Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/541

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PEERAGES EXTINCT IN i&8. CHARLES-JOHN, late Earl Canning HARR5ET, so. in 1525, to micE-John, Harqaess of Clanricarde, land, son of the late John Collingwood, Esci., brotiser of Lord and her only surviving son, HUBERT, VISCOUNT BURKE, has Collingwood. (See Boasco’s Lusc,fed Qeals-y.) asousned the snroame and OCUIS ci CANNING (see aisle, CLANRICAODE, H. or). Lady Canning ci. 15 March, 1837. CARHAMPTON, EARLDOM OF. (Extinct 17 March, 1829.) Co-Repre.senfalic’ea.—Sus SIMEON-IIENRT STUART, HART., and Viscoont Ilololesdale, H.P. for West ltent, eldest oen of Earl LAUY MaRIA-ANNE, last onrriviog dan. of John-LsettrellOlmius, Amherst. 3rd Earl of Carhampton, and wife of Cot. liarslrcesHobort Saunderscn, of North Broolc house, Hoots; she ci. 14 Nov. 1861, leaving issne. CARTERET, B., ace asefe, BATH, M. CLARE, EARL OF. (Extinct 10 Jan. 1864.) CLARE, EARL OC (Iticlsard-Ilohart Fitogibbon), Viscount in 1816. “odeking’s counsel in 1812, ealiciter-generat in 1834 Fitzgibban. of Lioseriek; Baron Fitogitsbon, of Losror Connello, austin 1819, sod a baron of the Exchrqucr in 1819. tIe lsnd eo. Limerick, i’s the peerage of Ireland; a,sd Baron ]‘stzgibbost, been, frosn 1832 to 1815, lIP, for l’c-nryn. lie was kniglcted of Sidbssry, eo. Ltcvoo, in tho teratte of Great in 1831. In ISIS lie bccanse vice-chancellor, and en the 20 Britain; lord-heaL of tile CO. and city of Limerick; Is. 2 Oct. Dcc. of the sauce year was created ttoooa CaaawuoTs. lb 1793; so. in 1825, Diana, oldest dau. of the late Charles was snbscstnesclly ajudge of lice Court of Appeol in Chancery, Woodcock, Esq. (tile lady’s enaeriage with Maoricc.Crootsio and constituted lord higis chancellor in Dec. Ia52, Moore, Esq., had been previoooly diesolvod ty parliament), srhiels isigh office he resigned in 1858 ; was re-appointed to it and by her (who sf. 29 Sept. 1885) had, a. Jolsn-Clcarles-Hens’y, Vie oasiS Pflsgitbcss, late an officer when the Barony of Crouworth become oxeinct. SOs hoesars, b. 2 Slay, 1829; killed at Balakava. e. Florence, vs. 15 Aug. 1847, to John, Earl of Kimberley. North tickesshom ossd Hssnghtsan, &. its 1688; so. 27 Sept. It. Looioa-lsabellrs-Georgissa, sis.22 Stay, 1847, to tho Hoes. 1726, Alien, clan, of Robert Shnldham, Eoq. of Kettleotone, Gorald-Normscnby Billers. III. Eleassor-Sophia-hiiasca, is,. 21 April, 1558, to FrasccioWilliam-Henry, 2nd eon of Coss, the Ibis. henry Caressdioh, College, rector of Hilhorssssgls, who s. to the estates of and divorced front him (055 his petition) in 1066. his nncle, Francis Stssshdham, Esq. of Kcttleot’sne. lie Ills lordship e. as 3rd earl, on the demise of his brother, Os. Alice, Sssd dad, of the Her. Edmtcnd Netoon, rector of 18 Atsg. 1591, and ci. 10 Jan. 1564, when his honourn became tlilborongh, aacsst to lloratio. Viscount Neboon, and ci. 7 EXTINCT. ..-Lrsos—Erm., a saltier, gu.; on a chief, arg., three annohets, of the second. Cs’rot—A. boar, passasst, go., Isriotted, oi’, charged on the body with three annotctt, in fesse, gold Sop- porters—Dexter, a lioss. go ; sinister, a griffin, wings elevated, aeg. JIef to—Nit admirari. CLERMONT, VISCOUNTCY OF—See cente, CLERIIONT, BARON. CLYDE, BARON. (Extinct 14 Aug. 1863.) CLTDE, BARON (Sir Cohn Crmpbetl), of Clydeodale, in Scotland, The eldest son, CC-B., NFl., DCL., grand officer of the Legion of Honour, 1st class of the Iledjidie, and Grand Croeo of of Cockley Clay, ns. Jemima, 4th dan. of William St. Maurice and St. Lazaros, a field-snarshal in the army, cot. Alexander, Eeq., and graicddan. of the celebrated Dr. of tlec Coldstream-gnards, late cosninaadcr-in-chief in the Mottsoy, physician to Cheloea College, assd ci. 24 July, 1793, Eaot Indies. This eminent military eonsmander, 8. near leaving by her (who ci. 25 June, 1927), with a youtcger son, Glasgow, in 1792, was robed to the peerage on the 16 Aug. William, hent. RN., who ci. csnso. in 1825, ms elder son, ISIS, as Loon Ccyoo, of Cfsssfosdafe. He received the thanks HonEax-HoNonY, late BARON CRAEwOaTH. of Parliament, in 1939, for his services in India, and was, in 1560, appointed col. of thc Coldotream guards. He ,l stasis. gu., an eagle, displayed, sa., charged on the breast soilh a son 14 Aug. 1561, whcn the barony of Clyde became EXTINcT. L’s-eatbso——18 Aug. 1555. Acssse—Or, on a feeoe, get, a mssral of oflve, ppr., shucally gorged, go., aao resting tise dexter crown of the field. Cs’cef—sJn a mural crsswn, or, a swan, 00. foot apsis three assncolets. isstcs’loced. or. S,pparlero—On either Soisjserless--Bexter, a suldier of the 42ssd (tico royal highland) side a stag, or, cisargesl on the neck with four handlets, sable; regiment of foot; olnister, a soldier of the 93rd (highlascd) upon the attires a ribl,on, go., passing throogh an annulet, regiment ot foot, each habited, acco’.strod, and holding gold J1c11u—Foot nublla Fhmbaa. Seul—tlolwood, near in the extcrior hccnd a musket, ppr. Atolls—Be miedful. COLBORNE, BARONY OF. (Extinct 1 Slay, 1854.) c’o4seiressee.—THE HON. Istas. Goonoss, THE HON. LADT N000NT, and THU HON. Has. FsogUnAo, snrviving daus. of Nicholas—William, Baron Colborne. COLLINOWOOD, BARONY OF. (Extinct 1810.) Ps’ssessl Mote Heir of Ike Fustily—EDwARD CocLsaowooD, Cockayue were mised to tho rank and precedence of viscocsnt’s Esq. of Chirton and Lilbnrn Tower, eo. Nortlcscinber1243 dano., 1 Aug. 1836. CORNWALLIS, EARLDOM OF. (Extinct 21 Stay, 1012.) Sss’visbsstj Dassylster ass,f ffcis-ese ct’ last RorL—Je’rss, VsocooNx000 IloLisossocE, cscly ocirsivissg dau. ef Jcsnsee, last earl, 8. 2 July. 1641 ,‘os. 27 Assg. toOl, to William rclssr, CRANWORTH, B ‘IRON. (Extinct 26 July, 1868.) CoaxsvoaTn, BARON (Sir Itobert-islonsey RoWe, P.C., ItS.) of Crasssvortli, co Norlolk, 0. 15 Dcc. 1750; s. 9 Oct. 1845 Laura, youngest dan. of the late T.-W. Carr, Esq. of F, ogual and Eshot Ilescgt, Norchusnberlsnd, solicitor to the Excise, wisich tasty ,t. up. 15 Fch. 1968. This able, and in every way excellent, lascycr, judge, and stateesnan, seas called to the bar in 1861, and again resigned in 1856. He ci. 26 July, leGS, Tim Rev. WaTERs RutEn, of Coissa College, rector of and ci. 11 June, 1748, Ieaviscg a asti, Tno Rnv. Rnns;sev Rora’n, come time fellow ssf Cams Slay, 1753, leaving by her (who ci. 24 Jnly, 1623, aged 53) with other boise, s. EOMUND, of whom presently. Ii. Itobert, to holy orders; e. his brother as rector of Cockley Clay, domestic chaplain to Viscount Nelsoo; 9. 4 Slay, 1767; so. lot, Frances, yoongeet dan. of the ttev. Robert Crever, A.51., vicar of Wysccssndlsam, and retict of Thomas-Vertno Ilott, Essi., Il.A., of Caitss College, and of Great Barrciicgham, and by tlcis lady (who d. 14 Aug. lEGS) had an only child, Frances—Mice, Os. to Jssoeph Everett, Eoq. of hleytes— bury, Wilts, F’.S.A., J.P. and ilL, for that county. The ltev. Robert Itolfe os. 2udly, 6 13cc. 1908, Elisabeth, only ourvivissg dan. of Johsi ltssse, Ess1. of Eye, and by her had, besides sererat other clsildress, a son, the Hey. EdmmsdNelson Retfe,, rector of Morsaingthot’pe, Norfolk, 8. 28 Nov. 1810. Tac Htv. EDMUND Roto, of Ca-anworth, Nos’folk, rector Cs-eohio,s—20 Dcc. 1010. Arssso—Gyronny of eIght, org. and in splendour, or. (‘reel—A dove, org., in the beak a sprig Bromley, Kent. CULLEN, VISCOUNTOY OF. (Extinct 11 July, 8013.) cn-kebro.—The duughtcrs of the late lION. W. COrRAnNE.* CHARLES COUKSYNE, 5th viscount, 8. 2 Sept. 1710; allot, 4 Slay, 1738, his hat conchs, Assice, dan. of Borlaso Warren. Eoq., SIP, for the co. of Nottingham, sons 1714, by whom he had a scm, Runtase, bbs heir, and an only The surviving daos. and co-Isoircoses of the I Ion. tVilliom