Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/573

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HER MAJESTY’S MOST HONOURABLE PRIVY COUNCIL IN GREAT BRITAIN. : All persons who have higher rank than that of Privy Counci]Jor (either as Peers, &c., or holding certain offices), take precedence ie the Privy Council according to such higher rank. All who have no such higher rank take precedence according to the date of Iheir baing oworn into the Privy Conned. TI. RH. The Prince of Wales II.R.H. The fluke of Edinburgh George, Duke of Cambridge Archibald Campbell, Archbishop of Viaoouut Gough Canterbury Lord Hatberley, Lord Chaucoflor William, Archbishop of York Duke of Somerset Duke nf Richmond Duke of l3eanfort Duke of Bnrcleuoh and Queeusbury Duke of Marlbnrengh Duke of Argyll Duke of Moutrose Duke of Northumberland Duke of Leiuster Duke of Wehingtou fluke 0f Duckingbam and Chandue Duke of Ahercoru Marqneee of Salisbury Marqueas of Donegal Marquess of Exeter Marquess of Augleaey Marquess of Cholmoudeley Marquess of Londouderry Marquess Csnyugham Marquess of Ailesbury Marquess of Clauricarde Marqueaa of Westminster Marquess of Normanby Earl of Derby Earl of Devon Earl of Saudwich Earl of Dalhouaie Earl of Tankerrillo Earl of Hardwicke Earl Delawarr Earl Spencer Earl of Clareudnu Earl of Carnarvon Earl Cadogan Earl of Malmesbury Earl of Cork Earl of Besabarough Earl of Rodeu Earl of Mayo Earl of Carysfort Earl of Wilton Earl Grey Earl of Lonadale Earl of Harrnwby Earl of St. Germans Earl of Bradford Earl de Grey and Ripon Earl Howe Earl Granville Earl of Dude Earl of Ellenborough Earl of Strafford Fail Cewley Earl Russell Earl of Kimberley Lord Edward-George Fitzalau Howard Sir Johu-S. Pakingten, Ban. Lord John Manners Lord Robert Moutagu Lard Otho Aug. FitzGerald Viscount Falkiand Viscount Sydney Viscount Stratford de Redcliffe Viscount Eves-cloy Viaeouut Halifax Lord Stauley Viscount liury Viocount Royatou Viacnnnt Caotlerosee Lord Ernest Bruce Lord Claude Hamilton Lord Augnatus William - Frederick —Ilobert Lowe Spencer Loftus Lord Clarence Paget Lord De Roe Lord Colville of Cuirosa Lord Napier Lord Kiunaird Lord Foley Lord Bufferin Lord Forester Lord Jiloonsfield Lord Stanley of Alderley Lord Bronglaton Lord St. Leonarda Lnrd Lyons Lord Belper Lord Ebnry Lord Chelsusford Lord Lyveden Lord Tanuton Lord Weetbury Lord Athlumnoy Lord Romilly Lord Lytton Lord Ilylton Lord Colonaay Lord Cairns Lord Kosieven Lord Hatberley John Evelyn Deuisou, Speaker ef the henry lionverie William Brand House of Comment. Hon. William-Fraucla Cowper lIon. henry T. Lowry Corry Hon. Percy E. Herbert lIon. henry George Elliot Ilolt Mackenzie Stephen-Law Luahingtou Sir George Grey, Dart. William E- Gladstone Sir Frederick Pnllock, Dart. Sir Thomas-F. Fremautle, Dart. Sir Edward Ryan Sir llenry-Lytton Dsslwer Jamae-Archibald Stuart Wertley Thomas Ililner-Gibsen Richard More O’Ferrall Sir William Goodenough Hayter, Dart. Sir Jams cc Fergitnaun, Dart. Sir David Dnndaa Benjamin Disraeli Spencer-H. Walpole Joaeph-Wernor Henley William Deresford Robert-Adam Niabet-Hamilton Hon. Goorge-Ceeil-W. Forester Sir John Young, Hart. Edward Cardwell Hon. Charles-Pelham Vihiera John Parker llenry-Cuwiu Addiugton Edward Ihoreman Ron. Edward-P. Bouverie William Monsell Sir George-Hamilton Seymonr Sir Laurence Peel Sir Alexaodor-Jamee-E. Cockbnm, DL Sir John MoNeill Frederick Peel Jonathan Peel Thus. Henry-Sutton Setheron-Eateeurt Chat-los Bowyer Adderley John Robert fslowbray Sir Johu Taylor Coleridge John lnglia Sir John Laird Hair Lawrence, Dazt. Thomas Emerson ileadland Sir William Erie Sir Jamea-William Colville Sir Williaso Hntt - Sir Robert Pool, Dart. Sir Andrew Enrhanan Sir William Gibson Craig, Daa’t. Chichcatcr Samuel Porteecne Sir James Plaistod Wilde henry Austin Bruce William Nathanicl Maooey Sir Edsvard Vaughan Williams George Joaehios Goerhen Edmund Hammond Ensorli Gurney Sir Staffiwd lionry Northcnte, Dart. Gathorne hardy Stephen Cave - Henry James Baillie Sir Pitrroy ICcily Sir Ilichard Torin Rindersloy Sir Henry Knight Storks Sir William flooill Sir W. E. Seymour V. Fitzgerald John Wilson Patten Sir lohu Rolt - Sir Robert J. Phiihmere George Patton Sir Francis Bond Head, Dart. George Ward Hunt Sir Charles Jasper Selwyn Thomas Edward Taylor Sir Joseph Napior, Dart. John Bright Hngb Culling Eardley Childera Anaten Henry Layord William Edward Forstev Sir Colman O’Logblcn, Bart. OFFICERS OF THE COUNCIL, WHITEHALL. Clerk H Ors/iaary—Arthur Helps, Req. ChieJClert—E. S. Harrieon, Req. Regislrar—Honry Reeve, Eeq. 1275