Page:A Gentleman From France (1924).djvu/40

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of puppy teeth as sharp as needles, the roguish Pierre would scare poor Marie nearly into a fit.

When she had screamed and wept to his complete satisfaction, he would back away and laugh at her, not audibly, but nevertheless the laughter would run all over his hairy, alert face, and any dog-lover would have recognized it as the most mirthful of dog laughter.

After one of these tragic scares Marie confided to Louis Laporte, the chauffeur, that the "little devil" would be the death of her. Louis, who was fond of Marie, kissed away her tears, and said Pierre was the most impudent piece of dog meat that had ever come to the château.

If I were to enumerate all the notable people whose acquaintance Pierre made during his six-months' stay at the château,