Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/363

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rnon Br MP37 5; DuiTjq). II. of God: kindness, lovingkindness in condescending to the needs of his creatures. He is D^DH their goodness, favour Jon 2 9 ; ^Dn ^ 144*; "ton vfoj God of my kindness ty 59 18 ; in v n rd. VlDn *rpt< my God with his kindness <5 33 Ew Hup De Pe Che Bae ; his is the kindness ^ 6 2 13 ; it is with him |i 30 7 ; he delights in it Mi 7 18 . 1. specif, lovingkind- ness: a. inredemption from enemies and troubles Gn 19" 39 21 (J), Ex i5 I3 (song), Je 3 i 3 Ezrf 8 9 9 V,2i 8 3 i 1 ^32 1 »33

36 8n 42 9 44 27 48 u, 59 17 66 20 
s 90 14 94 18 io7 815 - 2 '- 31 143 812 Jb37 13 Ru 

men should trust in it i/r i3 6 52 10 ; rejoice in it V^i 8 ; hope in it^33 18 l47 n . b. in preservation of life from death ^6 5 86 13 Jb io 12 . C. inquick- ening of spiritual life ty 109 26 1 i9« , - 7,>88 - 1S4 - M, - Iw . d. in redemption from sin 1^25' 51 3 . e. in keeping the covenants, with Abraham Mi 7 20 ; with Moses and Israel "ipn(n)1 JV"13n "DB' keep- eth the covenant and the lovingkindness Dt 7 912

K 8 23 = 2 Ch 6 14 , Ne I 6 9 32 Dn 9 4 ; with David 

and his dynasty 2 S 7 15 = 1 Ch 17 13 , 2 S 22" =

  • i8 SI , iK3 66 =2Chi 8 ,V'89 29 - 34 ; with the wife

Zion Is 54 10 . 2. "IDn is grouped with other divine attributes : flDKI 1DPI kindness (loving- kindness) and fidelity Gn24 27 (J), ^25'° 40 1112

4 6 1 8 85 11 89 1S 115 1 1 38 s ; dj? now 'n n'e>y 
S 2 6 15 20 (®, v. Dr) ; DDK, 'n 2T Ex 34 s (JE), 

also || DDK Mi 7 20 V' 26 3 1 1 7 2 ; || TOOK

s 92 s ; r ft njfflM f 89 25 ; TODK1 'n i/' 

^86 15 - ^88'

s ; gcrem V' 77 9 ; D*»mi 'n Je 16 5 Ho 2 21 

^io3 4 ; BBWI 'n Jeg 23 Vf 101 1 ; ||npix^36 11 ; 'ni 310 ^ 23 6 . 3. the kindness of God is a. abundant: "iprr3*1 abundant, plenteous in kindness (goodness) Nu 14 18 (J), Ne 9 17 (Qr), Jo 2 13 Jon 4 2 f 86 5 103 8 (cf. Ex 34 6 JE ; f 86 15 ); <f^n 3T Ne 1 3 s2 ^ 5 8 69 14 106' (© 33 Aq X, to be preferred to MT T1P0); 1°7pn 3i La3 32 ^ 1 o6 45 (Kt ® in both to be preferred), b. great in extent : ' n ?~fi greatness of thy mercy Nu 1 4 19 (J) ; TTpna yfr 1 45 s ; it is kept for thousands Ex 3 4 7 ( JE), Je 3 2 18 , esp. of those connected with lovers of ' Ex 2 o 6 = Dt 5 10 ; for 1 000 generations Dt 7 9 ; it is great as the heavens yjr 57 11 103 11 , cf. 36 s 108 s ; the earth is full of it ^ 33 s 119". C. everlasting: VlDn dSv^ Je 33 11 1 Ch 16 s4 - 41 2 Ch5 13 7" 20 21 Ezr 3 11 ^ ioo 5 106 1 107 1 1 18 12 - .4.29 I36 l-26(26t.). Q^ ^ Dn ^ j jgS. Q^ 'f, D^IV 1JTI ^103"; D^y 'n Is 54 8 ; !>3 i>x 'n DVH + 52 3 . d. ^ooi: ^DH SiB" 1 ? ^,69" io 9 21 ; D"TO TlDn 310 13 ,/, 63 4 . 4. pi. mercies, deeds of kindness, the historic displays of loving- kindness to Israel : shewn to Jacob Gn32 u (R); but mostly late Is 63 7 f 25" 89 s ; vnDn 3i3 I 8 63 7 , see 3 a; promised in the Davidic covenant f 89 s0 ; TJ ^TRO mercies to David Is 55 s 2 Ch 6 4z ; mercies in general La 3 m ^ 17 7 107 4 " — IDn i n 'n _ |3 v. sub f3. On Lv 20 17 Pr 1 4 s4 v. 11. "IDn sub II. IDn. TTpn adj.m. kind,pious (so, as denoting active practice of "ion, kindness, Thes MV De and most, cf. "VXiJ, TpB etc.; >Hup on i/m* R.Vm who expl. as passive reception of (Symbol missingHebrew characters)'s I??, cf. T3fe>, TDK etc.; its use as attribute of . God Je 3 12 i/c 145 17 , and the context ty 1 2 1 Mi 7' etc., favour active sense) — 'n V' 4 4 + 9 1. ; 1T?0 Dt33 8 ^89 20 ; fT9qtx6 M ; P^D^Tpq f 149 16 ; sf. HW ^ 5 o 6 ; ITpq 1 S 2 9 + 15 t.'sfe.;— 1. kind: a. of man IDnnn 'n DV traM tffo /fcmd <Aow shewest thyself kind 2 S 2 2 26 =i/r 18 26 . b. of wing of ostrich iTVDfl n l?K DN Jb 39 13 t's it a kindly pinion ? poss. with play on HTpn n.f. stork (is the ostrich kind like the stork ?). c. of God, only Je 3 12 ^ 1 4 5 17 . 2 . ^h'oms, gw%, either as exhibition of 'duteous love' toward God (Che OP378 ), or (in view of rarity of such passages as Ho 6 4,6 Je 2 2 , and their possible ambiguity) because kindness, as prominent in the godly, comes to imply other attributes, and to be a designation of the godly character, piety: a. as adj. — TDfl K? '13 a nation, not pious,— ungodly ^ 43 1 . b. elsewh. as subst.: sing., a pious man, the godly ^4 4 12 2 32 s 86", IpC* Mi7 2 ; (thy) pious one{s) ^i6 10 (Kt pi.), 1 S 2 9 (Qr pi.) Pr 2 8 , 1 Jpn B*K men of thy pious one Dt 33 s (Moses, v. Di ; others, the man, thy godly one, i.e. Levi); pi. the pious, godly, those of the people who were faithful, devoted to God's service, only in Psalter and chiefly, if not entirely, in late Psalms ij/ 149 1 ' 5 ; his pious ones

  • 3°' 3i M 37* 85 9 97'° "° 15 148 14 149 9 ; thy

pious ones -^ 52" 79 s 8g w i32 9 =2Ch6 41 , i/' 1 45 10 ; my pious ones ^ 50 5 , her (Zion's) pious i/f I32 16 . — (In Maccab. age, trvvayayt) 'Aatdaiav denoted, technically, the party of the pious, who opposed the Hellenization of Judaea, v. 1 Mace 2 42 7 13 2 Mace 14 6 and Che OP48 ' M ; so perhaps ^ 116 15 149 169 .) fi. HT'pn n.f. stork (so called as kind and affectionate to its young) — Lvn 19 =Dt 14 18 , ^io4 17 Je8 7 Zc5 9 . TiTHpn {Yah is kind) son of Zerubbabel'i Chs 20 . z 2