Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/87

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M 0 R James, a licnt.-col. in the army, major 5th lancers, and by Fuller, frons an old rocord, sIr eatalogne, of the principal deputy-governor of Fort St. George ;cl. 4 May, 1808. David. lient. RN.; ,t. to 1784, leaving issne. lIe ci. 5 July, 1767, aisd was a. by his eldest son, Fnasseie, 5th earl, is. 11 Jais. 1717, one of the representative eo. Bedford (an estate granted Icy Wsvs,ssia TUE Coaqornon peers in 1784 and 1790; svho was enrolled ainoisgst to his brother), was s. by his ac,n, the peers of Great Britain, 1 June, 1796, as Barsa Macsri Ecsvaccsc i.n hionnat’NT, obtaissed with Alice, oldest of Cache &ssart. Ills lordship vs. 28 Jcsno, 1763, Jasse, eldest dau. of John, lath Lord Gray, by whom (who ci. 10 Feb. 1786) he left issue, s. FRANCIs, 9th peer. ii. Archiheld, twin with Isis elder brother; sa. 17 Ilarols, Aothnll, who was e. by his son, 1793 Cernelia, youngest dais. of Edmand Slorton Pleydell, W5LLIASI hlocmAusrr, Eoq., who obtaissed pormisoton from Esq. of Slilborn St. Andresvs, Dorset, by whons (svhs ci. the crown, iii 1207, to hselooo a parlc at Tnrvoy, which 1 March, 1810) he left at his decease, 30 Oct. 1812, 1 Franch-Archibald, is. 5 Dee. 1793. 2 John-horton, 6. in 1840. 3 James-William, 6. in 1000. 4 Edmnnd-Lnttrell, is holy orders, formerly rector of Winterborne Bedford in the 15th F.nsscenn III., who was s. by his son, 1-feoghten, eo. Verses; is. to Fob.1798; si. 2 Sept. EnssuNn hI000AuNT, Eoq. of Turvoy, who ccc. Holon, dan. 1834, Elinabelh, lad dan. of lbs Rev. J.-L. Jackson, rector of Ssvaoags, Dorset, and Isas issue, Edmund-Archibald, is. 1840; branois-James, 5. 1842; horton-Grey, 5. 1850; and Covnelia. 5 Dsuglas-Wynnc, ss. 4 Feb. 1842, llarcia, ysungest den. Snd7clk, and was s. by his soss, of the late Francis-Fossocs Lnttrell, Esq., and has had a son, Douglas-Stsray, is. 22 Jan. 1843; ,t. 36 Nov. 1863. 6 G’esrgo-Gray, in holy orders; ci. 11 Juno, 1030. its. Charles, 6. sssss. s. Grace, ss. in 1789, to George Douglas, Esq. of Cavers, icc WXLLIAN 1IOnOAUNT, Req. of Tnrvsy, livhsg in the 11th of ltoscburghshiro; and 6. in hlarch, ISIS. Is. Anne, 4. 15 April, 1837. ISis lordship ci. 28 Aug. 1810, and was o. by his oldest soss, FuaNcsa, 9th earl, NT., is. 0 Fob. 1771 ; so. cat, 26 Fob. (ccc Bcaaa’s Ezlicscl asci Hovosane Pccc’ogr). 3785, Lucy, 2nd dan. of Gon. John Scott, of Balcomlo, Co. Fife, by whom (who ci. 0 Aug. 1700) he had ioasso, i. Fn.evus, 10th earl. ii. JOHN, uris earl. lIio lordship ccc. 2csdly, IJan. 1801, his firet-eousics, MargaretJane, his decease by his eldest son, dasi. of Sir Philip Ahsslie, Ksst. of Pilton, 00. Edinburgh, Bonnnv MonnAucox, Roq. of Hempstod. This gentleman by whom (who ci. 1 April, 1837) ho had, s. James, is. 17 Jan. 1804; capt. 05th light infantry; ci. 1840. is. Ancssio.sin-Gaono n, present pear. 151. Charles, is. 4 Aug. 1814; an officer in the 72nd high- landers; ci. in March, 1047. iv. Goenno, is. in 1816. i. Jane, ccc. 1st, 25 Jass. 1812, to Sir Jolsa-Arohibald Stewart, Jxacvo lionnat’sex, Eoq., who ‘s’as a. by his brothor, Hart., who ,l. in 1838; and Sndly, in 1539, is Capt. Loncdale Ponadon, DL., of Rosegrovo, Co. Weaferd. II. Margaret-Jane, 6. 16 Sept. 1863. ass. Anne-Graoe. iv. Louisa, ci. 14 Fch. 1804. His lordship ci. 12 Ins. 1848, and was s. by his cldoot son, military commander in the wars in the Low Conniries, and FRANO50, 10th earl, is. 7 Nov. 1755 ; who ci. sssncs. 6 hay, subsequently in Irclsnsd, was amongst tho first raised to a 1839, and was s. by his brother, Joins, 11th earl, a capt. in the army, is. 25 Jan. 1707, hsstitntion of the ordor. Sir L’Estrango ccc. Slargaret, dais. avhs ci. S Nov. 1567, and wao s. by his half-brother, AucnsBALn-Gv0000, of Peter de Charlos, of Antwerp, and had, 12th and present Eans. or Moan. 0 0Ct MORDATjNT. IIIORDAUNT, Sni CRARLES, of dane., all of whom, except the two oldest sons, st oasis. Maosingham, Co. Norfolk, M.P. Hod, in ISIS, and was s. by blo eldest son, for S. Warwickolairo; b. 28 April, Nichcslas Johnson, Req., and niece to Sir Willians Tnrssor, 1836 s. his father, as 10th Knt., lord-mayor of London ; but ci. without losno, whoss bart., 27 Sept. 1845; In. 7 Boo. the title dovolvod scpon his brother, 1866, Harriet-Sarah, 4th dan. of V. Ssn JOHN, of Walton D’Hvilc, SIP. for the oo. Warwick. Sir Thossuae !clnnoreiffo, Mart. ILiiotac. The family of l’tordansst was originally of the oo. Bedford, Sir George Warbnrton, Hart., and by hon had issue, and it ranked amongst the moat ominont honocs in that Cn.snc.vs, his caccosser. Jolsn. shire ; it is the only one now resnahsing of those enumerated Penelope, ccc. In Joseph Rome, Rsq. 789 M 0 R gentry taken in the reign of IIsNnY VI. Sin Oonnnv LE MonoauacT, a Norman knight, of JiacIwoll, OoaioNo to Monnaunv, whose ooss, dan. and co-heir of Sir William do Alnoto, the lordship of Torvoy, Co. Bedford, and was s. by his son, Wittcasi SlonnAuwr, Lord of Tnrvey, iladwoll, assd afterwards homsno Ohs obiof soat of tho Potorborossgh Isranch of his descendants. Ito vs. Roso, dan. of Sir Baiph Wake, and was s. by his eldest soss, RoacnT Ilonoansix, Esq. of Turvoy, SIP, for the oo. and co-hoir of Ralph Brook, and was a. by hio son, Roncnx Moouaunx, Esq. of Tnrvey, who ccc. Agnos, dais. acid heir of John Ic Strange, of Ansptoss Tyssmontb, in Ronnox SIossnauNT, Req., SIP. fsrco. Bedford, 9th Hnnny V. This gontlomass so. Elizabeth, dan. of John Holdonby, of Holdenby, en. Northampton, acid was o. by his son, Rowano iV., who so. Margaret, dan. of John Poeko, Esq. of Coplo, eo. Redford, and bad, with ether issue, Joins (oldost son) anoestor of the EARLs or Pevnnzoaouois, The 2nd son (of William hlordannt, Esq. of Tnrvey), Wss,cs.s.n hionnsrsix, k’eq., prothonotary of the Common Pleas, sic, in 1495, Anne, 2nd dan. and cs-bob of Thomas Ifnsstingdosc, Esq. of tlonspsted, isa Essex, and was o. at ccc. Barbara, dan.and heir of Johcs L’Estrango, Req. of 1[assingham Parra, co. Norfolk, assd acquired thereby the ostates of Massingham, acid of Walton DEvils, in Warwick. shire. He wsss a. by his grandson, JOHN Sionn.euvv, Rsq., who was a. by his brotlsor, Roncnx hlonnauccr, Eoq., who ci. a. p., and was e. by his bs’stber, HeNri Sionnxt’nr, Req., who was a. by his son, I. L’Esvn.onoa liIonn.ouNx, Esq. This gentleman having signalized himself dnrlssg the reign of E5,IZABETn as a Barsnetcy, being so created, 29 Jmso, 1611, soosc after the Eonernv, his successor. henry, wiso ccc. Barbara, dan. of Janice Cairiserpe, Rsq., and t’rreliscsa—Earl, 10 Jan. 1051-2. Now charter, 17 April, 1611. had a son, L’Eatrangc Macdaunt, Esq., who ccc. Barbara, sister of Sir Novil Catlin, Knt., and Isad issno, Henry; and Lord Donno, 24 Nov. 1581—in Scotland. Baron,4 June, 1786— in Groat Britain. Barbara, cis. to Captain John Brown. Sir L’Estrangc dying in 1627, was a. by his elder son, Arias—Quarterly: 1st and Ills, or, a lion, rampant, withiss a II. SIR Roannr, who bad recoivod the honour of knighthood dsuhle-trcssorc, fiory-eeunterfiory, go., surrounded with a hordoro, gebnny, arg. and an. (as a descendant of the royal hs the lifetime of his father. This gentleman sic; Amy, dan. of Sir Austin Sonthorton, and had issue, Houco st Slnert); 2nd, or, a fesse, clscqny, az. and arg., for Sxowanv ef Dseccso; lcd, sr, three onolsisna, tire and one, of a i. Cnans,es, his successor. ii. Robert, who is?. Elinaiseth, dan. of Mr. Rouse of Utrochi, in llsliand, and had issno, 1 John-Lewis, who ssc. Lady Tlsorold, widow of Sir William Thoreld, Ban. I Elinaboth, ccc. to Robert Throckmorton, Rsq. i. Amy, lirs. Easicouct. is. Anne, Mrs. Pickering. In. William, who sss. SOles Bnllor, an heiress, and left isone. Sir Robert dying in 1635, was a. by his eldest sass, III. Sin CnAnLas, who ccc. Catbarino, dan. of Sir Lionel Toliemacho, Hart., by whom Icc bad four soscs and three IV. SIR Cnanvve, who cc. Elinaboth, dasc. scssd co-heir of This gontlomanscs. lot, Anne, dacs. of William Rieley, Req., by whom (who ci. in 1692) ho bad an only dan., Penelope, who 6. yosmg. Ito ccc. Indly, Penetopo, dan. of Catherine, scs. to Dr. Dobson, warden of Wcncboster. loncngo form, wirisin a dsnble trosenre, dory, cenneorfiory, ga. for Ilannos,eo, Earl of Moray. Croci—A pelican in her nest, feeding her young, ppr. Sssppersoc’s—Two greyhoacsds, org. collared, gu. Mslls—Salns per Clsristam rcdompterem. Scnla—Dsnibristlc Casilo, Fifeshiro; Castle Smart, hnverssesschico; Das’naway, Elgiashire; and Douno Caotle, Porthslsirc.