Page:A General Biography of Bengal Celebrities Vol 1.djvu/155

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146 LIFE OF DR. RAM LALL CHT7CKERBUTCT. examine the dead bodies whenever necessary. After the College hours he used to repair to the dissecting room and. carefully examine the bodies. At the final examination of the first year he ob- tained a scholarship which added to his present income enabled him to live with more ease and comfort. It must be mentioned here that at the end of one year, his father's indifference towards him disappeared and his sympathy /or his once run-away son was evoked by the unmistakable sign of Ram Lall's future great- ness. His father now regularly commenced to help him with money which enabled him to give up the tutorship . and direct his whole attention to the prosecution of his studies. He had no longer to copy out books but was in a position to buy them. CHAPTER H. RAM LALL'S MEDICAL COLLEGE CAREER. ., Ram Lall read in the Medical College for full five ' years during which period he was deligent, attentive , and obedient to hisj teachers to a remarkable degree. " By his strenuous exertions he retained a commendable position in the class. He was a favorite pupil with the Professors and his teachers and they had a high opinion of his scholastic career. In ail the examinations he held high positions and obtained prizes. In his Fourth Year,; Class examination which is generally held in competition with the Fifth Year Class he acquitted himself creditab- 1 ly and obtained honors in clinical medicine and surgery ] • securing high marks in all other subjects. At his final j examination he was also equally successful. After? coming out of the college, he constantly thought how he could help his family which was then not in so pros-' perous a condition as it had been before owing to its < being divided into many sub-divisions. His friends and, relatives now "advised him to commence his practice at