Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/334

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aan .4" Nu 6 16 Ez 45 17 , 'n 3npn Lv io w Ez 44 s7 , 'n tiriB' Lv 14 13 Ez 40 39 . 5. purification from sins of ceremonial uncleanness, all P : 'PI 'D Nu 8 7 water of purification from sin; ton 'PI PHI 'O water of (cleansing from) im- purity, it is a purification from sin Nu 19 9 ; 'nn JIB"^ "1B5J Nu 19 17 ashes of the burning of the purification from sin (RV renders sin- offering; but there was no offering made, only water of purification was used). fl- [^JDH] vb. out or gather wood, usu. firewood (NH id. ; Ar. ^k.i firewood, ^ka. collect firewood (v. Wetzst in De +M4 - 12 ); Eth. /hrnft: c-w< (rr gather) firewood) — Qal Impf. OOTC Ez 39 10 ; 7n/. abr£ Dt 19 5 ; Pi. 30PI Dt29 10 ; pi. D'ach 2CI12 9 ; cstr. »3Bh J0S9 21 + 3 t. ; pass. pi. f. Pliaen Pr 7' 6 — cut or gather wood, sq. ace. Dt 19 s 29 10 (|] D'D aNB>); cf. Ez 39 10 Dnyvr;o (obj. in preceding cl.); 2 Ch 2* (HD^jn VT13); J»<. cstr. D'Xy 'n Je 46 21 , and (j|rrn , aKfe>)'jos9 ai - S3 - 27 . Pu.P<.nia^nt?^i 44 12 meaning dub. ; perhaps hewn (so, in substance, Thes MV SS Ew Che Bae ; v. however II. aun), of corner-pillars (11*1} v. 1V1T p. 265 supr.), sim. of beautiful, stately daughters. .21317 (-/of foil.; cf. Ar. J^ki be of the colour ilk», i.e. turbid, dusky, mixed with yellowish red, etc. ; Aram. Pt. )tf„-i^.» v> variegated <& 2 S 13"). trTUron dark-hued stuffs, only in ayw? pex nfion p r 7 16 dark-hued stuffs (of) yarn of Egypt (|| D^aiD), v . De Now; PliaKTO ^ 1 44 12 der. fr. this -/by De (q. v., and "Wetzt.'s n.), but v. I. aon. ntSH wheat, v. sub D3n. t2J3J7 (-/of foil.; cf. Ar. ki make lines, marks, ki /iw«, streak, stripe; Aram. xL, Dt?n dig, L^ci'.^,.». furrow, trench). t Ntt^n head of a Levit. family, returned exiles Ezr 2 42 ® AT>;rn,= Ne 7 46 © At« 17-a ; in both A Arira, ®L Afifa. t3n (-/of foil. ; Ar. Jki = 6«/a% (of ear), be tall, long, quivering, be light, quick). T VtSn head of a family of ' the children of Sol.'s servants ' Ezr 2 57 ® Arr«a, A AttiA = Ne 7 M © E^X, A EmjX, @L ArriX in both.


tDpn vb. hold in, restrain (Ar. Iki. strike the nose, attach the llki. = camel- halter, Iki. n. muzzle, nose of beast ; NH DBn nose-ring of camel, PJtpin ; Aram. XOCffl nose; cf. Dan, Inscr. Zinj.; ace. to DHM Send!,ch:!4 , of taming wild beasts) — Qal Impf. ^]7"DD~K i Ip^pL 1 '*^$ Is 48 9 I will restrain for the (mine anger), not to cut thee off (W'&R ^""IXN). T*ipn vb. catch, seize (Ar. i_LWi; cf. As. tahtlpu, oppression, Dl Pr I81 ; NH 190, Aram. &^~ seize, PJOP1 do hurriedly) — Qal Pf DR??™ consec. Ju 21 21 lit., seize wives ; Impf. ^V *[&?. ^ 10 9 ; Inf. ty «Hitanb ^ i 9 both fig. of oppres- sor catching the distressed; all sq. ace. tHEPtpn head of a family of Nethinim, post-exil., Ezr 2 34 © Arov<f>a, A KTi()a =Ne 7 M © A.Tt«f>a; ©L both Arovfa. ")JDn (-/of foil; cf. Ar.Jki lash with the tail, move spear up and down, shake, quiver (said of spear), etc. ; Aram. Ji^d., K"1Din ( As. hutartu, all = staff, Schr C0TG,OM and on 2 K 9 2 ; laPI sceptre, Inscr. Zinj. DHM Send " che7 ; on format, v. Lag 81 " 44 ). TllOn n.m. branch or twig, rod — metaph. abs.'n branch, twig, Is 1 1 ' ♦«£ VUp T K^l ( || 1W) ; cstr. rod, m$ 10PI HjjpBB Pr 14 3 . nt£n v. nxtsn S ub xon. T - T IL'tOn (-/of foil.; meaning unknown). TlTltfin 1. man of Davidic line, post-exil., 1 Ch 3 a © Xarrovs ®L Atous, Ezr 8 s © Tovs, A©L Arrnvs. 2. a builder at the wall of Jerus. Ne 3 10 , © Atov6, ®L Arrow. 3. head of a priestly house, post-exil., Ne io 5 ® Tow, ®L Attovs, I2 2 ©L Attovs (B om.); relation to 2 dubious. "•H, 7MTT v. sub PIT! infr. JYTTT v. sub mn. T • iTTT^ vb. live (NH Ph. id.; Ar. *£, ^^■; Sab. m Mordt ZMO lm - *>; Eth. rtif.<D: Aram. jL, Njn; Palm. "Pi &>, life-time, Vog 32 '")— Qal 203 P/. nj!j Ec 6°+ 4t.; Kiv j e2 ,9 3 g 2 . ^n Gns 6 + 2 3t. (this and the following form are treated as J)"jj, the original weakness of the stem final ♦ admitting of either Pi"i> or v"V, Ges» 76(2, «);