Page:A Greek English Lexicon of the New Testament.djvu/23

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Explanations and

followed as the standard (as it is in the critical editions of Tregelles, Westcott and Hort, etc.). Variations from this standard are indicated by subjoining the variant verse-numeral within marks of parenthesis. The similar addition in the case of references to the Old Testament indicates the variation between the Hebrew notation and the Greek.

In quotations from the English Bible

A. V. = the current or so-called "Authorized Version";

R. V. = the Revised New Testament of 1881. But when a rendering is ascribed to the former version it may be assumed to be retained also in the latter, unless the contrary be expressly stated. A translation preceded by R. V. is found in the Revision only.

A. S. = Anglo-Saxon.

Abp. = Archbishop.

absol. = absolutely.

acc. or accus. = accusative.

acc. to = according to.

ad l. or ad loc. = at or on the passage.

al. = others or elsewhere.

al. al. = others otherwise.

Ald. = the Aldine text of the Septuagint (see Sept. in list of Books).

Alex. = the Alexandrian text of the Septuagint (see Sept. in List of Books).

ap. = (quoted) in

App. = Appendix.

appos. = apposition.

Aq. = Aquila (see Sept. in List of Books).

art. = article,

augm. = augment,

auth. or author. = author or authorities.

B. or Bttm. see List of Books.

B. D. or BB. DD. see List of Books,

betw. = between.

Bibl. = Biblical.

Bp.= Bishop.

br. = brackets or enclose in brackets.

c. before a date = about.

Cantabr. = Cambridge.

cf . = compare.

ch. = chapter.

cl. = clause.

cod., codd. = manuscript, manuscripts.

Com., Comm. = commentary, commentaries.

comp. = compound, compounded, etc.

compar. = comparative.

Comp. or Compl = the Complutensian text of the Septuagint (see Sept. in List of Books).

contr. = contracted, contract.

dim. or dimin. = diminutive.

dir. disc. = direct discourse.

e. g. = for example.

esp. = especially.

ex., exx. = example, examples.

exc. = except.

excrpt. = an excerpt or extract.

fin. or ad fin. = at or near the end.

G or Grsb. = Griesbach's Greek text (see above).

Graec. Ven. = Graecus Venetus (see List of Books).

i. e. = that is.

ib. or ibid. = in the same place.

indir. disc. = indirect discourse.

init. or ad init. = at or near the beginning.

in l. or in loc. = in or on the passage.

i. q. = the same as, or equivalent to.

KC = Kuenen and Cobet's edition of the Vatican text (see above).

L or Lchm. = Lachmann's Greek text (see above).

L. and S. = Liddell and Scott (see List of Books).

l. or lib. = book.

l. c., ll. cc. =passage cited, passages cited.

Lag. = Lagarde's edition of the Septuagint (see Sept, in List of Books).

mrg. = the marginal reading (of a critical edition of the Greek Testament).

Opp. = Works.

opp. to = opposed to.

paral. = the parallel accounts (in the Synoptic Gospels).

Pt. or pt. = part.

q. v. = which see.

R or Rec. = the common Greek text (see above).

r. = root.

rel. or relat. = relative.

sc. = namely, to wit.

Skr. = Sanskrit.

sq., sqq. = following.

Steph. = Stephanus's Thesaurus (see List of Books).

Stud. u. Krit. = the Studien und Kritiken, a leading German Theological Quarterly.

s. v. = under the word.

Symm. = Symmachus, translator of the Old Testament into Greek (see Sept. in the List of Books).

T or Tdf. = Tischendorf's Greek text (see above).

Theod. or Theodot. = Theodotion (see Sept. in the List of Books).

Tr or Treg. = Tregelles's Greek text (see above).

u. i. = as below.

u. s. = as above.

v. = see.

var. = variant or variants (various readings).

Vat. = the Vatican Greek text (see above, and Sept. in the List of Books).

Vulg. = the Vulgate (see List of Books).

w. = with (especially before abbreviated names of cases).

writ. = writer, writers, writings.

WH = Westcott and Hort's Greek text (see above).

Other abbreviations will, it is hoped, explain themselves.