Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/535

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FOREIGN TITLES OF NOBILITY. Count Jerome ci. 20 Oct. 1086, and was,. by his eldest son, PETER-JOHN, present COUNT DE Sass. drafts—Pro lIce, rege, ot patoiS. dcots—Itilliogdon Park, Middlesex; and Ballyknoek Cottage, co. Annogli. Pole—The members of this family are hereditary knights of the order of the Golden Spur, and enjoy the dignity of Couots Palatine of the Palace of the Lateran, confirmed by Pope Paul. tV, oafs 1556. S PEN C ER - CHURCHILL. Sec ante, Dun or MAELNOEOUOB. LOUtSA-LUCY-MAROARET-CATHERINE BHANCACCIO of France ; a liotot-col. in the army; 5. Nov. 1816 CONOLLY, MARCHE5A Pt ST. AOATA, in the kingtlom c. his father 11 March, 181)8. of Naples; on. 15 Sept. 1840, CHAlICES - JOHN - THOMAS CONOLLY, Esq. of Cottlos, Wilts, and Mid- ford Castle, 00. Somerset, J.P. and DL. for Wilts anti said to be descended frsoo the Kings of Sicily, oust to hoos J.P. for Somerset, and late Captain Royal Wiltshire served under their }nssuer its the holy wars. It has long Yeomanry, only son anti heir of the late Charles- beeso enrolled as Passille noble, origiusire de Nice,” in tho Thomas Conolly, Eeq. of Midford Castle, by Elizabeth, Dictiounairo of Freucts Noblesse (side Dietiounaire de to hie wife, dao.of John Clifton, Esq. of Lytham, Noblesse Teis,ier de Mrsrgnerillcs”). The present French to. Lancaster, and grandson (by Maria-Rebecca, his branch and the English protestant brauch ore descended in wife, dan. and co-heiress of the late Thomas Burke, direct line from Esq.) of Charles Conolly, Esq., a descendant of the Conollys was living at Nice, when the county sf Nice woo part of of Castletown, in the co. of Kildare. Through Italy, and un’Ior the dominion of the Dukes of Sovsy. Mo his maternal ancestors, the present Mr. Conolly had issue, Gi’,v.on saud tools (who was premier Jugo a derives, in direct descent from the Plautagenet Nice, 1117), in the reign of Heaao- Vill. of England. kings, and is also, through the Berties, Earls of Lindsey, and Do Vores, Earle of Oxford, of kin to Archbishop Chioholo, fonnder of ALL SouLs, Oxford. as premier Juge a Nice. tie a. Gabriolle do Siurtl,ior, anti The title of MAarsussE DE ST. A0ATA, was conferred on load issue. the 8 Jssne, 1857, by Perdinaod, King of the Two Sieiiies, into France, and into the provtnco of Laugucdoe in Prance, on LoUssA-Lucv-sIA050AEET-CATnsaINe BaANcaccso, wile and was then called ‘Etionusdo Teiooier.” Prom bins the of the present C5OAELE5-JoseN-Taooras C0N0LLY, Eoq.. of French aosd English brasich of tiso Tcissier fanoily are descended. Cottles and Midford Castle, and only child of the late Nicola-Msria Broncoeclo, Marquis di Rivello, Prince de Psosne and Jscs’co (of whom attorwardo). Ruffano, by Margaret his wife, dan. of Guhelmo, Banns Dotto do DauB. The family of Braucaccio lo one of great living at Assdssce, in Lassguedoe. He as. bobcats de Soubeiroas, distinction and antiquity, and is crevol with the foundation of the Neapolitan monarchy. One itinstrions branch of the Brancacetes established itoelf in Provenee, and its members figured in French history, underthe historic name of Braneas. The original settler in Provenee, AD. 1365, was Bofflo or Boffilo do Brancaceio, or Braneos, Conat of Agnasao. hereditary Marshal of the Roman Church. He became eventually sovereign prince of the Sole of Nisari in the Archipelago, and received investitnre by Ball from Pope CLENENT VII., 3 Jots. 1881. We descendants were aftorwarde Counts of Porcalquiec, Dukes of Villars-Braneas, Dukes of tauragnais, Grandees of Spain, and Duke of Cdrests. TA AF FE. See ante, VISCOUNT TAAFFE. DR TEISSIER. JAMES F’ITZuEEEERT, BARON BE Tgtsatatt, a Baron ILulrEgr. This family to of very ancient foreign extraction, and is MoNoac Tsnssroan, wh,,, at the end sf tho XV. century, GI0vAN Tcsostcnt, so. Jeasnoe de Crivaudi, aud hod issue. HUOIES Ttsosncas. tie succeeded his uncle Louis Teissicri ETIENNE Tcsosnrr.n. Me passed from the county of Nice lie is. Asssse Robert, and, with other isosse, hod Psraur 00 Tonooson, oldest son, 8. 1640 s. his father, and had tosue, ANTOINE FE Tossosos, 8,1667 Mc s.his foliser and obtained in succession to MM. do Veutadsur, lbs Plscoay of Marguerifles, in Languedoc, with the f,ofs of ilorgsseriltes, ilecquersurbo, Lagsone, Cslossros, ins Lauguedoc, and thus heusaso IsI tsr Tuossee, Baoua no Maoourosrces, Baron dosEtats de Langucdoc. lie so. tlssalie Earassdss, of Poloroso, to Sicily, and load issur. J.-Josssrs-1t.-ArorovsN-Clsolocorste on Tnssoscss, lad llaross do liorguoritles, Soigessur dc Jtocs1uecsurl,e, Lagarsoo, Coioures, no secrilaire du roi. He so. Marts Sollcs, ansi had issoc. JEAN-ANTOINE OR Ttsosses. 8. 1744, 3rd Baron de Msrgsserittes, Baross doe Etaso do Looguedoc. Ste was a dépuli of the noblesse of Lauguedoc to the States Geueral, 1769. Baron rister-at-lasr, so. 7 March, 1859, Easily-Itarrielte Mayoe, of Tolfeni Manor, Wilts. Leepold-Fabius, is. 26 April, 1816. John-Henry, 8. 10 Doe. 1910. Charles-Lewis, 8. 4 Jan. 1021; captain Seols fusilier-gds. i d. in 1849. Men--Jerome, in Isoly orders, rector of Fringford, ilicoslor, Oxeo, 8. 16 Feb. 1828; Ia. Storcls, 1852, Oracc-Elioobetls, 3rd doss, of the Right Hon. J.-W. henley, lIP, of Waterporry, Oxen, and has issee. Catharisse-Borbsra, ss. in 1812, to George, Lord do Tabicy. Ilonriotta-Emmo, os. 6 Jacs. 1059, to Cal. Bisse Challonor, of Fortnali Park, Surrey, and d. 16 Aug. 1053. (See BUREE’E Lossdcd slssslry.) 2 Arms—Quarterly: lot sad 411,, org., on a osltiro, esgroilosl, so., floe escallops of his field iso tlsc rescUe elsicf paint a crescent, gales ; 2od ansI 3rd, or, oo a cress, gsi. 0’ t russ-crooslet, StrIde, of line field I io the 1st llssisrlrs’, a lion rasssponl, so. ; iso the 2s:d qsiorter, a sand orert, cospod at the wrist, of the second: ass OOSLTCIIESIN or eecvo:oce, tlsreross tlss slocrtcs ed coal sf ltt’rneas aod Done uc StaLLs. Crot—)sorne by Mr. Conolly) a rsdsil artss creel, vested, oc., rssffod, arg., clsas’gcsl wills a crescent of the last, tIcs hand ppr., graspicg clsaplol of roses, or. Molts—En Dioo eel tosil. Sis’ls—CoIlloe, near llclkshani, Wilts; and llidford Castle, neasBatls. ST. AGATA. 1287