Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/316

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694 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. IT. John. I. Anne. The eklest son, Peter Coffin, of Brixton, oo. Devon, m. Joan, or Joanna TnEMBER,and d. in England 1628, having by her (who (/. in Xantueket, or Boston, in May, 1001, aged 77) had issue, I. John, d. in Plymouth Fort. II. Tristeam, of whom presently. I. Joan. II. Deborah. III. Eunice, m. Willian Bttler, of New England. IT. JIary, m. Alexander Adams, and Jiad issue. The second son, Teistrajt Corns, h. in England 1609 or 1605,™. Dionis, daughter of Robert Stevexs. He settled at Salisbury, Massachusetts, in 1042, removed to Haverliill,and thenee toNew- bury in 16-18, from which place he returned to Salisbury, in 1654-.5, and in 16.39, purchased nearly the whole of the Island of IVantucket, from Tliomas Mathew, whither lie removed in 1660, and d. there 2nd October, 1681, leaving issue, I. Peter (Hon.'), of Dover, New Hamp- shire, ancestor of the Coffins of Barringion, Nova Scotia {see that familtj, p. 62). II. Tristram, b. in England, 1632, went to Newbury, Massachusetts, of which place he was made a freeman, 29tu April, 1618, and where his descendants ai-e now living ; he m. there, 2nd March, 1652-3, Judith, daughter of Kdmund Geeenleaf, and widow of Henry SoMEEBY, and d. 4th February, 1704, liaving by her (who d. 15th December, 1705) bad issue, 1. James, h. 22nd April, 1659, m. 16th November, 1685, Florence, daughter of Horace IIooK, and had issue, (1) Tristram, h. 19th October, 1694, m. 17th November, 1715, Martha Cheney, and d. 19th May, 1775. (2) Daniel, h. 10th May, 1696, m. 15th July, 1725, Rebecca Bartlett, and had issue. (3) James, b. 1st January, 1705. (1) Judith, b. 7th October, 1686, m. first, Parker Notes, and secondly, Eliphalet Cof- fin (see above), and thirdly, 11th March, 1742, Major Natlianiel GiLMAN. (2) Elizabeth, m. 29th Au- gust, 1721, Joseph Roswell. (3) Sarah, b. 20th August, 1689, m. James Notes. (4) Mary, b. 18th January, 1691, m. 24th January, 1711, Henry jACQrE>. (5) Lydia, b. 1693, m. 28tU March, 1717, Samuel Todd, of Rowley. (6) Eleanor, b. lOtli May, 1698, m. 9th July, 1722, Timothy Tappan. (7) Joanna, b. 2nd May, 1701, m. 3rd March, 1724, Make- peace HoRTON. (8) Horence, b. Isl January, 1705. 2. John, h. 8th September, 1660, d. 13th May, 1677. 3. Enoch, h. 21st January, 1663, d. 12th November, 1675. 4. Stephen, b. 18th August, 1664, m. 8th October, 1685, Sarab, daughter of John Atkinson, and d. 31st August, 1725, haying had issue, (1) Tristram, d. in infancy, February, 16S8. (2) Tristram, b. 6th March, 1689, d. 23rd January, 1707. (3) John, b. 30th January, 1695, m. first, 1718, Anna Ordway, and by her, who d. in 1725, liad issue. He m. secondly, 1726, Hannah Chenet, and had issue. (4) Stephen, b. 1698, m. 16th August, 1722, Sarah Boaed- man, and had issue. (5) Daniel, b. 19t1i September, 1700, til. Lydia MorLTON, of Hampton, N.H., and had issue. (6) Abner, i. 29th April, 1702, m. lOtb December, 1725, Mary Ravvlings, of Strat- liam, and had issue. (7) Joseph, b. 26th December, 1706, ni. first, Elizabeth Col- lins, and had issue. He m. secondly, 13th February, 1749, Olive Fowler, and had issue. (8) Benjamin, b. 14th January, 1710, m. 28th October, 1731, Miriam WoOD.MAN, and d. 30th April, 1784, leaving issue. (1) Sarah, b. 16th May, 1086, III. 4th February, 1706, Joshua Bailet, and d. 20th November, 1768. (2) Lydia, b. 21st July, 1691, m. 18th November, 1715, Richard Care, of Salisbury. (3) Judith, h. 23rd February, 1693, m. 7th June, 1714, Nathaniel Geeenleaf, of Newbury. (4) Abigail, b. 25th September, 1696, m. Robert Moeoan, who d. 1777. (5) Slary, b. 26th September, 1704, 'd. 18th January, 1717. 5. Peter, of Gloucester, Massachu- setts, b. 27th July, 1607, m. Apphia, daughter of Richard Dole, and d. 19th January, 1746, leaving issue, (1) Tristram, b. 10th August,