Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/1141

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% Syr., M 96 *'- Buhl M cf. var. in Str) in the same moment, forthwith Dn 3 615 4 30 5 s ; abs. fnn nye> 4" /or a moment. tt[t3Sttf] vb. judge (BH t5BB>) ;_/><. as abs. T???' E zr 7* judges. "V2G? v. nse>. t[/Dttf] low (v. BH);— Haph. 5ri«y low, humble : Pf. 2 ras. ^33? n^n Dn 5 M </(om Ao»< not humbled thine heart; Impf. 3 ms. !>ef n? 7* /«/. nWr6 4 3 ', ft. Wo 5 19 , all c. ace. pers. bring low, put down. t~>D© adj. low in station; — cstr. / B'Dn4 14 . tH2t# vb. be fair, seemly (X Syr.; cf. BH (rare and mostly late) ; Palm.b ~&W merit well of, SAC ,,; ; Cappad. Aram. NTDt? Lzb Eph. iw . — p e< pj- g ms/ty, c. 01? pers. it seemed good to Dn 3 s2 6 2 ; Impf. 3 ms.' i>J? ISf? 4 s4 ?e< my counsel be acceptable to thee. t"VBttJ adj. fair, beautiful; — of foliage Dn 4 9ls .'~ t^E^] dawn (X id.; redupl. (K* »■*)&. above </?) ;— emph. ^-&f Dn 6 M . ptt? v. pit?. t [Klt^] vb. 1. loosen. 2. abide (v. BH I. mt^j-^Fe. /«/ sPfob Dn 5 16 ; rd. 'K>p also v 1 -, for 'BT3 (K k40n M s7 *' al.);— Pt. pass. N^.f Q<_M7,Bei» P ./^ 2 m. p i jnB> 3 55 ;— 1. Zoosen: lit. pt. pass, loosed Dn 3" (opp. bound); fig. loosen knots, i.e. solve difficulties, 5 1216 . 2. abide (from loosening girths, loads, at encampment ; cf. X NH [also on pt. pass.]), fig. 2 22 (D? pers.). Pa. Pf 3 mpl. V-)V Ezr 5 2 6eg-m (v. BH III. [^bn] Hiph. 2), sq. inf. Hithpa. Pt. mpl. J^nE>D Dn 5" joints were loosened (in fear). D"Ktf (I P^V, Syr. .eU, BH Pl^Aw*, whistle (onomatop.)). t^pil^':] n.f. pipe (cf. Syr. (rare));— emph. Kn^VlBto Dn f*», V^f » 3'°. t[0Jnil;] n.m. D " 4 - 12 root (v. BH); — pi. sf. nfenB' of tree Dn 4' 2 - 20 - 2 *.

ttncnU?Kt(i.e. ! lBnyK« 6, ' 4 > ),Qr , Bnf n.f.

uprooting, fig. banishment ; — abs. Ezr 7 2S . Pi®, n© six, v. me>. t[Hrit^] vb. drink (5: NJ?f , Iffa Syr. -fc^/*; v. BH I. nntfy—pe. P/. 3 mpl. vnete (K>' 4 - a) ) Dn5» 4 ; 7mp/. 3 mpl. Mf> v 2 ; 7Y ac«. nTO* v', pi. pnB' v 23 ; — drink, ace. wine Dn 5 14 , + 3 of vessel v 23 and (ace. om.) v 23 . t [ ,, ri0P so X] n.m. feast (as BH nWO);— emph. N^fl? n'3 Dn 5 10 . yPKti sixty, v. me*. "hafa "^n» Pers. official Ezr 5"

6 ' 3 ; 2a6apfiov£aiia (at, t, i/») ; @L 2a#pa/3a>fai'ijr 

(Andr MS7 * prop. '3ino, Gk. Mifyo£ovfdv>;f, = OIran. * Mithrabauiana, Mithra is deliverer (or the like), so Mey Emst - J - 32 '; Scheft 92 '- Olran. ^elhrabuzana, empire-delivering; Wkl MVAQ 1887 ' ■" conj. a title).


t ["13 P] vb. break (S Syr.; BH I??');— Be. TV. ^>ass. fs. nyori Dn 2 42 broken in pieces (kingdom). krvnn v. tw, t • : t[3W] vb. return (SSyr.; BH3^);— Pe. Impf. 3 ms. 2VV, c. ?5? pers., of brightness (V]) of face Dn 4 33b , of knowledge v 31 ' 33 *. Haph. Pf 3 ms. 3"nn Dn 2 14 ; 3 mpl. sf. KJ'D'nn Ezr 5"; I*»f. 3 mpl fttW]! 6% I»W (K* 33 - 2 ) 5 5 ; 7n/. sf. 'nn^n? Dn3 16 ; — 1. restore, ace. rei Ezr 6 5 . 2. return (ace. of answer, etc.) 5 511 Dn 3 16 (sf. pers.), Tin DJJB1 KDJJ 2 14 . tmJ^I vb. be startled, alarmed (X id., Syr. 0.0L);— Pe. Pf 3 ms. 'n Dn 3 24 . t[lin] n.m. bulloek (X Syr.; BH -rie>, /HI. lit?); — pi. abs. n^"» f° r sacrifice Ezr 6' 1 " 17 1 ' ; as eating grass Dn 4 KWM 5 51 . triinri prep, under (BH nnri ; % nirw, Syr. Lsu.1., fc>-2L, adv. b~.£X; Palm, nnnb JO Cooke 320 );— Dnv 27 ^^? nirw (cf.BHII.l); inpl.c.sf.(asBHSyr.$')4» , nhhri(so3; Lvi5" > : Dalm !4? - 2 ), v 18 . With J», Je 10" NJOB' n'inn p (cf. BH III. 2); sf. Dn4 u "niPinn-fD (the form as Syr. adv. supr., unless a Hebraizing punct.). tAfl n.[m.] snow (X Syr.; BH 3^);— abs. 'n Dn 7' (aim.).