Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/294

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S 14 11 (i.e. recall a specific command of his). 

b. recall, and (esp.) keep * m mind Dt 8 18 Je 5 1 50 Is 64 4 (||pix nb'V), Ez 6 9 Zc io 9 Jo 2 e f 42 7 6 3 7 (|| runs), 77 4 Ne4 8 ; negatively Ju 8 34 Is 17 10 (opp. not?), 57" (|| #-|>y ntpB' >6); cf. also ^X"p3~)"lX t Ec 12 1 , and (no obj. expressed) ^ 2 2 28 ( + '> ^S me^l) ; remember '""'a name ^ 1 1 9 s5 . 4. remember: a. words of Moses Jos r 13 (D) Mai 3 s3 ; '»'s instructions through prophet Is 44" 46 48 (1| 3^> by M'tin), also Mi 6 5 (sq. cl. with fie), b. commandments of A (so as to do them) Nu 15 39 (P, or H), v 40 (P; + DrVBW), * i03 18 ( + Dm'B'yS), H9 5! (D , t3St?D); his covenant 1 Ch 16 15 . 5. think of or on, call to mind something present or future ; — sq. ace, issue of conduct IS47 7 , Ea I 9 (end of Jerusalem); fight with crocodile Jb 40 32 ; obj. a general truth, prosperity of wicked Jb 21 6 (obj. not expr.); (fleeting) days of life Ec 5 19 ; (coming) days of darkness, 1 1 8 ; a duty Jb 36 s4 (sq. cl. with "'I). 6. remember a day, to observe, commemorate it:— day of Exodus Ex ^(J) Dt 16 3 ; sabbath Ex 20 8 (E; || nc'e> Dt 5 12 ). 7. remember, with implied mention of, obj. "' Je 20 9 (|| ieB>3 "Q'n); " KEPO 23 s6 . IX. Subj/^DTPK). 1. remember persons : a. individuals, with kindness, granting re- quests, protecting, delivering etc., c. ace. pers.. Gn 30 22 (E), 1S1" (opp. rati), v 19 , Jn 16 28 (sq. W 1 )); Je J 5 15 (II "O??), f 106 4 (|| id.), Jb 14 13 ( + pn >b Wtin), also Gn 8 1 (P), 19 29 (P); neg. + 88 6 (|| TO? TTO); sq. b pers. ^ 25 7 (yet cf. Che); sq. ace. rei + p pers. (dat. commod.) Ne j.19 jgi4.j2.3i_ j_,_ individuals, to punish, sq. p pers. Ne6 14 13 25 . c. his servants, people, the afflicted, (graciously) sq. b Ex 3 2 13 (JE), Dtg 27 1// 136 23 ; sq. ace. f 9 13 (opp. rDE>), 74 s 115" (sq. I"?.??); cf. Je 3 1 20 (T31 TB»). d. his land Lv 26 42 (H), and neg. La 2 1 (his footstool), e. mankind /c 8 5 (|| IpQ). 2. a. remember the distress of his servants, La3 19 (sq. cl. with ne), 5 1 (H IHT? ? , ?l'). b. their devotion, ace, ^ 20 4 Je2 ; (+p pers.), j/ 132 1 ( + j'd.); sq. cl. with "lEW DN 2 K 20 3 =Is 38 s . c. their intercession Je 18 20 (sq. inf. c. sf.) 3. a. remember his own covenant (with them), ace, Gn 9 1516 Ex 2 24 6 s5 (all P), Lv 2 6 4242 (H, as also) v 48 ( + P pers.) ; Je 14 21 ( + -iorr^), Ez 16 60 + 105 8 , cf.'v 42 (obj. ti-p r na-l), and 1 19 49 Ne i 8 , f 106 45 ( + P pers.), in 5 , b. his mercy, etc., ace, ty 25 s 98' 2 Ch 6 42 ; also Hb 3 2 . C. extenuating circumstances, sq. cl. with "3, Jb 7 7 io 9 ^ 78 39 103 14 (IttT be- thinketh him, Che, cf. De Kb* 2 * 14 Ba NBm ); also V^ 48 (sq. ^S + epex. cl. with fie). 4. re- member sins, idolatries etc., sq. ace, Ho 7 2 8" (Ihpa), 9 9 (|| id.), Je i 4 10 (|| id.); neg. Je 44" (|| vb by rby), is 43 s5 6 4 8 * 2 5 7 79 8 (+ p P ers.) ; sq. p Je 31 34 ; also (obj. reproach) i/' 74 1822 89"; and (obj. day of Jerusalem) jr 137 7 ( + Di-IK '33p, i. e . against them). Miph. P/

mpl. consec. DFn2iJi Nu io 9 ; Impf. 3 ms. "Or 

Je n 19 + ; 3 fs. "VW Ez 25 10 , (13JP1 Ex 34" rd. "I3jn v. 1?T); 2 'fs. npW Is a3 " Ez 2 i s7 ;

mpl. TOf Ho2 19 +; 3 f P L rrj-ojn Is 65" + ; 

T P3jri Ez'3 20 ; /to/ cs<r. sf. D3-13Jn T Ez2i 29 (om. © Co); Pt. pi. Dn|]3 Est 9*.— 1. be brought to remembrance, remembered, thought of usu. 0. neg. :— - a. in general, subj. Baalim Ho 2 19 (+ D ?f 3 ), cf. Zc 13 2 (||nnDK); former heaven and earth Is 65 17 (||aij by rby); (wicked) dead Jb 24 20 (|| lfirDB* v a ); coral (not to be thought of [others, be mentioned] in comparison with wisdom) Jb 28 18 ; of attention paid to Tyre under fig. of harlot Is 23 16 (opp. nratii). b. brought to r ^'s remembrance, subj. the people, (1) with gracious result Nu io 9 (P; '1 >}£sb, ((Symbol missingHebrew characters)); (2) for judgment Ez:21:29 (om. S Co), c. be remembered by (Symbol missingHebrew characters) neg. of deeds, as affecting (Symbol missingHebrew characters)'s judgment, (1) righteous EZ3 20 18 24 33 13 (sq. p of advantage, ace. to Co); (2) wicked 18 22 (sq. p, om. A B 33 etc., Co) 33 16 (sq. p). d. be remembered '*'?§ ^ 109 14 (|| nan~7K). 2. neg. be not remembered = no longer exist, of name of Israel, as nation Je 1 1 19 (||m33), ^ 83' (||'i:e DTfOJ); of Ammonites Ez 21 37 25 10 . 3. be remembered, of particular days, in order to be observed, commemorated, Est9 2S (sq. CB'J??! observe, celebrate). Hiph. Pf 3 ms. "> , ?tl IS49 1 ; 2 ms. sf. is. 'Wpjni consec. Gn 40"; Impf. 3 ms. T , 3£ Is i 9 »{ 1 s ". T31K Ex 20 24 + , etc.; Imv. ms. sf. 1 s. ^TStn Is 43 s6 ; mpl. tWp|n Isi2 4 Je4 16 ; Infcstr.^^b) 2 Si8 ,8 +; sf. 3 ms. VVJffl| 1 S 4 18 ; sf. 2 inpl. D?"OP Ez 2 1 29 (cf. Sta' 245 ' Kb* 29 - 11 ); Pt. ">*|JP Gn 41'+, etc.; fs. r0.3]C Nu5 15 ; — 1. cause to remember, remind, e ace pers. Is 43 s6 . 2. cause to be remembered, keep in remembrance, e ace rei, a person's name 2 S 18' 8 ^45 18 ; of '», causing his name to be remembered, by some token, Ex 20 24 (JE). 3. mention, a. sq. ace pers. Gn 40 14 (E ; sq. ~7*J pers.), '=call upon Is 62", name of "» 26 13 49 1 (|| 'Jtnp), name of other gods, neg., Ex 23 13 (JE ; || yo^); S q. nti? Am 6 10 , cf. i/a 20 8 (De Che al. boast of praise, ©