Page:A Gentleman From France (1924).djvu/92

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My, but it was fun, scampering along behind the horse, with the great round wheels rolling along beside one! This was life! This was the world—the real thing.

All went well for a mile or two, until the team stopped and the man hitched the horse to a post and went into the house.

Then poor unsophisticated Pierre went up and smelled the horse's heels. He wanted to make friends.

It was lucky the horse was only nervous, and not vicious, but even then it was bad enough, for the kick that Pierre got rolled him entirely out from under the wagon, and so badly lamed his shoulder that at first he thought it was broken and could not be used. So he ran ki-yi-ing down a side-street, while some boys who had been watching laughed, and thought it a great joke.