Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/305

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era 281 DJDI |iBS» anjjBCrt yj, 107 3 . c. <o or toward the place of sunrise, to the east, eastward : ( I ) nlTlltp Nu 32" (P), Dt 3 1 ™ 7 ('oi njDTY! nrtasn no;), 4 49 Josii 8 i6'(JE), 12 133 I3 8 (allb),v ,7:ia i6'i8 7 20 8 (all P), 1 Ch 9 18 26 14 ; || ncnp Nu 3 s8 Jos 19" (both P) Je 31 40 ; || ™%, HIR, H3M i K 7 s6 , cf. Jos 16 6 (P) 1 CI126 17 ; +nD"ip Ex27 13 38 13 Nu2 s 34 16 (all P); D"$D Zci4 4 (opp. HfJ); (2) rnrg (without n loc), naaj ruisx to; 'o iCh 9 ",cf.Nei2 37 ; nsjo^ 'd aOhfi"; (3)'"^ 1 Ch 5» 7 s8 (opp. 3-jp^) 12 16 (so Baer; v 15 van d. H; opp. id.), 26 17 (+njiBS&, najib), Ne3 26 ; nni]B^ 2Ch 3 i 14 ; (4) / WT^J Dn8 9 ( + 333n-^, ^xn-Sx); ( 5 ) rnjD-ny peifci Dps? d»d Am 8 12 . d. (on) tlie east side of, cstr. TFp rnto iljfp Jos 4 19 (P); also c. 5> tfjn nnioj) iCb^ ffpn '»!> 6°; c. |t?, tBO Join* (opp. D;o) cf. 17 10 ( + fiBSD; both JE), also 16 6 (P). e. after a cstr. ivbb 'd ^srb-^y 1 Ch 5 10 ; 'on aferj 2 Ch2 9 4 ; 'on nye* jj'e 3"; 'o H« Zc8 7 (opp.'siap p«  etotfn). t[D"1T] vb. pour forth in floods, flood away (As^ zardmu, overwhelm,R S6! ' 7c T)l VTn & in Zim BP " 9 )— Qal l J f. 2 ms. sf. Dnpit f 90 6 iftow Jloodest them with rain, sweepest them (men) away. Po. i>/. 3 pi. ni3V D'O «T)f yj, 77 18 the cZowd masses (Che) poured forth water. TO"tt n.m. Hb - 3 ' 10 flood of rain, rain-storm, downpour (Aram. JVC"]] icZ.) — abs. 't Is 4* + 2t.; DV Is 32 s ; cstr. DT|T Jb 24 8 +4t.; Is 4" (|| -OOJ); BJJ T Is 28 2 Hb 3 10 ; Dnn t Jb 24 s , i.e. such as falls among mts. cf. Di ; "H3 't Is 2 8 2 ; B7JP flDriO 25^, Tg Bjj v 4 i.e. such as dashes against a wall, 32 s (H™" 1 ), f3N1 Dntl fB3 T.3 go 39 . T i~IT2*Tt n.f . issue (of semen virile), in fig. of the paramours of Jerusalem Dnpnt D'WD T~Yfl Ez 23 20 . fl. ^"1T vb. sow, scatter seed (NH id.; As.2^■r!iTP ^rl!m, "• I6 ; Ar. £j; Aram. <•&, in]; Eth. HC*: HCO: but in Sab. rrt DHM ZMG1883 ' 16 and in, Id. in MV 10 ""- 242 ' 988 )— Qal Pf. 3 ms. BTJ Ju 6 3 ; 1 s. WflfJ Je 31 27 ; sf. flVypn consec. Ho 2 25 ; 3 pLVJJ Je 12 13 ; 2 mpl. D^yi! Hg 1 6 ; Qriyill consec. Gn 4 7 23 + 2 1. ; Impf. SJp Ec 1 1 4 ; jnw Gn 26 12 ; sf. njrtfl Jug 46 ; 1 s. ny-UK Jb 31 8 ; sf. DJJ-iW Zc io 9 , etc.; Imv. ms. Hj sni Ec ii«; mpl. W11 Ho io 12 + 2 t.; /n/. JP!^ Is 28 s4 ; P«. ac«. y-jf Is 55'°+ 3 t.; JP.'.t Pr 22" Je 50", etc.; Pt. pass. jnt ^ 97" (but on text v. infr.); f. nyn] J e 2 2 ; — 1. lit. sow: a. abs. sow (seed), do one's sowing Ju 6 3 Gn 26' 2 (J), Is 28 24 (after ploughing Bnn); lJttMl mpi WIT Dnro Is37 30 =2 K 19 29 ; || nvp also Mi 6" Lv 2 5 ll (H), Ec 11 4 : ||(|DM Lv 25 20 (H); opp. ion Jb 3 1 8 ; Dnrfe-^ 'jnt Is 32 20 (on cstr. cf. Ges !130 ' 1 ); c. nya^j nanrnM LV25 22 ; sq. njr^j Hg i 6 (opp. BVD tan), b. c. ace. of land HOIK Ex2 3 ">(JE; |ji|DK), Gn 4 7 23 (J); field (m's?) ^v 2 5 3 (II 1DN), cf. v 4 ^ 107 37 ; as pt. pass, nyn) 16 J7J J e 2 2 (|| IS"}?), c. c. ace. of seed IO 1 ™? 1 Dt 11 10 , cf. 22' Je 35 7 Lv 26 16 (H) Ec 11 6 ; sq. CBH Je 12 13 (|hvp); cf. also P«3 nnto jnm ib^n ^b Ex 2 3 16 (JE). d. sq. 2 ace. D?sbs> ipn? sntn n^ Dt 2 2 9 ; cf. D^b? mn sb yfc Lv 19" (H); ngw r riw rnryfc ip is 30 23 ; also of destroyed city n?D nj)"1]>5 Ju 9". e. pt. act. as subst. $ni' Je 50 16 (|| "WT|; nj?3 ^5D JMDh); Y& Is 55 10 (|| b?«^)- 2. of shrub and tree producing, yielding seed, c. ace. cogn. Gn i 29 - 29 (P), cf. Hiph. 3. fig. : a. of Yahweh's sowing (planting) Isr. in the land v WUCW p&9 Ho 2 26 (We wnjnn, obj. being Jezreel) ; on the other hand tPftf DJTJW Zc io*. b. c. 2 ace, of Yahweh's fructifying Isr. and Judah inn din ptj inw Trm bvritr> wrm ^njnn nom Je 3 1 27 . c. of moral action, D3? V]T np r ni;!)Hoio 12 (|hvp); npnv'rPrn' 8 ; WTp*^J D^S'p'PK Je 4 3 sow no< tVi among thorns (said of a few righteous deeds amid much wickedness); esp. of evil-doing lisp? nriBIW 1JTT nn Ho 8 7 ; bpy ^jj-it Jb4 8 (|pspj; nx-iisp^ nbiy jniT p r

2 8 . d. of Israel's practising idolatry TVto] 

vpw n J Is 1 7'° (2 ace.) e. nn3 ny»n3 BV«n ^ISp^ ^ 126 s metaph. of distress followed by joy.' f. p^sb jnt liX f 97 1 ' r d. prob. nnj, Vrss 01 Hu Bae Che al. Niph. be sown, fructified, Pf. 3 fs. n ^1!^ consec. Nu s 28 ; 2 mpl. DTjjnHl consec. Ez 36"; Impf. 3 ms. JHJ! Na 1 14 ; ' j?p'f' Dt 21 4 Lv 1 1 s7 ;

fs. 1TWI Dt 29 s2 ;— 1. 6e *o^n.- a. subj. f$$, 

npxn k?i 'in xb Dt 29 s2 , cf. (of fn'N bn) na|» k!j 'r 1^1 13 Dt 2 1 4 ; in address to ^mfe* ^n, nrijnHi DB"J3^) Ez 36". b. subj. jn.1, Fit rjj fjf nB'K Lv 1 1 37 (P); fig. TiV IP?? 'i: N^ Na i 14 nomore of thy name he sown, in judgment against Nineveh. 2. &e fructified, made pregnant