Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/427

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' '^i-M n '[ m '] unitedness. 1. as sabst. only i Chi 2 17 (peculiar) "WJ^ 33 1 ) Db^ »jnW I will have a heart toward you for unitedness, i. e. my heart shall be ready to become one with yours (cf. v 88 nnK lb). 2. elsewhere always in ace. as adv. in union, together (cf. Ar. H.J in ace. with sf. in his solitariness^ alone) — a. together, of community in action, place, or time (oft. combined, but one usu. more prominent than the others); (i) in action, Jb 38' Iffi")"}? ?K '3313 when the stars of God shouted together; Ezr 4 s we together will build (opp. to you), with DD?3 1 S 17", DSBb I S43 26. ( 2 ) in place 1 Si i» iqj cut? D3 riNtfj t&; 2 s io 15 iff ibdnm

  • 2 2 3 i»88 18 , 133 1 tn: n3t?, Is 5 o 8 ,"as praL

Mi 2" UDt* nn:; (3) in pi ace and time at once, 2S21 9 lnM^l and they perished to- gether, 14 16 to destroy irV 'J3 DN1 O*; (4) of time alone (poet.) Is 42 14 in 1 ' tX&H) D#K I w jU gasp and pant together, 45 s Jb 6 2 17 16 ^ 141 10 113yx 1J? '3JK nn' while / at the same time pass on. b. all together, altogether (poet. syn. of D?3, but more forcible, suggesting oft., esp. with?3, all at once, as well as altogether), Is 44 11 irv V& inns" (cf. ^ 40 15 ), + 62 10 nn: ^ono nen they are all together (made) of vanity, Is aa* irp m: pntp i>3 (with b also ^ 41 8 Jb 34 I5 ) : oft. in poet, beginning a clause with emph., Dt 33 s Jl>3 18 IWNK' D^DN in i6 ]0 19 12 NC in' 1Hn3,24 4 3i 38 1 /'4i 8 9 8 8 Hoii 7 (withaneg.),v 8; in connexion with a sf., or obj. of a vb., Is 2? 4 W njJTXK I w ffl bum it altogether, f 33 15 D|6 ID: nx'ri w ho formeth the hearts of them all together, 7 4 6 - 8 Jb 10 8 3'3D IPT altogether round about (but rd. perh. with GS Del Di (Symbol missingHebrew characters)), 40:13 . c. together, in the sense of alike, the one as well as the other, i/z^o/- 11 in' (Symbol missingHebrew characters), Jb:21:26 34:39. More frequent is (Symbol missingHebrew characters)92 (Je:46:12.21 49:3 (Symbol missingHebrew characters)), adv. together (prop, (in) his or its unitednesses (cf. Ar. (Symbol missingArabic characters) alone; and for the form (Symbol missingHebrew characters)),but,the orig.of the term, being forgotten, applied gen. as an adv., without regard to number, gender, or person : so Ges01 H35o Sta SS70 *)— together: a. of com- munity in action, ^34" VHV IDE* noenjl let us exalt his name together, Is 52*, with J'yiJ take counsel, 45 21 ^71'° 83" Ne6 7; flM to struggle Dt 25"; in place, as with 3ST Gn 13 6 Dt 25 s , i>r Gn22 6 - 8 Am 3 3 , N13 Je3 18 Jb 9 32 , 3np IS41 1 , bfiSJ 2S2", b« Ju 19 6 JC4I 1 , jopnn Jos a 2 , her totu JU6 33 , etc.; Dt 2 2 10 virr morai -ne>3; coupling pairs, and so strengthening } (mostly poet.), v" Am 1 15 m mbl Kin (cf. Je48 7 Qr [Kt (Symbol missingHebrew characters)], 49:3) Je:6:11.12 (Symbol missingHebrew characters) v:21 (accents), 13" 3i 8 - 13 50 433 Is4i 19 , cf. 65'; in time (rare: but v. infr.), f^ in peace jt^Nl n33t?K nn> will I at once lie down and sleep (i.e. lie down and fall asleep immediately), b. emph. (esp. poet.) = all together I S31 6 , Is io 8 t!WQ HIT nfe> t6n are not my princes all together, all alike, kings] i8«4o»4i«">45»(|| Oh), 4 6 2 m 15H3 IDip, 48" 66 17 ^i4 3 (|p3n), 19" nn« lpix (of J.'s or- dinances), 35 26 37 s8; sts. (likein: b) suggesting all at once, as well as all together, Ex 19 8 ijjn W ODD fa (so, with b, Is 22 3 31 3 Zc io 4 ), Is I 2831 nn» DW3V n»31. Prefixed to a clause (like{ {hebrew missing}}), Dt:33:17 (cf. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) v:5), Is:9:26 11:7.14 31:3 43:17 45 16 52 8 Je 4 6 12 Si^Laa 8 Jb24"(strengthening ^°?). c. aTi&e, the one as well as the other, Dt 1 2 M (= 1 5 s2 ) the unclean and the clean alike may eat it, 1 S 30 24 i Ip^n: y£ they shall share together, i.e. alike. f *JJT| Baer, VlTP van d. H, a Gileadite, iChs 14 , ® lovpm, A I«8&u, ®L IfSSw. ^•hit, vrirr v. sub m ^W, PPffT v. sub nrn. ^njwv, fojrpptrp v. sub pm. TrnTrr a priest 1 Ch 9 12 (for which nnK (q.v.) Nen 13 ), v. now also Ryle on Ne 1 1 13 .

  • wt?,, ^vtrr, n;n^ v . sub im

^ PD^I vb. ITiph. wait; Pi. await (cf. NH JWTJ expectation);— Niph. P/ 3 fs. nbniJ Ez 19 3 (yet v. infr.); Imp/. $>rw Gn 8 ,2 + 1 S I3 18 Kt (v. Dr; Qr Hiph. 7^);— woA : Gn8 I2 awi /je waited yet seven days; so 1 S 1 3 18 Kt; of Isr. under fig. of lioness, Wnpn m3X r6nij '3 Nini Ez 1 9 5 when she saw that her hope tarried, was /<w<(butdub.; Smcomp. Aram.^*.o/ be weak, whence perh. sink down; Hi (perh. after ©) rO n^J '3 that lie was thrust away from lier; Co plausibly rWiJ that she had acted foolishly). Pi. 1'f 2 ms. sf. 'JRprp 1^ 119 49; is. W^ v 43 + 4 t. y- 1 1 9; 3 mpl. *£*£ Jb 29 s3 Ez 1 3 6; ^n^ Jb29 21; 1 pi. »^TP V33™; /tojj/. ^ Mis'; d d 2