Page:A Glossary of Berkshire Words and Phrases.djvu/116

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berkshire words.

KINKETTY.—Matters not going on smoothly are referred to as being "a bit kinketty."

KIT.—The whole lot.

"I hev got a puppy an' dree verrets, an' a mag-pie, an' e med hev the kit vor a crownd if e 'ooll."

KITKEYS.—The fruit of the ash.

KITTLE.—Not strong, not firm, not safe; requiring gentle treatment.

KLICK.—A sharp noise as caused by the shutting of a pocket knife.

KNACKER.—A wretched looking horse past work.

KNOCK AFF.—To stop operations.

"E can knock aff ploughin' te-ams at dree o'clock."

KNUCKLE DOWN.—To succumb; to give in.

KOFER.—A chest for keeping old dress3s, &c. in, when these are stowed away for a time.


KWUT.—A coat.