Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/101

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in, Log 8 ™ 1 - connects with Ar. <j£ a fine, the price, & so gain the right of possession ; cf. Aram. D ,- 1N one who farms land; As. mirsu, tribute, Zehnpf BA8,H8 )— only Pi. Pu.; Pi. Pf. 3ms. bn.K Dt2o 7 ; "nent? 2 S3 14 ; i£ WfyTto Ho 2 21 - 21 - 22 ; Imp/. 2 ms! KHNTi Dt 2^;— betroth ( obj. woman, Wk Dt 20" 28 30 ; sq. 3 of price paid to father & *? of husband 2 S 3"; 3 of gift to bride & b of husband Ho 2 s1 - 22 , where fig. of Yahweh's covenant mercy to Israel. Pu. Pf. 3 fs. n'Bnx fee betrothed, c. *6, subj. nbvia Ex 22 15 Dt 22 s8 (nSra tjo); P«. f. n'Bnfcp Dt 22 s3 , where affirmed of r6lrD 1JM (sq. i> of husband) v 25 ' 27 (in both subj. ^5??n). l^ni"? (to rf«*«Ve, request, As. £resw Dl rrB ). TnttT)^ n.f. desire, request (As. erislu Dl ,c ) only cstr. way 'k ^ 2 i 3 (||k£ rwtn) request granted by J"hN v. niix. tHFriptfTUTIN Artaxerxes (Pers. Artakhshatrd, Spieg AFK68 ' 207 © 'Apraitpfo, cf. BeRy on Ezr 4 s3 7"- Ne i')'n Ezr 4' v. BD 102 ; KM^IWJIJ Ezr4 7 , Knprnn-!«Ezr7 in 8 1 Ne2> 5 U I3 6 ; Artaxerxes I, or Longimanus, son & successor of Xerxes, reigned B.C. 465-424. T7S")ff^ a descendant of Judah 1 Ch 4 16 (the latter element in this & foil, may be 38 God, but mng. of former part dub. Thes comp. 1DN bind, quern Deus obligavit sc. voto). TH ,fr<nC.'N a son of Asaph 1 Ch 25" cf. nbkiff) v 14 . T7^' , "lU?St a Manassite (Thes vo- tum Dei, cf. supr.) Nu 26 31 Jos 17 2 1 Ch 7 14 . t^VirvtoM'Sn as n.coll.Nu26 31 . ntfM Je 48, 45 ; V 104, 4 . f. & m. Eft* 377 n.f.** 9 ' 23 (m. j« », 9 , jb 20. 26) fire ( As t - gato COT G1 <"", Syr. )l&r, Eth.XA^,JLjl,sociable,friendly element(MV Wetzst in De i ' ! " mra ; ei <■»*» Lag™ 68 cf. i J iwjiU), improb. esp. in view of As.; dagheshprob. secondary; cf. also Sta* 189b ) — 'ti abs.Ex 9 24 + ; cstr.Lv6 2 + (seld.);tsf.^KDt 4 36 Jbi8 5 ; EDfK Is 50 11 ; D#K Is 66™ ;—l. fire, of conflagration, e.g. in briers, endangering or destroying crops OH> "«?»* «% *«* Ex 22 s cf. 3 2 E>N3 "1J?3 njen (both E); more often of de- liberate destruction by fire, esp. 2^3 t[~W (3 c . qam. preton.) obj. golden calf Ex 32 20 (J), other idols THf M , Asherim i.2 ! , chariots Jos 11"

K 23 1 , house Ju 1 2 1 14", tower g a , city-gates 

Ne i 3 2 31317 , city Jos 6 24 Ju 18 27 cf. Is i 7 + ; also

e>x rfev Am i 4 - 710 + ; e*x3 Tyn-nK n^ 

tJu I 8 20 48 cf. 2 K 8 12 ; Bfcs' "t^RTM JVtfn Jos 8 819 Je i7 27 +, cf. Ju o/» 2 Si 4 » JI (of field, cf. Ex 2 2 s supr.) 3. of supernatural fire, attending theophany Ex 3 2 i9 18 (both JE) Dt 4 ujwmmi + . gpecif g>x(n) -may Ex i 3 nn i4 24 (all JE) Nep 1219 cf. Dt i 33 (v. BW-ntnD Nu 9 1516 P); of destructive fire from "» Nu 1 1 1 " (J) 26 10 (P) Lv io 2 (P); cf. tlfik K in sim. of Yahweh's glory Ex24 17 (E) Dt4 24 9 s ; v. also

K 18 2438 2 K i'»>»'2i2" Jb i»(perh. lightning 

intended), cf. further of lightning Ex g UM (JE) i// 1 8 1314 1 48 s etc. 3. fire for cooking, roast- ing, parching, etc. B»X v5f roasted at a fire Ex i2 89 (P) cf. Lv 2" 2 Ch 35 13 Is 44 1619 ; of tinder for lighting fire Gn 22 67 (E); of fire for melting (gold for the idolatrous calf) Ex 32 24 ; for re- fining Je 6 W , where rd. with Qr TVlBJf DPI S?KD; cf. Mai 3 2 (sim. of purifying work of messenger of cov't). 4. esp. of altar-fire Lv 1" 6 ,AM + ; in offering incense Lv 1 o 1 , also rnt E>K strange fire, i.e. an incense not commanded, offered presumptuously io 1 Nu 3 4 26 61 ; fire from ^ consuming sacrifice (cf. 2) Lv 9 s4 2 Ch 7 1 - 8 ; of fire in child-sacrifice (usually (i>) B>K3 |3 T3JH )

K 16 3 2 1 6 cf. 17 17 23 10 2 Ch 33 s ; also 'K3 IfW 

2 K 1 7 31 , 'K3 IM 2 Ch 2 8 3 . 5. fig. of Yahweh's anger ^ 89 47 (sim.) cf. Na I 6 La 2 4 tH^f^S Ez 2 1 36 22 31 38 19 , "nwpT5*K Ez 3 6 6 ; v. also Is 66 15 ^ 79 s 89 47 etc.; of word of * Je 23 s9 ; fig. of outbursting emotion j/ 29* '> °f flagrant wickedness Is 9 17 , etc. 6. in various com- binations, t&< 1^» Gn I5 17 (J) a torch of fire (cf. Di); twrn?^ Ex f flame of fire, t?S 31^ J 2 5 , t?i< n^ (in sim.) Dn io 6 cf. Zc 12 6 , ni3q^> VK y, 29 7 t?K 'i.nS is 66 15 cf. Ttorb 'K ^ 105 32 , mrfc '» njl Is 4 6 ' cf. Ho 7 6 ; WK 3^ ,«parA 0/ /Js/re Jb 1 8 s cf. V* n^l 4 1 " ; K ; « ^Pl ^, 2 1 10 o»e»i o/^re, K*N li>3 Zc 1 2 6 ; B'N "fa* light of fire yj, 78"; Or?? VI* flaming fire f 104 4 ; B*S |W^ Is 5 24 tongue of fire, B*t< ^D? Ez I 13 coaZs o//re, so io 2 , cf. tW 'B?- 1 ! Ct 8 6 ; on W ^K Ez 28 14 - 16 v. f3S ; m VK Dt 33 s , lit. fire of a law, or fire was a law, but 1"H /aw is Pers. & late; rd. perh. rh[sb] m c f. Ex 20 18 or n-i[p;] m c f. Is 65 s . t[n©N] n.f. id. Je 6 s9 Kt Dne-SfD) i.e. /row tlieirfire, but Qr DPI t?KO, v. sub SW. n©« n.m. Jo * 13 - 14 an offering made by fire (> Wetzst in De p, " mw, • ed • 4 • 889 der. fr. Vii.^K,