Page:A Gentleman From France (1924).djvu/90

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chain about his neck and the War Cross. "What have we here?" he asked, putting his hand to the Airedale's neck. Pierre backed away. Perhaps they wanted to rob him of his precious chain and cross, but the man coaxed and talked to him reassuringly and was soon able to examine the war trophy.

"La Croix de Guerre," he read. "Boys, this dog is a war hero. He is wearing the War Cross of France."

Pierre was much pleased that they had discovered his importance and wagged his tail freely, while the boys all crowded about him to admire the cross.

He would have liked to stay with the good man notwithstanding the fact that the bulldog glowered at him out of the corner of his eye, but the man and boys soon drove him out of the yard by throw-