1062, leaving Esiwann-WATKttc, 0. 1827 I-tcehart-tJeyd-Walhin; William— Ttsstsert-llerbert—Watkiss ; aasl flos’entia—Helen. Ilcarielta-Chartette, sss. 10 AIsril, 1843, to Sir hugh Williams, Earl.. ci Iledelwyddan. Sir Wa.tisin ii. 6 Jan. 1840. 2 Jane iss. Robert h.loyd, Esq. of Sass lbS. and lsast one C;votioss—6 July, tgss. 1s’i,ss—Qssaelerly: 1st and 41h, these of OWtN Csr’rssenn, Pot ore, or Nssorus Was.ns, von, three eagles, slis1slarest isu fesse, s. Slaegaret, a. In I,esvie Owen, Essi. of Pessiarlls, rssstns rots— or, for Wyvo; Inst and 3rd, tlsose of Canessn hlaann, srg., two brims of Slerinssethsahsire. assah sras sssatlser of Jausses, Viscouvicas faxes, re,snter-saliesst, in sallier, gu., Use dexter snrnsonntesl of H .Sydstey, is, to John Wyasse, Bsq. of TIse Abisey, en. Den- use sinister, far iVls.LsA-ao. Crs st—Ass eagle, shis1ilayed, so. S’suta—-OO’yssnstsy, Btsvaton; Clan Llyn, Dala, and Liangedscm. Osseestry. Tsa’n Hence—IS, St. James’s Square. W V N her bssst’aod’a fasssily, Sir WOliam left twe sons and a slass., viz,, s. Wti,r.sasi, Isis Iseir. ii. .lalsn, of Ctsrsner. tsar—at-law; wlsn sss. Cailsers ee, eldest doss, of Sir ltssgh (bess, hart., ef Oriettoss. and lsad, 1 llssgls, OI.P. toy tlsc s’s. 556 Assgtrscy sss. I si, Cvsssla. slass. of Sir ,isslsn Brisigsssan, Ittsrt. ; asssl 2n’hlv, a d;sa. oh kslssssrsl Morris, SIts.. 211’. for Livcrpassl ; hsst l.a. 2 lCpfhin as. Stacy Bnssbs,ry ‘.ansi/. a. ;s. O Jsslsss, us OO’etsbs jssslge, gransifather ssf Sin Jnssw ‘10ILLIAI1O, Fan, of hostel svyilslan. 4 ,trshssr, as’rlisls’area ci’ St. Dssvid’s;sl.s’vsss. 5 P lsvarst svhn is, 1 735, lane, Viss’ssuntess—l snwagar Esshlse— Ic” dass. asset heir of t.e,vis Oseess, Faq. of t’essnsrtls, ansi Isad 1155cc sltssss. at svtisssss tlse clsless, Jsssse. ,o,. OO’slhans W psssse, En;. of W’cs’a, fattier 5sf Was. W’ysssse, hssq. sf I enssssth. I ltlicabetls, so. Ia Wiltia,ss Osvcn, Faq. s. Esnissa, is’. Is Sir Arllsssr Do en, lEst. ni Orietten, co. Pesss— brsslse, 21.1’. far, usnd torsl-lievslassant of, Ilsat ess. Sir OVilhiasn ii. 11 July, 1780, ansi was a. Py his elder sass, II. Sit Os’s s,s.ouss, 51.1’. ‘thisgesstlesssass sss. 1st, lane, stats. ant Iseis’css of Estsvssr,t Thselsvall, Es;1. sf Plas—y—OVard, so. J’ess’ high by Svslncy, Isis cue, sian. asssl Iseiress of OVilliasss 00 ynn, sass of Sir’ Jsshn OO’yssn, of Oo’ystir, en. t’.ansarvoss, created Ilaroaet 29 Jsnse, 1611, derived frosts Rsderis’h, Lard ci Anglcsey (Eat son of tise rtsivalrasss Osvess Gsvysseslsl, Prince (if Nos’lh OO’ales), who was represrnls;tive ssf Aoarasest, King of ldisvlh Ovates, ansi Sovereign Isaransiasat of all O0’ales, son (souls lsn hrethers, Caslelhi, Kissg vi Sisssths O’,stes, ansi Slervvn, Kisug oh l’asrvo) of Rhoslni Slasvr, or the sireat tong of Wales. By Ihis sltssstrinsss ahliassee, Sir 00’iltians Wihliassss left three sosso and tsvo sinus., viz., i. OVnsssa, Isis heir. is. Esshect, of Es’lastaok, en. Denbigh, H.P. far lslnnigstneryshire. it. e.g. in 1702. IH. Bichsard. of Penlseilss’, re Denhigh, SIP. for PhssL why left lsy Cisarlaile isis 2sssl sviie, dais. an,t co—hour of Lsclsar;l Olsssiyss, Bug. of I’entseslsv, Os’st son of Sir, Eager Moslyn, asse sass sobs ii. yoosssg; aisd by Anssahiella, lsss3rd snOt, lass. atsil heir of Charles t2oyd, Esq. of Dretsesoyslil. 10 SalvIs, issur sssns, svtso ssll si. a. p. (tIle eldo,t, OVetisin, efPesslsoJ s. Invsl—lsent. of Sbarionethshire, sI. 1808i; and as nsany stuns., of whoes, 1 Annanelta. sss. ihe hlsv. Plsilip t’islcstosu, 0.15., of Pielshiht, tiessesh, Isis wife’s sssaternal sssscte. llsc suss’ssas,se asssl arsusa of 0’Gss.s.i as’s. She ‘is.lastly, Cssl. ‘l’lia,casMsslyness’s, lOst.. else slav assssnsesl tue add itiossal snrtsasne stud ssrms of VVss,s,s .5515. Elizabeth, sis. tss W’illiasn Wynna, ci I’ensnrth, cv. Slers— osseth, gag., vnsl svas sssssslser of a sass ansi tseir, hue lie— sent OVts,s,iass-W’,s’cciw-Env’ssn 0O’irmae, Bsq., SIP. (,Scc OVyNon sf J’c,sia,’tli—Bo’aKe’a L,s,al’al C,’sibess.) son Bahsert—W’atlsin, urSa 1. sails.; scsI turn sissns., s0ntsa— hahn, vs. ta F,isvas’sl Gstars’e, Psg. of lialacra 1 ansi Jane, us. to Jslsn—W’ysine Eylssn, Bag, at Leessoesid. Betheley, as above. high. Sir 00’iltiam W’ilhiama so. Indly, Caiherine, dau. of Shytlon Davies, Eag. ci Owysaaey, cv. Flint, hut Isasl no other issue. Had. in Oct. 1740, ansi van a. by his eldest son, Ill. Sin WATRIN, SIP. for lbs cc. of Denisigh, who inheriled tlse seat of ,SVynnalssy, in tisat ess., ass;l the sstlser estates at isis gceat—gresi—gcanslfahlser, Sir Jalsss Obyssn, sslresssly issentis,stosl, ansI nvaa,aed, in eoeaeqnanva, Ilsa additional aarssasnso asssl anssss To the House of tiseyshir, now represented matomahy in one of W’xna. lie so. 1st, Anne, dssn. assst re-heiress of Edavas’d of its branches by Use ViLs.sastn-Wxs’wo of TF’yssssetay, must he Vaughan, Bag. at t.lnydiactls, en. Sianlgonsery, asssl Llangeslsriss, s’vnecded lute first rssssk in Cassshrian genealogy. This esninent en. Danbigh, copeeventatise of Owen Vaagtsass, Faq. ssf Llss’y- fasssily sleslaces sante descent llsroughs their insnsediate aneoslsr, diarth, and Catherine, Isis srsfe, sinus. ansi heir of Sinus C Risedni, Lorsl nfAngtesey, younger san of Osren Cwynedsl, Prince Roberts, Bsq. of t.Iangeshwin. deniee;h frouss Eission Efell, Los’sl of of Nnrtia 00’ales, irons Anarass’si, King of Naruh 00’ales, eldest son Cynlhaelh (see BnwAnnn sf iVeas Slcvvge,—hlrnne’s Lnssdcss of Riso’lni Stasvr, I(ing of W’ales. This last monarch, the stescenGentry). Dying s. 2s. in hcrhsnstsansl’s hifelinse, tlsis lasly slevise,l ilavt cia long line of regal ancestors snrecesiesl Ic the erosrn of to hiss Ltangestsein nail tier other eatales. lie a;. 2s’lly, Prances, Pne’ya on the slersive, in 543, of Isis father, Slervyn Vrych, dan. of Cessrgo Sisnlsertey, Esq. of 1Is,lr,e, in Clueslsira (s’e Itunnn’n tsissg of Foe’ys, ossd Tsy issheritassee and tssssrriago acquired the toasted ftessls’;s), by avisom lie left turn sons. sss,l seas a. as isis hisagdssnus of Norbts 00’alcs nail Sotutis W’ahea. lie seas amiss decease (eeeaaisinesl Isy a fall freon Isis Isorse in retnrssistg fresn Aol. 976, ansI left, isy Assgharnsl Ins svifc, sister and Isnirems of healing), 16 Sept. 1749, l’y the Olsier, Gssgan ap Ohennic, i.acd ef Caerdigssn, three ssno, iv. Sin OVamsa, St.P. for tlse en. Deabigh. This gentlaessn i. ,s.aaawn ar ltnnass Maaeo, of above line we have to treat. us. 1st, 6 Aprsl, hisS, 1.asly tbenrsella Sanserset5 5th dan. of ss. Casiehl Itheslri SIan’s’, King of Sooth OVales, ancestor of (,isarles, 4th hhushe of Bcanfssrl, ss’hss it. us a few nsoaths stIes- the asss’ereigns of Ssiuth OVales. wards; and Issdly, II Dec. 1771. Charlntle, sIne, of the itight is,. Stervyss ap lihasiri Shaave, ICing of I’oseys, sobs 1. n.e. 960; lIon. George Crenville, oisler of the lale Stacgneas ci Rack- progenitor of the Sovereigns of l’nseya. 12O JTs’llhttIt) £11 ZZIITIII1.