Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/579

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BRITISH ORDERS OF KNIGHThOOD. MOST HONOURABLE ORDER OF THE BATH. THE SOVEREIGN. FIRST AND PRINCIPAL KNIGHT GRAND CROSS AND GREAT MASTER, MILITARY KNIGHTS GRAND CROSS. (O.C.R.) GENERAL HUH. THE PRINCE OF WALES. Field-Marshal H. U. H. the Duke of Cambridge Airoy, Liout.-Gen. Sir Richard Aitchison, Gen. Sir John Boll, Gon. Sir John Durgoyno, Field-Marshal Sir John Fox, Gongh, Field -Marshal Viseonnt Dart. Chcape, Gen. Sir John Clifton, Gen. Sir Arthur Benjamin Cochmne, Admiral of the Fleet, Sir ITope, Gon. Sir James Archibald Thomas John Codrington, Gen. Sir William John England, Gen. Sir Richard Evans, Gon. Sir Ds Lacy Fitdllerald, Gen. Sir John Forater Fremantle, Adm. Sir Charles Howe Gomna, Field-Marshal Sir William- Melville, Gen. Viscount Maynard Gordon, Adm. of the Fleet, Sir James Napier of Magdala, Liont.-Gon. Lord Alexander Gore, Gcn. Hon. Sir Charles Grant, Lient.-Gen. Sir James Hopo Grant, Lient. -Gon. Sir Patrick Grey, Adm. Hon. SirFroderiekWifliam Hope, Vice-Admiral Sir Jamea Jackson, Gon. Sir James Lambort, Adm. Sir George Rohert Lngard, Lient.-Gen. Sir Edward Lnshington, Adm. Sb- Stephen Moreeby, Adm. Sir Fairfax Ponnefathor, Gon. Sir John Lyssght Polloek, Gon. Sir George Rowan, Gen. Sir William Seymour, Adm. Sir Michael Seymonr, Adm. of the Fleet Sir Georgs Francis Stewart, Adm. Sir Houston Strathnairn, Gen. Lord Twoeddale, Gen. Marqness of Wilson, Liont. -ion. Sir Arebdale, Dart - Woodford, Field-Marshal Sir Alexander Yorke, Gon. Sir Charles CIVIL KNIGHTS GRAND CROSS. Bloomfield, Lord Bronghton, Lord Buchanan, Right Hon. Sir Andrew Bulwer, Right Ron- Sir Henry Lytton Clarendon, Earl of Cowley, Earl Dalhonaie, Earl of Ellenhorongh, Earl of Grey, Right Hon. Sir George, Earl. Hallksx, Vieeonnt Howden, Liont-Gen. Lord Hndson, Sir Jamea Lawrence, Right Ron. Sir John Laird Peel, Right Hon. Sir Robert, Dart. Mair, Dart. Loiningon, H.S.H. the Prince of Loftns, Rt. Hon. Lord Angnstns W. P.S. Lyons, Lord Malmeabm-y, Earl of MoNeill, Right Hon. Sir John Pakington, Bight Hon. Sir Jahn Someraet, Dart. St. Germans, Earl of Seymonr, Right Ron. Sir G. Hamiltan Storks, Maj.-Oen. Rightflon. Sir Henry Knight Stratford de Redeiffe, Viscount Sydney, Vieeonnt Young, Right Hon. Sir John, Dart. HONORARY KNIGHTS GRAND CROSS. Canrobert, Marahai Do MaeMahon, Marshal (Due do Magenta) Denmark, King of Egypt, n.H. the Viceroy of Hohenloho-Langenburg, H.S.II. the Ranajee, HR. Maharajah Jung Bahadoor Victoria (Espartoro), Dnko do Ia Prince of La Mas-snora, General Napoloon, Gen. R.I.H. the Prince Paeba, Field-Marshal his Highness Strelito, Grand Duke of Moeklonburg Omar Lutfi Prussia, His Majeaty the King of Koonwar Regnanlt do St. Joan d’Angdly Marshal Took, H.S.IL the Prince of Tunis, Rio Highness tho Boy of Valliant, Marshal Count SECOND CLASS. MILITARY KNIGHTS COMMANDERS. (K.C.B.) Daynos, Adm. Sir Robert Lamhort Beloher, Adm. Sir Edward Boll, Liout.-Gen. Sir George Dell, Lionk-Gen. Sir William Bentinek, Gon. Sir Henry John Wilhans Chamberlain, Maj. - ion. Sir Neville Cotton, Lient.-Gen. Sir Sydney John Bloomfield, Lieut.-Gon. Sir John Dswles, ion. Sir Goorgo Dowles, Adm. Sir William Drooko, Liout.-Gon. Sir George Duller, Lient.-Gen. Sir George - Cameron, Lient. -Gen. Sir Duncan Alexander Capon, ion. Sir David Dowlea Chapmae, M-aj. -Gon. Sir Frederick Curtis, Adm. of the Fleet, Sir Lucius, Edward Chattes-ton, ian. Sir James Charles, Dart. Chute, Maj.-Gon. Sir Trov,r Cloeto, Lieut.-Gon. Sir Abraham Josias Codrington, Adm. Sir Henry John Collier, Adm. Sir Edward Craigio, Gon. Sir Patrick Edmonetsno Das’t. Daeros, Gen. Sir Richard James Daeros, Viee-Adm. Sir Sydney Colpoy. 1251 4N