Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/524

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MELANESIA, MISSIONARY BISHOP OF, Snifolk, and widow of the Rev. Jaeob-G. Monntain the Right Rev. John Coleridge Patteson, DI). ; son of the late lit. Hon. Sir John Patteson, at one time a Jndge of the Con rt of Q teen’s Bench, 6. 1 S07 edneated at Etms and lIalhol Collrge, (Ixtord; Fellow of Merton College; consecrated in 1801. MELBOU1INE (VICTORIA, IN AUSTRALI Al, of Sodor and Man; snbseqtsently Archdeacon of BISIIOI’ OF, the lliglit Rev. Charles Perry, I).l). son of John Perry, Eeq., of Moor Hall, Eeeex 6. isnpertat crown, ppr.; a rhief, so., thereon a pascal lamb, also 1807 ; formerly Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge; consecrated in 1847; so. 1841. Frances, dan. of Samurl Cooper, Esq. MONTREAL, BISHOP OF, Mtcraororsvxx Bieseol’ OF Caxxnx (he and his successors being so appointed nnder the Great Seal in 1800); NASSAU (THE BAHAMA, TURKS, AND CAICOS ISLANDS), BISHOP OF, the Right Rev. Right Rev. Samuel Crow-tIter, l).D .,a native of Addington-Rohert-Peel Venables, D.D., 6. 1827; formerly of Exeter College. Oxford, where he gradnated in I $18. lie has been Curate of St. Paul’s, the Clissroh Missionary Society ; consecrated first Oxford, and was consecrated Bishop of Nassan, 1S’3 ilishop of Niger, 29 June, 1864. as. 1862, Miss King, dan. of the Rev. Moss King, rector of L”ng CriteIiBl, Dorset, and has issne. NATAL (CAPE OF GOOD hOPE), BISHOP OF, the Right Rev. John-Williams Colenso, D.D., son of J,,hn.Williams Colenso, For1. of Loetwithiel by his wife Mary-Anne, dan. of Thomas-S. Black- more, Req. of Plynsonth Dock, Devonport; t. st St. Austell, Cornwall, 24 Jan. 1814 ; BA. (1836), MX. (3839), LID. (1853), and Fellow and Assistant Tutor of St. John’s Collegs, Cambridge, and in 18:36, ‘2nd‘sTranglerand Smith’s J’rieeman ; was Maths. matieal Mastsrof Iiarr’sw School from 1838 to 1812, the Right Rev. John-Travere Lewis, D.D., LL.B., resident Fellow from 1843 to 1845, and Rector of son of the Rev. John L°wie, Rector of St. Anne’s, Forneett, St. Mary. Norfolk, from 1846 to 1853; Shanden, Cork, 6. 1827; formerly of Trinity College, consecrated first Ilishop of Natal, 30 Nov. 1853; in. S Jan. 1846, Sarah-Frances, dan. of Robert-J,,bn Bnnyon. Esq. of Lond,,n, and has issue, R,bert Attorney-General, Upper Canada, and has issue. John; Francis-Ernest; Harriette-Esnily; FrancesEBen; and Agnes-Mary. His lordship has two sisters, Esnily-l’ranees; and Sephia-Anne, in. to the Rev. Nicholas Kendall, late of Bodmin. A’;se of S’s—Go., a saltier, and in chief a star of six patnts,aeg. Ta’ells, D U ; of St. Peter’s College, Cambridge; son NELSON IN NEW ZEALAND, BISHOP OF, the Right Rev. Andrew-Burn Snter, liD., eon of liichard Sister, Esq. of Castle Hill, M,sidenhsad, by his svife, Anne, dan. of Major-Gen. An,irew Boris ; 6. Right Bev, Matthew Blagden-Hale, D.D., 3rd son of 10 Nov. 1830; formerly C,srate of St. Dnnstan’s, the late R.-ll. Blagden-Ilale, Req., and brother of Fleet Strset, london ; afterwards Incumbent of All the present R. Blagden-HaIe, Eaq. of Alderley, 00. Sasnts’, Spitalfields ; consecrated Bishop of Nelson, Gloucester (ace Bunsca’e Lnsrferf Cestt’y); 6. 1811 24 Aug. 1866;m. 14 Aug. 1860, Amelia-Damaris formerly of Trinity College, Cambridge; eonseorated 4th dan. of the 11ev. Thomas harrison, M.A., of of George Cls,de, Esq., and by her (who d. 1845) Basham, Kent. Acme ef Scs—Or, a ealvsry cress, so.; an a eanisa of she Lient.-Col. Slolloy, and by her also has issue. sseand, three stars af six petals, arg. ltcst,Iesrs—Btshspsdats, Nelsen, New Zealsnd. NEWCASTLE (NEW SOUTH WALES), BiSHOP OF, the Right Rev. William Tyrrell, liD., Overton, Haute; formerly of Pembroke CoBege, eon of Timothy Tyrrell, Esq., Remembraneer of the Oxford, and after filling varioste enraeies in England City of London; I. 1807 ; formerly of St. John’e College, Cambridge; consecrated in 1847. 1226 Coxnju’ron Bisnos’, The Bight Rev. Jamea-Bntler Kelly, Dli., consecrated 25 Aug. 1867 ; edneated at Clare College, Cambridge; formerly Vicar of Kirk Michael, Isle of Man; and Chaplain to the Bishop Newfs,ssnslland. A ,‘o ‘—Arg.,on a reset between four rresses-patt’e, gss , Sr. ppr. NEW ZEALAND, BISHOP OF, Metropolitan of New Zealand; NTGER (WEST AFRICA), BISHOP OF, the Afriea ; for many years a Missionary there from NOVA SCOTIA, BIShOP OF, the Right Rev. Hihibert Binney, Dli., son of the Rev. Dr. Binney, Rector of Newberry, Berks; I. 1819 ; forneerly Fellow of Worcester College, Oxford; consecrated in 1851 ; so. 1855, Mary, dan. of the Hon. W.-B. Bliss, first Pnisne Judge of Nova Scotia, and has leone. ONTARIO (CANADA WEST), BISHOP OF, Dublin ; eonaeerated in 1862 ; nc 1851, Anne-Henrietts-Margat-et, dait. of the Hon. llesiry Sharweod, ORANGE RIVER FREE TERRITORY, MISSIONARY BISHOP OF, the Right Bev. Edward of Philip-Slellor Twolls; 6. 1818; fornserly Incumbent of St. John’s, hiasnnieremitla, consecrated in 1863. PERTH (IN AUSTRALIA), 131S}lOr OF, the in 1857 ; in. let, 1840, Sophia, youngest dan. has isssie ; and 2ndly, in 1848, Sabina, eldest dan. of QUEBEC, BISHOP OF, the Right Rev. JamesWilliasu Williams, B.D. ; son of the Rev. David Williams, hector of Bauglsnrst, fI,snts ; 6. 1825, at appointed in 1857, Reets’r of the Grammar School, in connection with Bishop’s College, Lennoxville, PRELATES NOT LORDS OF PARLIAMENT. IIIAURITIUS, BISHOP OF, the Right Rev. I NEWFOUNDLAND, BISHOP OF, the Right Th,,ma-Goodwin Hatehard, Dli., educated at Brase- Rev. Edward Feild, D.D. ; 6. 1801; formerly Mieheh noee College, Oxford; appointed to the rectory of Fellow of Queen’s College, Oxford ; and Rector Havant, in 1846, asid to that of St. Nicholas in 1856 : of English Biekner, Gloneestershire ; consecrated appointed Bishop of III auritius in 1868. in 1844. His lordship os. 30 April, 1867, Sophia, dan. of Robert Bevan, Esq. of Rougbam Rookery grandson of the Right Rev. Dr. Mountain let Bishop of Quebec.