Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/199

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BURKE'S COl.OXrAL GENTRY. 579 was licenced to the curacy of St. George's Cliurcli, St. Catharine's, was employed from 1870 to 1879 a.s a preacher and lecturer in England and Svvitzerland by the Ven. Society for the Propagation of the Go.spel. He was that society's chaplain at Murren and at Campfcr, and for a hrief period was assistant to the British Chaplain at Rome. In 1S79, he returned to Canada and became rector of St. Barnabas, St. Catharine's, Niagara Diocese. In 1884, on account of ill health, he obtained a year's leave of absence and took charge of the mission parish of Pasadena, South California. During his inoiunbency, All Saints, the first church, was built. Having returned to St, Cathai-lne's in 1885, he was transferred in 1S!H to the rectorate of St. Matthias. Itinractr. 1>K. J.JIES Macx.vb, of Virginia, was luilitarv surgeon to tlie Loyalist forces in tUe Ktivolutionary war in America, received giants of land in Canada, where he settled and (/. at llachiche, Lower Canada, in the be- yinning of 178U. leaving tour sons, I. Colin, collector of customs at Niagara, (/. tSlO. leaving a daugliter, iiaria. m. Colonel Crcorgc rilTLL- POTTS, R.E., A.D.C to Sir John Colborne, lieutenant-governor of Upper Canada, son of John Pll ILL- POTTS of Gloucester, and brother of the bishop of Exeter, and by him (who d. ISIO) had issue, six sons and four daughters. II. Janies. of Belleville, scrve^l in the Commissariat Department in 1812, was member of the Legislative Assembly for CO. Hastings, and d. at York, Canada, 1820, leaving a son, Janies, captain of Militia, who was accidenlallv killed while on dulv in 1837. He left issue, (1) Janies, deceased. (2) Alexander, C.K., who held important positions in the maritime provinces, and was subsequently employed on the Manchester Ship Canal; he m. Klizabeth (iilpin, daughter of Benjamin S.MiTn, banker, of St. John, New Brunswick, and d. Ith Jan- uary, 1891, leaving issue, («) Allan James, b. 17th August, 186i, surgeon captain Indian Medical Service. (i) Arthur Alexander, solicitor of the Supreme Court, in England. (c) Colin Lawrence, Lieu- tenant 1st Battalion Bo!'der Regiment, b. 2nd December, 1870. («) Mary Winifred. III. .lexander, clerk to the Executive Council of I'piier Canada in 1707, CptaiuSUtliKegimrnt of Foot (t8u9). served with distinction in the Penin- sular war, and was A.D.C. to Oeneral Picton at Waterloo, 18th June, 1815, where he was killed. A monument to his memory was ci-ccted in .St. Paul's Cathedral, London, in 187(i, being the first honour of the kind aocorded to a colonist. IV. Sisiox Feaser, of H horn we treat. The Toungest son, Lieutenant-Colonel Simon Fkaseii Macnab, collector of customs ; registrar and commissioner of the Court of Ketjuests at Belleville ; served as captain in the Hastings Militia in 1812, and d. 1821, leaving an only son. Rev. Alexander Macnab, D.D., canon of St. Alban's Cathedral, Toronto, and for forty 3'ears rector of Darlington, Bowmanville. He had been for some six years jiresiclcnt of the University of Victoria College, Col.ourg, and cliief superintendent of education for Canada West. He was a founder (18(i,S) and one of the fellows of the Royal CoUmial Institute, London. He was b. 1810, w. Eliza Ann, daugliter of Janie" DonoALL, of Picton, co. Prince Edward, and d. 1801, having bad issue, I. Allan Napier (Rev.), B..V. Trinity College, Toronto, and curate of Christ Church Cathedral, Hamilton, b. 1817, d. uiim. 1872, accidentally drowned at Montreal. II. Ale.xander Welleslet, the subject of this memoir. I. Mary, )». Frederick Roche, of Rock- hampton, Queensland, Australia, and d. 1870, leaving issue, 1. Henry. 2. Alfred. 3. Allan Stuart. 4. G-eorgc. 1. Eugenia Mary Rubinson. 2. Olivia Caroline. II. Matilda, m. John C'ARTEU, of Toronto, and has had issue, 1. Henry John, d. an infant. 2. George .■llcxander, d. an infant. 3. John (Kev.), of Pusey House, Oxford, M... Oxon, and Trinity 2 p 2