Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/297

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rfo 273 Hiph. Pf. sf. W^W La i" causat. of Qal 1 make light of despise (opp. 1??); on form cf. Ges'"'"- 8 RobGes, MV SS (> assigned to i>«  by Thes Ko* u "). tp?t n.f. worthlessness, only tt?T D"|3 D"JK V.?^ [van d. H. Jflty] f 1 2 9 cf. De & Che •*■ "•

    • |J/7T (quadrilit. vof foil.; v. reff. infr.)

T PTCy - T n.f. raging heat (on format, cf. Ges^^Ol* 186 * 1 ' 2 )— 'r f 1 19 53 ; pi. abs. rtmfy +11*1 cstr. niS^t La 5 10 ;— 1. of fever heat of famine 3JH 1 La 5 10 . 2. of burning wind

nn ^ 1 1 6 (in fig. of '**B judgment, with tW, 

rinsa). 3. fig. of zeal "mm t ^ „ 9 a. PHf (/of foil.; Thes comp. Aram. *£] Pa. drop, drip; cf. q^; ; also NH *$> sprinkling, la^Lt dropping, pouring, iiJT a/uZZ 6010Z, etc.) t HE - T Leah's maid, one of Jacob's t : * wives, mother of Gad and Asher Gn 29 s4 30'- '""(all J), 35 26 3f 4 6 18 (allP). t UOf vb. oonsider,purpose, devise(Aram. DOT in der. conjj.; cf. Ar. lj speak, talk (rare); Aram. ») is sonuit, resonavit, the n. pftjJH is tinnitus, sirepitus) — only Qal Pf. DDT Dt i 9 19 + 2t; DOT Laz 17 ; HOOT Pr 31 16 ; rfeT Pr 30 32 ; Tl'OT Je 4 28 but also 'ROOT Zc 8 1416 ; ^n'ST + 1 7 3 either belongs here with irreg. accent (v. De), or is Inf. after anal, of n"? e. g. nisn cf. 7 7 10 (Hi Ei) ; Che crit "' rds. 'TOT ; 1DDT ^31"; Impf 1Dr r Gn 1 1 6 (Ges ' "■ R u ) ; on poss. Inf. fa y)r 17 3 v.supr.; Pt. DOT ^37 12 ; — 1. consider, fix thought upon, c. ace. of concrete obj. rnb> Pr 3 1 18 . 2 . purpose, devise : a. esp. of Yah weh's purpose in punishment Je 4 s8 (abs.), 51" sq. n'B>3> + acc. (||nsnp), La 2 17 (sq. -IB&) Zc 1 1 (c. ISkO sq. inf.), S u '(id.); of blessing only 'fiaP J3 3'C'nis VIDDT Zc 8 15 (opp. v"). b. of evil pur- pose of wicked men n&h 'P nt?K Gn 1 1 6 Dt 19" (c. TflO + inf.), f 31 1 * (sq. inf.); abs. Pr 30 32 ( || i?33), + 1 7 3 have I (i. e. if I have) devised evil (so De); sq. ? pers. (= against) V'37 12 . t[D?3Tj n.[m.] plan, device (bad sense), only iOO]V MO 9 (II 5, ? h r ^ D )- ti. HT2T n.f. plan, device, wickedness — abs.'r Lvi8 17 +I7t.; cstr.riBT Pr24»+2t.; sf. ^insTEz i6 58 + 3t; nrriBTEz 23 4849 ; pl.niOT is 3 2 7 , sf. ,r )teT Jbi7"; — 1. plan, purpose Jb 17* ; else- where always 2. in' bad sense : a. evil device Is 32 7 (c. yv, sq. bn^); n))tt npT, p r 24'; cf. +

1 9 150 . b. wickedness in act 'f D'cy 
10 (|pny), 

Ho 6 9 (where murder in context), Pr io 23 21" cf. Now. Esp. c. of unchastity : incest Lvi8 17 20 1414 , licentiousness 19 s * (all H), Ju 20* (ll n ?W)> adultery Jb 31 11 ; freq. (mostly Ez) metaph. of idolatry of people under fig. of har- lotry and adultery Je 13 27 (^n«T HOT), Ez 16 27 (tot tirrn), v 43 - 58 (both || najTin), 22 9 (c. nfcy), v" (iron nob, || najnn), 23 2l - 27 (||?irvvT), v**(nrj*" i|WJJ0 tppj) , n^wT),v 35 (||^!n«TPi),v 44 ( / in nUAjt, Co 'r mb^), v 48 - 48 - 49 (|| [J&WJ ^pn), 24 13 . [in Ez 1 6 VM 2 4 13 del. Co, chiefly on intern, grounds.] fir. nQT of several Levites (Ger- shonites)— 1. 1 Ch 6 5 . 2. 1 Ch 6 s7 . 3. 2 Ch 2 9 12 . Tn?31Q n.f. purpose, discretion, device (Je andWfcsdLt), HSTD Jb 4 2 2 +5t.; nrnsttpn Je 11 15 (but rd. for D"3! 'on with ® nbTOn Dn^|]);i r )PTDJe5 I 11 ;pl.abs.niOT0^3 7 7 + 7t.; cstr. id. Je 23 20 3o 24 ; sf. WtoTD ^ io 4 ;— 1. of '*'& purposes Jb 42 2 ; chiefly in punishment (cf. DDT, HOT) Je23 20 3 o 24 5i 11 (|| DDT v 1J ). 2. power of devising, discretion Pr i 4 (||nS , !),2 11 (||fWOn),

2> (i| n»^n), 5 2 (l|ny^) ,- niDTD njn 8 12 . 3. a. evil 

thoughts of men jt io 4 , evil devices of men Jb 2 1 27 (HnUETID), f io 2 21' 2 (both c. 3t?n). t,. wickedness in act Je 11' 5 ^37" (both c. <^V), 139 20 nSTDp = wickedly; — note phrases: B^X niDTD a man of (evil) devices (or practices) Pr

2 (opp. ato) 14 17 ; niDTD-i>y3 p r 24 8 (||3t? ! nD 

V$$ ; v. h»> tn^TSTQ^ said to be a name given to D'XBT by the Ammonites who dis- possessed them Dt 2 20 (cf. Ar. lj_.j talk gib- berishf), ® Zoxofiniv, Zo^fo/i/jfii/, and Zo^fuiv (so ©L); cf. Gn 14 5 DW q.v. (® 10*, 'ur X vpa). t [Ol] vb. (Aram, and late) only Pu. P<. be fixed, appointed, of time (Ar. J^.; continue, Aram. Pa. |OT, ^£11 summon to fixed time or place,invite,appoint ; cf. |0]infr.) — D^DTD D'Jiy Ezr io 14 Ne io 35 ; ni3DTD ; V Ne 13 31 . tjTOT n.m. (late) appointed time, time (Ar. £ij, Eth. HodI: BAram. ft JDT, but Syr. Us), Mand. XJ3'T, Sam. iaA^, Palm. N33T, cf. Reckendorf 2 " 01888 ' 394 )— sg. JOT Ne 2" Ec 3 1 ; sf.