Page:A Gentleman From France (1924).djvu/212

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that would cuddle up to her generous breast and take the ache out of her heart. She had not said so to any one, but she wanted Pierre. She could cuddle and talk to him, and he would not talk back. She could love with all the passion of her great heart and Pierre would love back and shower her face with kisses, and they could have such a good time if he were only there. He had done his part in this horrible old war. They ought to let him come home. She would telegraph the general that minute, that she must have Pierre back. She reached out her hand to press the button, but stopped in the movement, for an automobile horn had honked in the yard. Then Madame's heart almost stopped beating, for she heard Pierre's bark. It was so eager, so joyous, and so glad that there was no mistaking it.