Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/1135

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Pf. 3 ms. fi'&i Dn 3 2 + , a-pni 6 2 , tf. !TO>pn 5 », WWj 3 1 ; 3 is. nPi?H 7 5 ; 2 ms. no'pi] 3 1S "; 1 s. fo no'jbn 3 » ; / m; ,/. 3 ms . B^n) (k' 45 - 1 ")

S1 6"* D'i?; 2" 4 ' 4 ; /n/ sf. WW3i5r£ 6 4 ; P*. ac«. 

D'p™ 2=';— 1. set up, lit. image 3 »m*".m,m.m. fig. kings 2 21 , kingdom v 44 . 2. ^/< ttp one side 7** (Dr). 3. establish, c. ace. D'P 6' 6 ( = Pa.), N"}DN v'. 4. ap2>oint Ezr6 18 , 2 ace. Dn 5"; sf.pers. + !* 6 4 , b acc.pers. + i>i? 4 14 5 21 6-. Hoph. Pf 3 fs. np»i?n (variants in Str ; cf. K* 45 ' 6 ; not Hebraism No GOA1867 - 1794 ; W 00226 ' 283 ) 7 4 be made to stand [v?!"^?. tcrp n.[m.] statute (Eg. Aram. &TCP Cooke 2 ");— abs. Dn 6", cstr. v 9 . tt3*p adj. enduring (cf. Nab. D'p (Cooke 217 Lzb D'.p ; SAC, privately, prob. D',P)); — abs. 'p Dn 6 27 (of God, so oft. % NH, cf. Dr); fs. no;p 4 s3 (of kingdom). t[?Pp] vb. slay (X Syr. (oft.); v. BH (late, rare)) ; — Pe. Ft. act. ?t?p, Dn 5 19 , ace. pers. Pe'il be slain : Pf. 3 nis>t?p 5 3 », 3 fs. n^tpp 7". Pa. slay: Pf. 3 ms. ?t?p y" (ace. pers.); Inf. nptspp 2 14 (? ace. pers.). Hithpe. be slain: Inf. nbopnni) 8 »; p L (=g e rundive, K t?u ) pi. ppCpno v 13 were to be slain. ~)ttp (■/of foil.; S 10P, Syr. 4* W«^. whence «*#(>, J^a £«< etc.; cf.BH II. [nop]). t [ipp] n.m. D " * 6 joint, knot ;— lit. pi. cstr. ,_ IDp Dn 5 6 joints of his loin ; fig. abs. P"!9P v 12 ' 16 , usu./btoMy <Am ? s, difficulties (Syr.PS 3191 ); but prob. of magic sjtells, banns (also Syr. PS 1,0 ', cf. Brock 3 ' 9 "), so Bev, v. also Dr. tlO";p n.[m.] summer (SSyr.; v.BH II. pp);— abs/p Dn2 s . O^p, Q*p v. Dip. t DirT'p Kt, D^np Qr, n. [m.] lyre, zither (also % ; loan-word from Gk. iddapis Krauss i.»i «.»»);_ j) n 3 Kmp D-in-p. bp r v. bip. t[^Jp] vb. acquire, buy (v. BH I. njp) ; — Pe. Impf. 2 ms. K}J)Pt Ezr 7 17 c. ace. rei, + KBD33. N¥p (-/of following; BH I. nsp, mrg). tfl8}3 n.f. end (so BH(late); £(Gn 4 7 2 ); not Syr.'; cf. Eg. Aram. RES 361 A4 ) ; —cstr. $ a< <Ae «nd 0/ (months, days) 4 26 ' 31 ; Kn«|>9 'p-p? i K =part of( *R v d ; cf. BH nvp 2)! t^^p vb. be wroth (Syr.; v. BH I.

  • |VP); — Pe. P/. 3 ms. 'p Dn 2 12 .

ttr|2p n.[m.] wrath (of God) (only Syr. ls-o sadness, anxiety, inLexx.); — abs/p Ezr7 23 . ]"IJp v. NSp. t [N^p] vb. call, read out, aloud (v. BH . Nnp);— Pe. Impf. 3 ms. nip? Dn 5 7 , 1 s. tT>.pK v 17 ; 3 mpl. flnp v 15 ; 7n/. Nlpojj v 8J6 ; PL act. Kip 3 4 + ; — 1. call, proclaim, ^VO ■ D113 4 4" 5 7 . . read out, aloud, ace. K3H3 gT*».t« v i" (t, p ers .). Pe'il (W C022S ) P/. 3 ms. ,, 1^Ezr4 ,8 - 23 i« was raid, Dip. pers. Hithpe. be summoned, Impf. 3 ms.

  • $&. Dn 5 12 .

(Symbol missingHebrew characters) vb. approaoh (v. BH I. (Symbol missingHebrew characters));— Pe. Pf. 3 ms. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Dn 326 ((Symbol missingHebrew characters) loc.); 1 s. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 716 ((Symbol missingHebrew characters) pers.); abs., 3 mpl. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Dn 38 613; Inf. sf. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 621 when he approached, (Symbol missingHebrew characters) loc. Pa. offer sacrifice : Impf 2 ms. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Ezr 717, c. acc. + (Symbol missingHebrew characters) of altar. Haph. l. = Pa.: c. acc. Pf. 3 mpl. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Ezr 617, Pt. act. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) v10 ((Symbol missingHebrew characters) dei). 2.bring near: Pf. sf. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Dn 713 ((Symbol missingHebrew characters) dei).

tn~JP (K"™) n.[m.] war(:£Syr.NHi - d.; BH as Aramaism); — abs. Dn 7 21 . tn^p, N— , n.f. eity (X Syr.; S-C A9+ TTp; v.BH, •y/rnp; alsoNo 881 " 62 );— abs.n_ Ezi-4 10 , «— v 15 ; emph. Krnp v'- 1515 ' 5 ' 6 ' 9 - 2 ' tpp n.f. Dn78 horn (v. BH pp);— abs. 'p Dn7 8 ; emph. XJ-]P 3 5 + ; du. (often!) PJ-|P 7 7 ; emph. NJ?- 7 8 + ; — 1. instr. of music, Dn 3 MJ *-". 2. symbolic, in vision, f***ammaM f [HPl »■[»■] P^ce (X; v. BH pip);— pi. if. 'nirip Dn 6 25 , flrnf. 3 s , both in phr. 'p ib5t«, i.e. accuse maliciously (so S! Syr. PS 37i6 (cf. OAram. 's TTO 1DX Lzb 299 SAC 66 Cooke - 05f -; pi3 also Mand.), prob. borrowed from As. karse akdlu, malign, slander (oft.; also Tel Am.); cf. also uktarrizu Hamm L *" 161 ; further Ai IZml j$id., and kindred phr.; Eth. OA-0: i"?i Di 4S9 ).