Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/370

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-on Ex 3o" u +8 t.; nvnp Nu 3I 30 - 47 ; sf. ^VSnio Ex 30°, iVl'STO Lv6 l!U3 , DJTSTO Nu 31 29 — 1. AaZ/of a shekel Ex 3 o ial!U5 cf! v 23 38 s6 ; the flour for offering Lv 6 1313 , of spoils Nu 3 1 »- 3 »««; of tribe Jos 1 1 25 (all P), 1 Ch 6 4 " 11 ; of chariots 1 K 16'. 2. middle Di*n '& = midday, noon Ne 8 3 (cf. midnight, TliXn, *|q 2). JXn (^of foil.; meaning dub. ; denom. seem to be Ar. ^J±L, Eth. rhW: carry in the arms or bosom, rear, foster ; perhaps also As. esenu, bring together, also drink or rfraw tn sweet odours Flood Tablet" 149 Hpt in KAT 2GlMsl ). f []!in] a.m. bosom of a garment (Ar. J^-l*, Eth. <hftl: also Syr. L bosom (=Ui-.*), v. Honm 2 " 01878 '™ Lag""- 361 "- BN * ,C ; on this word and foil. v. Ba NBla>: ZMG1889 - 183 )— ia? N;>C nW "ItSytD i3Xni "VSfip^i 29 7 (grass)Mrt'<A which areaper JUleth not his hand, nor a binder his bosom. tfJtn n.m. bosom;— "Pl-iyj "isn Ne 5 13 / shook out my bosom (the bosom of my garment) ; }VH3 IRja Warn Is 49 s2 and they shall bring thy sons in the bosom (i.e. in the arms, clasped to the bosom, like infants; [| B lD3~- , y)- fl. Y «*r7] v ' ) " divide (NH make a par- tition; As. ha§dsu, cut in two, Zim BP24n -; Eth. ifiRX; curtail, diminisJi) — Qal Pt. J*sh intr. Pr 30 27 of locusts "fa 'n IBM ; i.e. dividing (themselves) into companies or swarms. Pi. PtQ^ng v. II. }>m Pu. P/.wxn VEhn -isdd Jb2i 21 the number of his months, they have been cut in two (fig. for curtailed). TV^n n.[m.] gravel (as divided, com- minuted/ Aram. N^xn, ]'^» — only abs. 'n Pr2o 17 La3 16 [T???n f77 18 v. PO]-— ' n Wf*5w5 Pr 20 17 fig. of a liar; 'j>& 'na D1.3>1 La3 16 anci Ae /<afA cruslied my teeth with gravel-stones, fig. of^'s dealings with sufferer. n.m.

  • arrow, mostly poet, and

proph. (cf. ^n supr. sub HVPl) — abs. 'PI ty 91 s + 9 t. + 1 S 1 7 7 Kt (Qr YV q.v.) ; cstr. id.

K 13 1717 ; sf. *xn jb 3 4 6 , ivn ,/, 5 8 8 Zc 9 14 , 

D5fn^n 2 6 4 4 ; PZ.b"SnGn49 23 +i7t.+ iS20 38 Qr (Kt 'sn q. v .)+2 S 22 ,s (<vsn ||y, 18 15 ); cstr.(Symbol missingHebrew characters) Jb:6:4 ψ:120:4 + Ez:5:16 (Co (Symbol missingHebrew characters) cf. GS Hi); 'jm Dt 3 2 2342 (Ez 5 16 v. supr.), TJfH * 3» 3 + 4 t.; 1'yn Is S^-f 5 1.; — arrow : 1. lit., sho); from bow by hand 1S:20 :20.21.22 (G We sg., i.e. 7™, in v 21 - 22 , see also Dr) v 3638 Qr 2 K 19 32 = Is37 33 , Is 5 28 7 24 Jeso 914 5i"Ez 3 9 3 - 9 1 Chi2 2 ; shot from engine of war 2 Ch 26 15 ; used in divination Ez 2 1 26 cf. 2 K 1 3 »-»ww»j D^Jtn ^3 =archers Gn49 M . 2. fig. of Israel's weapons Nu 2 4 8 , of the (Messianic)king ty 4 5", of Yahweh's judgments Dt:32:23.42 Jb:6:4 (cf. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) = my wound 34 6 ). ^7" 3« 3 58 s (but on text' cf. Che crti • ,, ■) 6 4 8 1 20 4 (? cf. Che); further Pr7 23 La3 12 Ez 5 16 ; in theoph. + i8' 5 = 2 S 22 15 , cf. Hb 3" Zc 9 14 ■sjf 144 6 ; of wicked men's violence ijr 1 1 2 cf. 91 6 , under fig. of lion's teeth ^57 5 ; their words V' 64 4 cf. Pr 25 18 Je 9 s ; simile, of strength and efficiency derived from one's children, sjf 127 4 ; of a deceiver's words Pr 2 6 "*; metaph. of servant of * 1T13 'n Is 49 2 .— In 1 S 17 7 rd. fl> (for I'D) as Qr and || 2 S 2 1 19 = the shaft ; v. YS ; so Klo Dr. t"1QO fifitfi ('n of the palm); — abode of Amorites Gn 14 7 , ® Aaaaav Sa/iap; Hj pj »T nori fixxn 2 Ch 20 2 base of operations for CQS (rd. DinN) ag. Judah (vid. Jos*" 4 -* 1 - 2 ); it was on W. side of Dead Sea (v. ^l? fj?) ; see Rob BE 1,600-508 Bd t.lH3 Q Agm Cop. 2fflff. . Wftdy

  1. wasa ( = ;xvn ?) lies N W. fr. Engedi G ASm L c '

cf. Rob 381 ' 606 Bd p * U4(m ""; GASm suggests also possibility of finding here "MM? 1 K 9 18 Kt ( = lb"in Qr and 2 Ch 8 4 ), Ez 47 19 4s 28 (v."«« f 11. [y^n] vb.denom. only Pi. Pi. D^OD Ju 5 11 archers ( > <Aose dividing spoil, since no obj. expr. and p7H more suitable for such mng.) i!»n, msftn v. iv.nm t: — : I. ™)2tn (v^of foil.; cf. Ar.J-li encompass, surround; Eth. shftd: surround, enclose by wall, etc.; rh&C: enclosure; NH "isn cowri, Ph. nvn W., Syr. ){!», t'rf.) W,. n.m.' and (oftener) f. 1 enclosure, court — abs.'n 1 K 7 8 + , 'Tjxn J e 36 20 ; cstr. ivn Ex 2 7 9 + ; sf. i"«fn 2 S 17 18 ; nnsn Ex8 9 + 4 t.; cstr. "ISH Ne I3 7 , nn^O aKai' + iot.; sf. $fq Is i' 12 Zc 3 7 ; 1^ + 65 s 84 11 ; ♦JTrtTWl 1 Ch 2 8 6 ; vnnsn f 100 4 , W*H$$ + 96 s , brP0^yn» Ne8 16 ;— 1.' enclosures (in Egypt), perhaps court-yards, or cattle-yards, distinct from houses and from fieldsEx8 9 (J). 2. court of private house 2 S 1 7 18 (containing well), cf. Ne 8 16 ; of a palace, nnriNn isn iKf the other court, immediately surrounding palace, so called in distinct, from nSVljin Tl(n) v 912 the great court, including 'KH 71 and nWBil 'nn of temple (v. 3 b) in one great enclosure (v.