Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/596

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MOTTOES TRANSLATED, WITH ILLUSTRATIONS. Fortiter et recte. Boldly and rightly. Drake, Pt. Fliett, Pb. I{onor virlcslts pr.wmsutn. lloao,,e to lie reward of t’irts,e. Fortiter, fidoliter, tebciter. Mildly, failhfall1o, seeceeofolly Mooch, V. Fortiter gerk cracem. lie bracelp aappo,-lo the c,”SC. Do Ilonorantes tne honorabo. Th’ so honooseteg ooe I ccitt hoaoo,s’. nouglunere, F. Fortune Ic veul. Fortune wills it. Chaytor, Pt. Fortitudlue. Baf”rtita’te. Fairlie, Pt. Iloste, St. Fortitudioe 00 prodcntid. Bpfortttade and 1,rootearc. Liglilon, Itosris l,ssoeri t uvtctty, Fare is an re-;;iy to Isoaooss’. itorboroogh, Pt. Fortitudine viocit. lIe r’iaqoero ho focttt,ote. Doyle, Pt. Fertonh fareote. Foot,,,,. ,foeooriay. Falki or, Ut. Fortuna sequatur. Li I tol one tattoo. Ala rd sco, F. Forward! sjoeenoherry, 31. CastleStcwart, F. Campbell, I lore. (lariioootto, U. Palvell, Pt. Pt. Ogilvy, Pt. IVeioyss, F. Forward ossrs. ScIon, Pt. Forward without fear. Gordon, Pt. Foy pane deveir. F,si°hf,or italy. Somerset, P. Soynsoor, Itt. I Itope to speed. Catlscart, F. Fraogao 0011 fiertes. This, boyish, bat toot bend. Graaohio, I keep tr,stot. Forbes, Ut. F. Satherlaod, 10. Free far a blast. Clerk, Ill. The harooy of Ftoicoiek, the property I mean well. Show, PL Stewart, Pt of Sir George Clerk, El., to held by the siogalar tenure, tea nsnss. I terre. FOINcE or WALEs. The Flog of Pehemto, that the proprietor toast sit an a piece of rock called the Boekotane, aod wind three blasts of a horn when the Sovereign shall came to bust on the tie roogh hEal s near Edinhorgis. Hence, the family crest wilts the above motto. Foimno. We ha., boen. EIght, F. Brace, Ill. Faror arma ocioiolrat.—Virg. .ta. i. v. t54. Reogefisanhea arias. Bayoee, Ilt. Forth forhsoe asid dl] else fetters . Alisele, P. Paomore, U. Gaog fersvsrd. Slirtiog, Pt. Gang warily. Ferlh, F. Garde bten. Prro,rre well. Montgomery, Bt. Garde ta foy. Keep ItyfaloS. tlirh, Pt. Gardoz. Beware. Cave, lit. Gardea bieo. Goar,l scell. Egliobon, U. Gardea Ia fat, Keep lhefoilh. Peolert, K. Kensington, P. Gardea i’isonnoor. Fecterro hanoi, r. Pannier, Pt. Goodet tentanoion virtas. Virise excite ii, trial. Partmoatb, U. Impactdo pechore. Pith becool s,o’lossntc’I. Murchison, Pt. Genii wqitoe tstriqoe. Worthy qy bolhfisanhies. Gore-Booth, Ut. Gloria virtutto umbra. Glory is Ike ohadoso (L e. lAc conolaist cosapaaioa) of rirlae. Loogford, K. Goaviter. iadaslsdaoolp. Anderson, Pt. God tend grace. Erno, F. God fried (Gott-friode). The 1100cc of Ga,t. Godfrey, Pt. God’s providence is lily inheritance. Cork F. Gosjerat. Goagh, V. GrSco nie goido Grace guide o’c. Forbes, P. Gradatim vtocimsss. We roligoer by degrees. Curtis, El. Poke, Pt. Grado diverso, via ona. Ooe coo bydiffcreol steps. Caitherpe, B. ea hello qistes. Peace tot occco’; I. e. peace is to be oblaissc,t by Grandeseisot aocta ]absre. The po’cfllo 9’ isisissalcy isrreooc. In cuhtgine Isscet. lIe shtneo i’s otocoi-tty. Paillie, Pt. Hcyteobory, P. Goath mann. Wills a orohfel hon,l. Call, Pt. Grath sante nioou. Tokewith cc yrotifoths’ ad. Winntngton, Pt. Gratior cot a rege pia. lb is mole csyrceatolc co’ log fresa a pleas Slop. Gsbhono, Pt. Grip fast. Bothos, F. Leslie, Pt. Parttsolosnew Leslie need these werdo olsen he aavett fraos droovisiog Margaret, Queen of Scotland, who clung to his girdle. See ]tnnos.nwr by Ellen J. Miliingtoo. Gripe griffin, hold fool. Do Trofford, Pt. GwcIl angao no cywilydd. .Rolh,r de,ith thou ahosoe. Mackwortls, Pt. Habore et dlspertire. To hose sad to ahai’c orilh others. Avslood, P. Hwo generi tncrsnsonla fiiteo. Fidelity earac,t these hoaoors In croco ymca. I coops’ r so the n’oto. Coptoy, Pt. for oar race. Townohiead, H. Hwe suanas oh pairialo. This hood for lily esaets’y. Shockburgh, In Dee est isoilsi ooinio hioe. All .,yf,,ilh is in Goot. Palnoer, Pt. Pt.. Hallelujah. Aylmer, Pt. llardimeat ci bollenoenf. Boldly aed hasolsooiely. Slucley, Pt. In Donotno coneeta. I least in the Lesel. Key, Pt. Hoot el hen. 0-eat ansi yoool. Donoraile, V. Honard warily. Scion, Pt. Heart and hand. Maiheson, Pt. Itch Dow lwh ddtni, a tksw a diges. Withes,t Goat there io In 1100 signo epes inca. 1,o this oigsz to cloy Aspe. Tooffe, V. nslhisy,ocith God e;iooyh. 1100030, P. 1]eredylh, Pt. Hic fr,sctus virtolis. Ti Ia to lhe,fco it idea Ic,’,’, Woller, ill. tlislory cannot be doolroyed by rime. Conray, Pt. lIne secarior. Sofec by lb is. Griorson, lIt. Iledie non eros. To-clot,, isot ls-,aorcooo. Macus, P. Reuse homini 1011010. Plods is a sc,,l,o loceareto his .73 hlocc—lnc’io. Welsoley, Pt. Itonesta, guam mogno. hoc’, y ‘eaterr ioioot iris. Walker Pt. Honeolo, qoam opleodiala. Thi;’yo heooct, roller limo ll,iooo In slants pnralas. Prepeiiol for all Ihioiga, tissnaltey, P. aplsa’tid Pon’ioglon, V. Itonestre gloria fox mealio. Glory lheJI,otea,s,l of the honest In pertu gates. Ia Ihe hosre,s i’ yaoe. Sleelsloersdale, P. nsin’l. Filkington, Pt. Ilonestos optima politio. Honesty the bvol Police. Gwen, lit. I toneste asdoa. llosooorssblyo 1,1,1. Parlcyi,o, bit. Hsneste viva. I lire h’coeslly. tIolkell, lit. Honosty is the toot policy. Thoocao, III. Hoot salt qal nisi y penos. SI,,, oisd be he ohs t/,,ota tb ceo’s In 10 tbomine slioravi. Psislns xxx. v. 2. ho thee, G Lord, hare ccii ui it—Order of ttoe Garter. itonor fidclitatis pranlsi001. 115001cr is the reorar,t of ,olobclitp In ,ccchque fortsmft poratsis. Prcyai’ect for ei’ery clsacsce. Cosn— Boston, P. Honor ci voritos. hiooo,sr neil tralh. Wailer, Ut. Honor ot virtue. ((oar scoot rich’.. Progan, lit, .Hecsor soeluil sr faglealem. Ileeo,n’ .d’olleca him schs oP. 1100 it. Donogol, 11. 1298 Ftrrere, F. tlcsnlingdon, F. Itero C somps-r. 1. 0 o,,,t otse”ym. Femfret, F. Penys, Pt. tIes gloria reddit honoree. Glory ajbr,ts these hoesnrs. Prumsuonot, lit. P. Sherord, B. I am ready. Maxwell, ilL i,ldow PilrTioleh. To Go,0 be th,,,,ks. Lloyd, Pt I hope in Ged. Macoaglolon, ill. 11101 e to oliaro. Itiddell, Pt. I asoloe lure. Kirbpalrick, Pt. colso foil at the bottle of Crdcy, hod lIo’ee ostrich feathers tot’ crest, and ttsts len nina tar mohto. This eooigss aod legend wore adopted by the Pbsek Prince of Woles,—tlso words, probably, on acco,snt of their opt ahl,ssioa to tiso good service he did the do1’ of Ihot victery ho lots royssi father and his country and hliey hove been conttnoo,I by his soece550rs, as a lasting mensortol of lots trtnnsph. There is, however, a erodition at Wtndsor Castle ttint 01st motto to W’slch, ‘°]iich Peon,” II, co’s the lions,, werdo used by Pdword 1, on prooestttng las new-born sod 10 tlse Welshmen. hlImso lasisisse seleni. To gaze on the ass,, irilh sositlcssch tog eye: in rrfcrencc to the creel, so copies head erased, which the Karl of ltosslyo bears in s’tglst of bits descent from the tombly of Wedderborn. Pesslyn, P. II tempo passa. Time pcssoes. Poynteio, Pf. Inottori guam ioo’hdero. To imitate rather tlsa,o to 015020. Chill, Itt. Peoceth the crnoh of worlds uodaunled.” Froeeio’s lIot’ace. Impoviduns tenant rsvinw, Tic rs,iao strike hio,s fearless. See Iloroec, Lib. 3, Ode 3. Ferring, Ut. tmperio regit 011105 ieqsso. Goe obesse sites scith jsiot oscry. Gmcning, Pt. tic ardcso. losbo a ,-,tt,os’s nooteelettiogs. tts,oro, Pt. Iso bello invicteas, in onoore probess. l,oeinctble Go war, toisost ho iorr. Steele-Graves, Pl. lcac. Mosrray, Pt. Its Canopo tot ad Canopuna. Louts, Pt. The senso nt ilsis legend to the most oboc,iro in tho seliote hot of usoltoes. TIto foll000itlg oxplassotioss has teen stsggcsled :—Cassopus is else name of a cup in Egypt (Gene fortnnata Canopi, Viag. Oeorg. iv. v. 217), now Ahosckir, a place celebrated dartng the Crusades. The ,cord also signihes a fixed star of the fit st mogscitaole, in the cotsotelbotian of Asgiss, and soutisern hen,t’ sphere (Sidos ing000 ot claruno, Phin. Mist. Nest, vi. 22). TIso stootte nooy therefore save been 055ssmed by a cressoder, inspoehtssg that to Isave tough I far the cress in Poypt (in Conopo), woo lIce road to heaven (ad Cotsopum, eqssivoleetbo adostro).” Admiral touts, hon-ovor, hovtscg died on board the ship Cnnopos, osiollscr aoooning, though perhops sossiewlsot similar, to intended. lit croctfioh ghetto mco. .Ofy gleco iou, floe erase. Faatchbull, Pt. In Peo spero. It coot to G,,ot. Ps Soossccorea, P. lnsttgsianle invidia. fiorebit jttsloo. l’n hoe iootipaottosi of essay, the jl’et sic’,’ willdelri,h. Creobto, Ph. tsoduslrio ditot. ledust o’y enriches. Waocho1,o, Pt. In God to oil. Saltoun, B. In hoc signo vinees. Under Ohio sign thou ohall conqaes’. Asian, F. Purke, Pt. O’Donnell, lit. Stssshope, DL Goro-Poeth, Pt. Knox-Gore, Pt. It ts to be observed Ilsat crosses form charges on the boarttsgo of the fanaities who ssse this motto. ‘fhelegend, therefore, boo in all prohatoiily been adopted treni thse accoistst ovtsict, Pssset’is,s gives of Censlansine, svhon about to engage the enemy, having seen in the heavens a cross wills lhio inseripltost a nurnele cvhich led to thte 0-ic. toriolss essiperor’s conversion to Cl,risitantty, and to his placing tlso sign and words ots tlse inslerbal stnnitnr,l, In pretoiptis. Iii s’n,s’ttaeaa. Psiabos, Pt. In preoperto limo its astversis OteOra. &oi’ in oroepeetty, hey. to ootnorsity. Gabriel, Pt. In se lerss. .B5,o et in S t,,,ecl(. St. Aah’yn, Pt. In sebe lien solsss. In Gol e’boac t, ealee,tioi,. ttarecrood, E. I roso,te’t., Stratbmore, F. his tUne. I Ieusteto. Pt. bermes-s, V. Whatever oliy’s ot’evo tile. lterv”sa heart f,,r every fate—Born, In tstroqne hitch,. Foi’.’f, 1 ii b/h. Fislklalsot, V.