Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/341

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An ■ Lv3 ».I.4.9.....10.14.H.« +23 t> LVj Nu , 8 17 ( a H p) ( Lvi7 6 (H),iSi5 22 Isi 11 43 24 Ez44 7 - 15 ;v.Is34 6 ' i7 of fat of Edomites slaughtered by (Symbol missingHebrew characters)'s sword (under fig. of lambs, rams, and bulls); »s eaten by (strange) gods Dt 32 38 (poet.), not to be eaten by men Lv 3 17 7***^ (all P); also pi., fat parts or pieces Gn 4* (J) Lv6 s + 8t. Lv, 1 K S MM 2 Ch 7" zg 35 35". 3. choicest, best part of products of land Gn 45"* (E), specif, of oil Nu 18 12 and wine v 12 ; of corn and oil v 29 - "•»; also (poet.) ntsn rii<J>| Tl Dt 32 14 kidney- fat of tvheat (i. e. the very choicest, cf. Is 34 6 ), nan Tt ^8i 17 , Q'tsn 'n 147 14 . L ' L fll. l.n (Sab. ]lbh = the crafty one Sab. Denkm. 27 - 2s ) — one of David's heroes 2 S 23 s9 (but rd. ( , )l^>n, v. Dr), © EvSau, A Aa<t>, ©L Aap( = lbn i Ch I i»ssT£n 27 16 ). Tnjrpn town assigned to Asher Ju i 31 , site unknown, © X«/38a, ®L EX/3a; (comp. As. Mahalliba Schr Dl.but v. 3^118 infr.) Tp^bn place whence wine came (to Tyre) 'n f* Ez 27 18 ; so also As. Hilbunim or Hilbunu, v. Schr C0T and Dl in Co. Mod. HalbA?i, NW. fr. Damascus, Wetzst ZMGxI. 1857, 490f. T> 1 Pal 341 tnD^Vn n.f. (Aram. )&i4N.S, *&$$ © ^aA/Sawi, 23 galbanum) — a kind of gum Ex 30 34 , ingredient of the holy incense, v. Di Low 115 . tubnN town assigned to Asher Ju i 31 , site unknown, © Aakatf> (= AaXa<£) (WMaxMuller Asl "" l '- Euroi>alM thinks corrupt, for ibnv, As. Muhalliba (which Schr 00T Ju i 37 Dl Pa 233 comp. with 3?nK and '"W^); he rds. ibno for bno Jos 19 29 , © a d/rA A«£=3^hlM ; this would be on coast, N. of Achzib). I. *77n (-/of foil.; Ar. lii. abide, continue, often in Qor of righteous in Paradise). j- L * TTTn n.[m.] Jbn ' 17 duration, world (= alaiv) (Ar. jii. perpetual duration, eternity) — abs. 'n ^i7 14 ; ibn Jbn 17 +2 t. + Is38 n Che De, sq. Cod. Bab. etc.(Baer inn); sf.^bn ^ 39 6 ; = duration of life, Jb n 17 ^ '39 s (IpOJ), N>*< lb] n^n-HD 89^0/ what duration I am Dr' 189 ^ or ('JIX for ijx) ro/ia< is life(1) Hi Ew Now al.; world (=(Symbol missingGreek characters), not (Symbol missingGreek characters)) ψ 1714 492 ((Symbol missingHebrew characters) || VOSns), cf. Is 38 n (v. supr.; ||D»nn ffy). II- "nn ("/of foil.; cf. NH lbn dig, or hollov) out, Aram. «^L» creep, crawl). ™ nVn t"rVn (Sab. ibn DHM""^- D.Dk m . ») one of David - B heroes, son of n;j»3 r Ch 1130 GL (Symbol missingGreek characters) (=(Symbol missingHebrew characters) 2715 = (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 2S 2329).

t"T?n n.[m.] weasel (NH KJ^VJj Ar. jli. wio/e or blind-rat, or a species of rat ; on format, v. Lag B! " M ) — weasel Lv 1 1 2 ' (Vrss Ki Thes al. v. esp. Di ; >Saad Bo MV SS Lag 10 - mole). Ti"TT?n prophetess, Josiah's time, 2 K 2 2 14 = 2 Ch 34 22 , © OXda. t^WH 1. one of David's heroes

Ch 27 15 (=^n 1 j 3 " = 3^n 2 s 23 20 ) © xos«a 

(Sat), ©L oXSia. 2. a returned exile Zc 6 10 (om. ©) = D^n v 14 . |I. Jl7n vb. be weak, sick (NH id.; Aram.N?n sit^er(rare); As. halA, sickness, grief, Dl Pr181 )— Qal Pf. 'n 1 K i 4 ' + 8 t.; 2 *.!$$ IsS7 10 ; 1 s-Wbn iS30 13 +2t.; ribm consec. Ju i6 7,117 ,^n J e 5 s( so rd., v. infr.); Impf. brk

K i 2 ; Inf. sf.Wbn Is 38 s ; Vlibn ,/, 77 » c f. sub 

Pi. ; onibn ^ 351 3 / p<. nbh Gn 48 1 + 6 1. + 1 S

s (v. infr.); njfol Ne s 2 Mai 1 13 ; f. nWlEcs' 2 

+ 3 t. (for Je 4 31 v. I. bT), cstr. O^n Ct 2' 5 8 ;— 1. be or 6ecom« weaA, Samson Ju 16 71117 ; feel weak Is 57 10 (Che) Ez 34 416 . 2. become sick, ill Gn 48 1 (E) 1 S 19 14 30 13 i K 14 15 1 5 s3 (of Asa, = ttbn 2 Ch 16 2 ) 17 17 2 K i 2 8 7 13 14 (c. ace. cogn.) 20 12 = Is39 1 , Is 33" 38" Pr 23 s5 ^35 13 Ne2 2 , cf. yjr 77" "nibn for 'rffen Che after Bi ; lame and sick — i. e. imperfect for sacri- fice — of animals Mai i 813 ; sick from effect of wounds 2 K 8 M = 2 Ch 2 2 cf. Pr 2 3 s5 , H3D with ^n Dt 28 5961 Je 6 7 io 19 ; hyperbol. sick from love '38 rnqK nMn Ct 2 s 5"; be sick unto dying rviob rbh 2 K 2o'=Is 38 1 , n^-iy'n (late) 2 Ch

2 24 ; Je 5 3 rd. prob. &n tb (for MT ^n, v. 

I. i>in) of the people, unmoved by '»'s chastise- ments ; thou hast smitten them, but they are not sick (cf. XTiph. Am 6 6 ) ; of sickness of the mind in MT 1 S 22 9 sq. bj? (but rd. rather bch © Gr KI0D1); pt. asadj.*«uere, sore n?'n nV"l Ec5 1215 ; —on Je 4 31 v. I. bm. iriph.P/ 1 s. W.bn3Dn8 27 ;

pi. 6nj Am 6 6 Je 12 13 ; P«. f. nbnj is 17" + 

4t.; pi. rbm Ez 34* (del. Co) v 21 ';— 1. make oneself sick, fig. for strain oneself Je I2 13 (but Gr *$3). 2. 6e m«/« «ic/i; Dn S 27 ; 'ni «b f indifference, apathy Am 6 6 sq. by ^cf. Qal Je 5 3 );