Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/235

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lUKKK'S COLOXIAL GENTRY. 013 ILincnge. RicnAi!T> Bnoronrox, of Stoclilmul, co. Di'von, bv Kliziibftli liis witV, had issui-, I. Daiiii-l, b. lolli .Viifjust, 17<)St, liiipiiscd at Stockland, 1st rinmiary, ISOU. II. KicHAUD Jiiiuwx, of « lioiu pre- sently. The younger son, Richard Brow.v BitoronroN, of Kout Norieu Station, Harrow, V'iotoria, i. Isl June, ]805, at Stoc'klaiifl, co. Devon, Knjilnnd, baptised there 1st January, 1806. Mr, K. 1). Broughton arrived in Vieti>ria in 1811, aid proceeded to the (joulburn Kivcr, where ho took cliar<;e of a sheep station l>el()n{;inf! to Mr. Donaldson ; from tlicnce he went to the tHenelg River und.'r the same employer, and had charge of a )ar;;e tract tf country for some years. About 184i), he travelled eighty miles further north, and took up a small station, and rented Ballarook Station between ]Iorsham and Adelaide from Mr. (jreorge Urquhart for a term of five years. He was there assisted by his two sons John and Kdmund, and Iiad to contend with many dilllculties. In 1855, lie purehasett the Kout Norien station, where he had to labour .liard for many years, and managed to turn a portion of the station into a freeh.old. He keenly felt the apparently decided antagonism of the Victorian Governments to the old pioneers of the colony who had experienced so many trials and exposures in assisting to open up the colony. He m. at Branscombe, near Sidmouth, co, Devon, 29th April, 1830, Thomasine (i. 18th January, 1805, and baptised 17th February following, at Brans- combe), eldest daughter of John Purse, farmer (son of John and Dorothy Purse, of Residence — Kout Norien Station, Harrow, Colyton, CO, Devon), by Thomasine, his second wife, widow of William Nkwcomiik, o/ Otterton, co, Devon, and daughter of Nicholas and Betty Snkli,, of Buckerell, eo, Devon, He d. June, 1882, in his 77th year, having had issue, I. John Brown, of Lemon Springs, Apsley, Victiria, b. 2()th February, 1831 ; III. Jessie, daughter of Mr. Afflei'ii, and widow of Mr. Moffat, andrf. lot liFcbruary,1883,lcaving issue, 1. Will-am Kdmund. 2. hydniond .lames. 3. Kichanl John Moffat, m. 17th April, 1889, Jane Elizabeth, fifth daughter of the late Jolm Mc- Kellar, of Ardachy, Bnuix holme, Victoria. 4. Jidin Alfred. 1. Jessie Somcrville. 2, Thomazin Purse, II, Edinond James, h. 6th September, 1833; (/, 13th October, 1851. HI. George Alfred, the subject of this memoir. I. Caroline Arabella, *. 3.Uh June, 183i1, )», loth Jnly, 1872, Henry Edkiiis Basset, of Branxholme, near Hamil- ton, Victoria, and has issue, 1. Eobeit MofTat, 2. Harry Broughton. 3. William. 1. Caroline. 2. Elizabeth. II. Elizabeth Brown, h. 8th April, 1842; m. 1865, Robert Mokkai', who </. February, 1875, leaving issue, Caroline, and Jane Ellen, West Wimmera District, Victoria. Colton^ HON, SIR JOHN COLTON, K.C.M.G., .IP., of Hnckney, South Australia, forinei-ly Premier of tiiat colony, 6. 23rd September, 182;:! ; m. 4th December, ISW, Mary, daughter of Samuel Cutting, of London, and has issue, I. .John Wii>liam, of Adelaide, J. P. II. Alfred Cutting, of Adelaide, merchant. III. Edwin Blackler, of Adelaide, solicitor. IV. Frank Septimus, ]r.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., of London. I. Ellen Hannah. Sir .John Colton, who is sou of Wimjam Coi.TON, of McLaren Yale, South Australia (</. 18.")8), by Elizabeth, his wife {d. February, 188h), emigrated to South Australia with his father in 1839. In 18.59 he w^as chosen an alderman of the city of Adelaide, and in 1863 was returned to the Legislative Assembly for the district of Noarluiiga; was commissioner of public works, from 3rd November, 18(38, to 12th ^lay, 1870, when be retired