Page:A Geographical, Statistical, and Historical Description of the District, or Zila, of Dinajpur.djvu/10

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arrangement of the volume.


Book II. Concerning the people of the Dinajpur district.

Chapter I. On the Population of the District, and the causes which operate on its Increase or Diminution, ........67
II. Condition and Manner of Living, .... .. 73
III. Education ........ 80

Section 1, Schools and Languages,.......2.0 ib, 2, Sciences, 85 Part 1, The higher Sciences, Literature, Law, and Metaphysics,.. ib., —— 2, The lower Sciences, Theology, Worship, Astrology, and Magic, ........... 88

Chapter IV. Religion and Sects, .....sccceccce coccscccsccese IL Section 1, Mahomedans, ........0ccc00 ccccsccccccccsececse§ iD. 2, india isk snes 00s wee ieieacdaseeeniaece 94 Part i, Brahmans and other castes,.... 2 secsee esceee ib. —— 2, Customs of the Hindfs, ......cccccsccosccccee 103 Section 3, Various small Sects, ......0+ csccee coccseccccse 133 Appendix to Book 2, ....... VGioce Seen ease e sees eee ee weeeeoe, LIS Book Ill. Narurau Propvuctions. - Chapter Ts Animals) 6 6c 6iicdes se vccedess ersecessicesaewe 133 TD, PIG os sks cos ca: ocbar eet seeiceus secoweaes esse 147 TIL;. Minerals, ciicec.icesincsveese ctcees terserectacee. “171 Book IV. AcricuLrurRe. Chapter I. Different Plants cultivated, ......sceccccccceccccee 173 Part 1, Introduction,.........000 csc ssesccveccccce ib, —— 2, Culmiferous Plants,.......cccessscccccccccces 174 —— 3, Leguminous Plants,,......cccccsccccccesecces 183 —— 4, Of Plants which produce Oil,........essceceees 184 —— 5, Profit on this kind of Cultivation,........0..+.. 185 Section 2, Plants cultivated as Vegetables for the Table,...... 186 3, Plants cultivated for producing Thread or Cordage, 198 4, Plants cultivated on account of their Saccharine JUICE yi esd Meee bins WeeW dhe bade sis Geese eateeteeee: 202 5, Plants cultivated for being chewed or smoked, .... 205 6, Plants cultivated for Dyeing, ...... .0 esos sesese 208 7, Plants used for feeding Silk Worms, .........0.. 210 Chapter II. Of the Implements of Agriculture, ......00seee0000 215 TID One Mantes) vissis:28 iciewkeice sodiceavdeesswcesess 218 IV. Of Floods and Banks, .....ccoccccccsccsscsssscs 220 V. Of Domestic Animals, .. ....cccccccccccecs eosece 221 ms VI. OF Fences sc cv'n ys dviesas 620% 0000 06desenccesesces- 231 a VTS OF Faring; cy ccnh. geese eee eteeweasesseesees. (254 VIET. OF Estates soos casos -caeeails as eyeceuke Sessa. 240 Book V. Arts, MANUFACTURES, AND COMMERCE. Chapter I. Fine Arts, .......0.c cece cs (isd sw ieawanoenseumen: LOS II. Of the Common Arts, .. c..0 cesccccccccccccscese 268 Section 1, Personal Artists, ....00sscsccccccsseccccescceses 209