Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/350

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"rarra Canaan Gn o a and of various peoples IO*** i Ch i 8 , cf. Of ttypH DPl-jJ? 4 4 °; these peoples were inhabitants of southern lands, or related historically or politically to such inhabitants ; v. r*», ?y?3, OW?, BIS, etc. 2. in late /^ a name (coll.) for Egyptians: — ' n vHf?

  • 78 sl ; 'n-p.? 105 2327 106 s3 (all || D^15f», exc.

1 05 2 '). — On historical significance, andattempts at etymol. v. Di G " n - 8d - 6 ' ch " ,10 '* ,p " pl65 ' 168f -, Horn sv i. *n Bu or,, ass -Wiedemann Aavt G "' b - '• ■. . DPI husband's father, v. ncn. in. □!! adj. warm, hot, v. sub DDn. □ft v. sub DOn. J^^n (v of foil.; cf. Ar. Lii be liard, used of curdled milk, Frey). tn^nn n.f. curd;— 'n Gn i8 8 +6t.; = HOn Jb 29 s ; cstr. J"lSt?n Dt 32 14 ; curd, curdled milk, mod. lebben 1 *** &Q yv Pr 30 33 , elsewhere joined with 37>ri Gn i8 8 (J) Dt 32 14 (poem ; ?KS 3.bni n|53 71KBn), J u 5 s5 (where served D*H8 i^D3, v. bad); with B^j 2 S 1 7 s9 Is 7»-»». cf /)V| "tym ^n: fig. of abundance Jb 20 17 ; npna »3'bn prn : 3 Jb 29 s (|| pw; "W


tsnn v. non sub on T " t "TOn vb. desire, take pleasure in (Aram. ipn (not in Syr.); Ar. S*JL praise, eulogize, approve of; Sab. DIEn m gratitude [praise] <fter«-/or DHM ZMG «* ■ ' 1876 ' « 86 ) - Qal i'/. 'n ^68 17 Pri2 12 ; Vltpn Pn 22 ; Vtom consec. Mi2 2 ; DPI-IOPI Is i 29 ; /mp/. "*!JC Ex 34 s4 ; 2 ms. Ibrw Ex20 1616 +3t. (inch Pre 24 juss.); sf. D}?™} Jos 7 21 ; *VTOIW Is 53 2 ; P«. pa«*. hWq ^ 39 12 Jb 20 20 , DrtHIDn Is 44 9 ; — desire: a. in bad sense of inordinate, ungoverned, selfish desire, sq. ace. Ex 20 17 " (E)=Dt 5 18 (v 18b has nJUTW), Ex 34 s * ( JE) Dt 7 s5 Jos 7 21 (JE) Mi 2 2 Pr 1 2 12 ; of lustful desire Pr 6 25 . T>. = take pleasure in, of idolatrous tendency Is i 29 , so pt. pi. Drrnwn Is 44' their delightful things (things in which they delight, v. also v 11 and Bev ,Pb '""- 1888 - 1, - ,ai ); E«6 Vltpn fw? Pr i 22 how long do scorners delight in scorning, c. less often in good sense, said of God to3E>b '« non inn, poe t. ^68' 7 ; obj. the suffering servant of', Is 53 s no beauty in him, that we should desire him (choose him, be drawn toward him) ; pt. pass. coll. VTOJJ ^ 39 12 his desired tilings, i. e. chosen, choice, desirable (v. Niph.); so prob. Jb 20°°. Miph. Pt.ttin Gn2 9 +2 t.; DHDnsn ^19";— desirable: 'iyy n*P»!> Gn 2 9 , W^nb o 3 6 , ann? 'nan ^ i u which are more desirable than gold; *W? n ?. "^SIS Pr 2 1 20 desirable, i.e. costly treasure. ' Pi. Pf 1 s. delight greatly »R3g^ 'n ib*3 Ct 2 3 tw /«'« shadow I greatly delighted and sate, i. e. sate with great delight. T "iftft n.[m.] desire, delight — abs. 'n Am 5 u + 4t.; only after a cstr.; DriyBJ TTW3 Am 5" vineyards of desire (i.e. delightful vineyards) have ye planted; so rd. also Is 27 s (for MT npn ffj|) Codd. £ ® van d. H Lo Hi Ew De Di Che Du; so of fields fl *# Is 32 12 ; elsewh. of young men 'n ,_ fln3 Ez 23 61223 desirable young men=fine, attractive, young men. trVTCn n.f. id.— 'n Ho i3 16 +8t,; cstr. rvron l&'<f>+zt.; sf. wen j e 12 10 ; ^nnon Ez 26 12 ; Ornon Dn 11 8 ;— desire of Israel I 8 9 20 sq. ? before obj. of desire ; Tl N?3 = without desire 2 Ch 2 1 20 (i.e. he lived as no one desired), v. 6t @ (not ®L) 33; concrete : btn'B* 'rrbs 1 S 9 20 and for whom is all that is desirable in 1st A so ® 93 RV Dr ; (> AV and on whom is all the desire of IsrA); cf. BFWrfa 'n 1N31 Hg 2 7 (i. e. the desirable, precious things of all nations); elsewh. after cstr. as T?n ; esp. 'n v3 Ho 13" Na 2 10 Je 25 s4 2 Ch' 32 s7 36 10 Dn ii» ; 'n ni>3^ is 2 16 , 'fl h? ^ i°6 24 Je 3 19 Zc 7 14 , cf. 'n np)n j e 12 10 ; 'n to Ez 26 12 ; di* 'n Dn 11 37 , appar. ref. to some obj. of idolatrous worship, perhaps Adonis = Tammuz Ew Bev (Astarte, Meinh). T[i"TTl!2n] n.f. desirableness, precious- ness— PI. abs. TfTWn Dn 9 23 ; nh»n Ezr 8 37 ; niipn 2 Ch2o 25 +4t.'; n'nen Gn 27"; cstr. niicn Dn n 43 ; — desirable, choice things i.e. garments Gn 27 15 (||DHn); cf. Dnn 38 (||pK nip , ) ) 11 43 (DHVP ninpn); = precious things Ezr 8 s7 (as gold); 'n ♦» 2 Ch 2 o 2S ; T m^ Dn io 3 ; of man only 'nT5*N Dn io 1119 , and, without K**, nriN 'n Dn9 ra <Aom ar< a precious treasure (on construction v. Dr* 189,2 ; v. Bev and cf. neg. n»n Is 53"). t'i'TOn an Edomite Gn 36 s6 ® A/ia5a= HOD i Ch I 41 (® E^pav, ®L A^a8a/i). T7J3rTO n.m. desire, desirable thing — abs. "Itjnp Ho 9 6 ; cstr. id. 1 K 20 6 + 3 t. Ez ; pi. D'lOnp Ct5 16 ; cstr. , 'TCinp La 2 4 Ho 9 16 ;